Sacred Organs 5

Within heart of the commercial neighbourhood, A.K.A Yellow Zone where Athenaeum main base is. An underworld Gang mostly in business of arms, advanced military gears and high-tier alcoholic beverages smuggling and distribution, throughout Imperium State's territory, also involved with many domestic and international businesses such as, dealing with prostitution, extortion, drug trafficking, smuggling, gambling, fence, blackmail or plain murder and other shady business.

One of the wretched cities of TYZ's, a sprawling urban town, infested with crime. Every bad example of humanity can find here — thieves, carjackers, gangsters, assassins, drug rings, arsonists, murderers, jaywalkers — and will probably get the chance to partake in all of it yourself, located within the borders of Yellow and Brown Zones. Take the worst, grimmest and darkest side of society, give them a place where all their sins are given free roam to be expressed.

The crime-ridden, poverty-sicken areas, almost always found in the most polluted and decrepit lower levels of the under-hive, are home to violent gangs, criminals and assorted scum as well as Mutant criminals and their gangs who hide there from the authorities. Within — the capital sector called Novara Ward, no it's not the special wards old Tokyo had before the occupation, entire 23 wards fell under Green Zone's Imperial sectors. The remaining 69 other, ordinary municipalities (cities, towns and villages are what became the Imperium's TYZ.

The Novara Ward is the chaotic city among many TYZ's great cities is where the Athenaeum gang dominates; consist of variety of rogue Mutants, convicted felons, harden criminals and even few shady humans who despised Brittonia's rule and live independently outside of the law.

"Identify yourselves!"

Seeing it's growing reputation, other willing to join Athenaeum, one of which were five-man band of Mercenaries, once they knocked the hidden Fortress's metal door, a person spoke out pointing a gun at them.

"We are here by your leader, Athena's invitation."

The mercenary leader speak to the guardsman who held the gun, as they were not here to join, but instead they were invited by the Athenaeum's leader.

"Alright come on in."

The guardsman who was none other than Kishino Fumihiro: Akagi Shinsuke's senior, back in his Institute. Buzz those band of mercenaries in. Henceforth they walked tensely followed Fumihiro surrounded by all sorts of harden criminals, tattooed gangsters, grim murderers play cards, drinking, lounging but most glaring at them. Like set of ex-convicts ready kill once the order is given, kill their families, cut out tongue, eyes, burn off the skin with acid burn the house, shut down the business. Finally arrived at the boss's chamber.

"You were assigned to locate the flight crate from Budapest?"

Before entering they were under heavy inquiry by Tashima Yūji: short light-grey hair bulky Mutant who taught Akagi Shinsuke to fight, the Friendo's associate who was missing after Brittonian military tear Friendo's Bar on the ground.

"We claimed already, there is no guarantee that your group will pay us!?"

The mercenary leader demanded rudely,

"The flight that that arrived in TYZ from Budapest is now under the Military Police jurisdiction we cannot risk until we get a raise, in advance. Besides let be blunt — your group is...."

Curling lips of contempt and mistrust the leader look around Athenaeum's members.

"I don't know... Ever since we got here all I see every low-ranking crook bastard appear like a utterly ruthless, sadistic, brutal, and vicious — in other words, totally lacking the veneer of class and sophistication."

"Expect me to roll a royal red carpet for you?"

Yuji frowned, sharply replied to the mercenary, disgruntled tone,

"We already paid you for retrieving the Russian weapons and ammunition, yet you came back? Athena won't be pleased."


"Luca! Don't be grouchy before they—"

"--Shut the fuck up Maou before I ripped off your eyes put burning coal into the socket."

Stupidly spiteful and domineering mercenary leader of Red-cross yelled as he still being grouchy inconveniently, even the rest know it won't end well for him.

"Now where was I bring your leader to us, this Athena character we will renegotiate your boss ourselves."

"Fine, what's your final term?!"

Before Yuji could protest, a feminine voice appeared Yuji's back, the infamous Athenaeum's leader, Athena approached the mercenary group herself.

"Misaki why did you come here for?"

Yuji complained seeing Athena would bother to show herself for such mere garbage.

The woman who is leading the Athenaeum Gang is Misaki Mayumi!

"I thought I made myself clear..."

Misaki said in a bossy manner.

"Your group was hired to recover the weapon consignment then delivers it to me, I already gave a well amount of money. And not a single Doro more...."

Within three years Misaki's appearance is significantly changed, went on a full makeover, she used to appeared like a reckless teenage girl with anger issues, now she's different, both internally and externally, changed her hairstyle into medium-length Asymmetrical bob cut, side-swept leftwards, with a longer bang cross beyond chin-size, also dyed from blue into distinctive silvery-white colour; appear much mature, serious, composed and silent, long sharp fingernails, dressed all black for contrast, the kind of a woman people don't want to mess with.

Her physical appearance drastically changed, still well-maintained her lean, graceful attractiveness, along with well-defined curves and slender waist, full hourglass body figure, and balanced-shoulders and hips, overwhelming with extreme sensual appealing beyond compare.

She'd grow up to be an early 20s smoking-hot woman that any straight men would fancy. Unfortunately in her line of business her exceptional beauty, appearance and gender cause nothing but trouble:

The Red-cross captain misunderstood her meaning and not took her seriously, while the rest firmly intimidated seeing her no-nonsense, queenly attitude except the Leader of their group and become lustful specially seeing her athletic, gorgeous figure, slender and graceful.

"Wait. You got to be kidding me!? That woman, she's your boss!?"

One mercenary behind the leader questioned, not believing who Athenaeum's leader was.

"Well, good for me since I found a perfect lady for the blowjob."

Waiting enough the mercenary leader lustfully walks forward, attempt to squeeze her breasts without thinking the consequences, while every of her member, whoever knows Misaki Mayumi, took a deep gulp of terror.

"Come here baby you got a well-rounded flesh over there; may I touch those? Judging how pretty they actually are."

Despite the mercenary's lustful act, Misaki donned seemly modest clothes: short black leather PU jacket, plain white full t-shirt inside, with leather pants, grey-socks above the knee and black heel boots. But her attractive looks and comely face were the main reason she gets attracted by men and perverts.

"That's it. Little closer—"

"Get your hands-off me scumbag!"


Misaki ruthlessly chopped off mercenary's lower hand, once it crossed her personal space.

"Aragghh!!! Fuck!!! FUCK!"

Blood poured forward, as the mercenary screamed clenched his hand up tight, while the goopy blood spews out the wound.

Regardless mercenary leader's agonising in pain, Misaki's high boot landed on his throat. Squashing it around the thyroidal area, silent his screaming, slowly suffocating the man who dare to test Misaki's supremacy.

It made it clear Misaki isn't playing around with her gang, even the burliest men in the gang respect, even fear her to the extent, and undeniably made themselves clear to obey her with any situation, because Misaki is willing to slice up pretty much anyone, friend or foe without a second thought, if she deemed it's necessary. For having those cruel ambition as a domineering leader, she was able to create such dangerous underworld gang, filled with loathsome men in the first place. Out of their "official" business Athenaeum's soldiers to traffic drugs, arms, invest in and manipulate stock market, have a large hand Imperium State's huge pornography industry, control gambling operations and extort money etc.

While the mercenary tried his best to move Misaki's feet off from him, it turned out to be completely useless, since clearly, she outmatches him in every way possible.

"Let me set the terms here: I am not here to negotiate. I will tell you what to do. Spent a lot of money on you for finding that Russian weapon consignment and, yet come here empty-handed, asking for more, do you even think what will the consequences for your failure?"

As a demonstration, Misaki's mercilessly snapped the leader's neck by using her boots.

"Find my men savage beast? That's fine cause they are, and very professional, prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed with ruthless torture and executions. I am really consider feeding your group to them—"

"No. No. No that's Luca's fault! He was out of line, we didn't do nothing—"

"But I do consider you to be the one!"


Afterwards, Misaki wiped the bloody hand on the cloth provided by Yuji then she walks towards the remaining men, leaving their leader dead body out cold.

"I was keeping a low profile at the city, and hiding didn't really suit me, so you got something to say or you just wasting my time?"

She asked in an angelic voice while stretching her arm behind her head.

"Y, yes ma'am you paid us then you will find that weapon."

The second mercenary starts to stammer and tremble in fear, knowing if they refuse Misaki will kill them all without any hesitation hence they agreed without any second thought.

"No, I don't want your group to do that."

However, Misaki has another thing in mind, while she sits on her leather chair, with her legs crossed, picked a cigarette from the carton and light it up,

"What's your group name, And yours?"

"Red Cross. A... And my name is Maou but people call me Maou-kun."

The second mercenary response slowly and fearfully.

Misaki nodded, while her luscious pink lips sucked the cigarette up, exhales the smoke.

"Well, you'll work under me, until I figured out about your job. You, Maou-kun will be the leader on your group, unlike previous one, don't fuck it up, is that clear?"

"Y-yes Miss!"

She stood up, declaring the second mercenary, Maou to be their team leader.

"Misaki, you have an appointment with Mitsumasa, afternoon, at Café Lorenzo."


Yuji whispered near Misaki's ear, reminding her schedule.

The skilled Mutants such as Yuji and Fumihiro are not only the ones who are under Misaki's command, many known faces was present around Athenaeum's hideout, excluding those two, there was the Yellow Zone's librarian Ayana Hasumi, Akagi Shinsuke's classmate Natsume Yuichi and his girlfriend Ishimine Rena, and even few are Brittonia's dishonoured ex-military soldiers, bring together for an eclectic blend of talents and skills.

"Alright if everything set, Yuji you are command now. And throws this piece of shit (Red Cross's dead leader) out from the base."

"I will take care of this Misaki."

After dealing with the mercenary's group, Misaki rash off leaving Yuji in charge to meet her another associate, the Info broker, the Spider, Tomita Mitsumasa or the Chasepic Ripper.


"So? Why did you summoned me in here Mitsumasa?"

Misaki inquired in a straightforward manner, sitting down in Lorenzo Café,

Old Tomita, on the other hand, hasn't changed a bit, as he asked Misaki in honeyed words,

"What's the hurry? You just came here"

"I don't have time for this."

she said irritatingly, light another cigarette in the public café.

"I hear you have a job for me?"

"Well for starter, there is something, I have a client who wants to deliver some 'cargo' Simplex supermarket for nine."

Meanwhile speaking out his reasons to Misaki, Tomita mischievously trolled Misaki after he cuts the cigarette at the top by a small scissor he concealed under his suit's sleeves.

"You know smoking could harm your soft kissable lips, Mayumi-San."

Misaki stony face widened with surprise, then went stern as she sarcastically scorned Tomita,

"Where are you, from the fucking health department?"

"Hehe, no but maybe you should look at that."

Tomita chuckled pointing leftwards towards the window, using his thumb on the table.

"Oh, I see."

Misaki finally noticed there was 'no smoking' signboard pasted on the window.

"Anyway, get to the point, my client is from "revolutionary organisation" called Black-flag from Istanbul. Need your men to execute a plan for them."

"What kind of plan?"

Misaki questioned attentively.

"Black-Flag wants you to deliver some kind of cargo in the Simplex Supermarket. Heard your group good at transport things here and there."

"What kind of cargo?"

"Why you care? As long you get paid. No questions asked."

Maybe Misaki first heard about the name, however it is the terror organisation whom were supposed to be dismantled by the Terrarium Knights led by Colonel Masamune in Istanbul, black-flag main objective is spread terror on TYZ since Brittonia hurt their fundamental beliefs in middle-east.

Misaki did not know about the details neither she's interested with those matters only cared about, she directly said.

"Then the price isn't that enough, it's too less for delivered a something unknown over TYZ's Green zone—!?"

Misaki's proposal was interrupted when she saw a beautiful young woman with long black hair that is keep up into a low twin-tails in two red ribbons that are wrapped around them at the back of her head.

"Who is she?"

Misaki asked Tomita, about the black-haired girl as she innocently standing behind him.

"Oh! Her name is Asumi."

Tomita informed nonchalantly,

"Forget about her, she's not your concern. You trust her Miss Mayumi."

"As I am saying Nine thousand is very low for me, either way they raise the reward otherwise fuck off."

"Hehehe. You misunderstood. It's nine million Doro. is the reward, not thousand!"

Misaki's eyes widened with shock when she heard about the price.

Though before she answered Tomita lean forward, eagerly informed her,

"However, black-flag are some secretive bunch. So you want to take the contract or you refuse?"

Misaki deeply sighed, preparing her choice.

"I don't usually do business with outsider neither I partake do something outside my business, however--"

While saying nonchalantly and amorally, an unscrupulous grin emerges on her gorgeous face,

"Text me the details, I see what I can do."

She immediately went back as stern expression, leaving the Café before dropping the phone number on the table.

"Remember what you have promised me."

the black-haired girl, Asumi reminded Tomita after Misaki's gone.

"Yes, Yes I am looking for Akira Sogen."

Tomita calmly ensured Asumi.

"Would seem like the last remaining Helecter's members went underground after the Dark Friday Attack."

Suspicious enough, a strange girl Asumi wanted Akira Sogen, the Crimson Killer who executed the Dark Friday Attacks,

Acknowledging Akagi's strategy, Misaki also adapted herself into double lives, her cover as a co-executive in the TYZ's Imperium Museum of Exotic Arts.

Author note- Doro. Is a fictional currency used by Brittonia Empire. Higher than Dollar and lower than Pound.