Sacred Organs 4

The fourth member of the Code Phoenix Program is Zenjo Shin'ichi, the Cobra they called him, or the paingiver, though not interested in duty and work, Zenjo partake many social activities specifically around the exquisite Brothels around Pink Wonderland, a complete district of a city devoted to prostitution and other illicit trade.

#I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go I want to been with you forever#

While one bar\brothel, Rose Yarimoku, couple of Brittonia soldier mumbled through the song which slowly played around the room.

While two soldiers enjoying themselves with girls at their arms, their entertainment was interrupted as the the music turned off.

"What the fuck!?"

One soldier whined, right before they saw a tall young man with medium length black hair parted in the middle and purple eyes, appeared at their doorstep, wearing casual clothes.

"Are the one off the music?"

The other soldier crudely inquired, sitting on a wide sofa, a prostitute in his arm.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, it's funny to see such useless men, doing in an elegant brothel."

The man sneered, amused by those two soldiers.

"What the fuck is your problem Deep shit? Are you lost?",

"Or he is looking for his mama in here, and she was great, when my cock inside of her mouth! Hahaha, hahaha."

Despite two soldiers disrespectfully insulted the man even they do not know who he was and what he wanted, went hostile for no reason, however, the strange man kept silent, even chuckled to the insult.

"It's funny, however do you know why everyone hates the Empire?"

The man vaguely scorned, stepping closer to those soldiers with unknown intentions.

"I tell you, you all think above everyone else because you are wearing dark blue uniform, pretending who are at the top, but not"

Every sentence that the man said, created a tense anger and humiliation in those soldiers, they released the girls, glaring him at a close distance,

"Do you really want to know what you Imperium soldiers are?"

The man contemptuously inquired.

Regardless the soldiers respond, the Man tells those soldiers, face to face.

"Your just a little pink insect who ache inside your daddy's ass!"

That insult was enough for those two soldiers, one of them attempts take his handgun on the table but failed when the man stabbed that Soldier's wrist with a 13-inch ice cutter.

"Aragghh!!! FUCK!?"

The soldier screamed in agony, while his wrist beneath an ice cutter, a crimson thick fluid spews from the wrist,

"Not so fast!"

After pinning the first soldier down on the table the black-haired man, points his activated Noryoku at the second Soldier's throat,

"Your friend bled a lot when I shoved the cutter into his wrist, too many veins to count."

The man held two soldiers on edge, mercilessly wrenching the cutter around the first one making more pain, making deals with the other while the man's Noryoku at the second's throat.

"If you stand down, you can help him out by getting out of here straightaway, so what's your decision?"

Naturally, the second one stands down thus the man pulled out the cutter.

A spit of blood oozed on the hand when two soldiers ran out of the Brothel as fast as they can,

"My love, Zenjo-kun there is a man with an eyepatch here to see you."

By the time Zenjo's lover notified, he already dealt with two Brittonia soldiers who he utterly disgusts,

"Takamatsuke Hatteki what was the purpose of your visit? Thank you, my love."

Zenjo calmly questioned Hatteki meanwhile he kissed his lover who has dark pink hair, who is not a prostitute but more voluptuous than others,

While in the presence of his captain Hatteki, Zenjo kissed his lover passionately, as his raging tongue assaulted her whole mouth,

Zenjo is indeed a lustful man, more lustful than any other since he's a quick wit, have keen intellect, and his carnality, all of which made him extremely popular in girls, becoming a Harem lord in these area.

"Seem you've grown tired of waiting here that you don't bothered to come in Budapest."

Hatteki nonchalantly claimed, watching Zenjo's passionate kissing, nevertheless he raised his voice.

"Lieutenant Miyako Fukumori want you to met her in Government Borough."

"Captain, since when you joined Fukumori's service?"

Zenjo asked, finally let go his lover's mouth.

"No, just returned the favour" Hatteki replied,


Zenjo amusingly chuckled, and introduce his pink-haired woman,

"Anyway, this is Hallen, my love."


"Nice eyepatch, is the outline of it made out of gold?"

After Hatteki's greets, Hallen wondrously asked about his Black Eyepatch that has golden interiors.

"No, just for the style."

Hatteki calmly answered, putting an elegant, charming expression.

"I want lovely ladies to notice me. It seems the trick has work..."

"Hehke. I bet you are quite popular with the ladies Mister Hatteki."

Zenjo's lover Hallen can't help but to chuckle, knowing Hatteki is quick-wit and charming as Zenjo.

"Yes, the Capitan is charming, but can we talk outside?"

With introduction has finished, Zenjo wanted to take Hatteki outside of the Brothel, where they continued their talking.

The Green Zone's Pink Wonderland, heavens to all who visited TYZ's Pleasure Zone, area of strip joints, brothels, and other seedy locales, the term came from railroad workers leaving their red work lamps outside the businesses they were patronizing when going into town for the evening so that they could be located if they needed to be called back to work on short notice said lamps frequently being left by brothels and bars hence Pink Wonderland also refers as Red Light District.

"Beautiful city TYZ, so many wonders to visit wouldn't you agree Captain Hatteki?"

"Indeed, working girls here also generous. Older or younger most of them offered their service for free, once they saw me walking by the street. Seem genuinely disappointed when I refused to take advantage of them."

"Ahh, Captain, having such pretty face aroused all sort of frothing desire in the female masses, but no experience how to interact with them, shame. Perhaps I should share some experience of my own."

Walking around the Pink Wonderland within Green Zone, chatting with each other, seeing the luminous lights brighten the city into alive, seeing the drunk happy people, women waving down from balconies, the place where the people get to have a good time or gets made fun of for being unable to. The friendliest take on the district.

"That reminds me did I tell you the story about my appetite, when I was sixteen, an older rich Nobleman caught me when I was in bed with his mistress and the wife at the same time!?"

"No... not interested."

Hatteki strictly declined, letting all jokes aside.

"Instead going with Phoenix members in Budapest, why did you, as another Phoenix member would feel the need to help Ichiro Kyousuke squad to counter the Voltaire in the North, why?"

Regardless Hatteki's direct confrontation, Zenjo placed to hear his question, as if waiting for it.

"The Imperium of Brittonia Empire."

Zenjo said, melodically.

"They made so many enemies within the world, even so many enemies that became the part of their masse or their army?",

"I don't understand."

"Heh, do you now?"

Zenjo scoffed, stopped their tour immediately.

"Look at that, see what I mean."

Hatteki looked behind at Zenjo's direction.

A five-star restaurant with "No Dogs and Mutants are allowed" warning sign hanging at the front gateway.

Even so, if Hatteki did understood at the first glance, however he can't explain.

Regardless Brittonia banned the Extermination of Mutants, there is still racial discrimination, scornful and disdainfulness dwells at the heart of the Brittonia Empire.

"War surrounded Brittonia inside, it's a matter of time before they fall within itself."


Hatteki reflected on his anxiousness and after taking a deep breath, showed an attitude of seriously listening to Zenjo speak.

"Yes. You see, the primary motivations for war are depicted as harking back to humanity's basest and most savage instincts: pride, greed, important resources, dogma, fear, disgust, hatred, retribution, power, insanity, megalomania, or even all the above. The brutal and callous force of wartime authority overrides all individual thought and now those beliefs we are following."

"Brittonia soldiers is following. Reason why they are continuing the Second Continental War, the new northern uprising, The Voltaire Liberation."

By Hatteki's flawed point of view, chuckled Zenjo as he replied in a sneering tone.

"It's easier to glorify war when you can't see it up close. And there was one other major contributing factor to the paradigm shift: the increasing brutality of how war was waged. To wit...",

"If you hated Brittonia so much then why you joined the Phoenix Program in the first place?"

Hatteki questioned intensely.

"You damn know Phoenix is under Brittonia's authority."

"Hmm...You really want to know?"

Zenjo asked, eyes wander off then stayed at Hatteki's.

"I remember those days when me sister Yukio and I used to live in the slums along with about eight other children. At the mercy of the slums in eating food if we get."

Zenjo revealed Hatteki his backstory and his ulterior motives that hidden within.

"One day the other children happened to overhear a conversation regarding the time and location of a shipment the Port Talbot, an underworld gang before the time of the Second MH War, was supposed to deliver to low-level subordinates. The men knew about this and sought out the children, beating everyone but me and my sister, as we managed to escape, from death."

"Following through a promise made with my companions, I went to the place where the transaction was said to take place in order to exact revenge on the men who killed my companions. When I reached the place, the six men were all dead by the Port Talbot's leader Karakagi's order—as a gift to me who I wanted to take on as his subordinate and joined that underworld Gang which the Karakagi revealed to me, I agreed, then suffered under the Karakagi's mentoring, constantly criticised for my lack of variety in using my skills and rash impulses, however I was known for being an accomplished warrior, a worthy member. During the war with Port Talbot became an underground resistance group, against Brittonia's Counter Rebellious around the Silver State, soon our hideout was discovered by traitors, we had no chance, completely outnumbered, do you know what Brittonian military did to my sister, my friends, once I called them brothers, betrayed us."

During revealing his side of the story, Zenjo became intense as well ambitious, filled with rage, when he asked Hatteki.

"I said, do you know!?"


"The Counter Rebellious Division slaughtered all of them, cut their heads, placed them on the pike as a reminder. Afterwards they gang-raped my sister then hack her body in half with a chainsaw."

It's beyond cruel what Zenjo had suffered, still he maintained an aura of calmness, though that past tragedy wasn't broken him instead its fuelled him with vengeance.

"After the massacred I survived, Ichiro Kyousuke made me an offer to join Code Phoenix Program, became a Variant myself."

Zenjo activates his Noryoku for show off strength.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Mutants called it their "Sacred Organ"

Zenjo claimed gazing at his shiny very sharp Noryoku Blade.

"Ichiro Kyousuke thinks I have switched sides, I don't blame him because it was a good game that I played. Ichiro and his father gave the order to destroyed Port Talbot, and I am here to change the game, a hallow game."

Overwhelmed with excitement Zenjo grinned then start walking away with a reminder to Hatteki.

"Consider it as professional courtesy, the Budapest plane which carried ton of weapons and ammunition for the Mutant Emperor has hijacked by Mutant's underworld gangs! My sources told me, one is which is the Capricorn Union and the Athenaeum."

Hatteki's eyes widened when he heard about the group Athenaeum from Zenjo, after Dark Friday Attack, and approval of banning unnecessary extermination of Mutants race, rather than the fight for survival the remaining extremist groups gravitated towards more fulfilling desires, enlisted into the underworld gangs around TYZ, however those days were lost after Athenaeum entered the game, killed and eradicated most of the other gangs. Now Athenaeum dominated southern sectors of TYZ, even Brittonia police don't interfere with their operations.

And Athenaeum's leader, a female one, name Athena. A badass, frigid, sadistic, and dominant female Crime Boss and her Mutant-organised crime syndicate in TYZ.