Sacred Organs 6

Right after entered Imperium Museum, she encountered a very familiar person who frequently visited the establishment.

"Finding the interesting painting, Mr. Hatteki?"

Misaki while on a very formal attire asked the man who is Takamatsuke Hatteki.

"Oh yes it's rather fascinating picture, don't you think?"

Hatteki confessed his opinion, admiring the 18th century naval battle painting, where a man o' war been pulled out by the gigantic Kraken's tentacles.

Taking a gaze, Misaki explained the story about the painting in a calm, sophisticated manner,

"Tobias Tofte, a Norwegian Artist, paints the kraken. A legendary cephalopod-like sea monster of giant size in Scandinavian folklore. According to the Norse sagas, the kraken dwells off the coasts of Norway and Greenland and terrorizes nearby sailors."

Though wearing a formal office suit and glasses, she emerge herself as a beautiful office lady. Misaki also acted like a museum's co-executive by educated herself bit about this field.

"Hmm, true,"

Hatteki sighed, turning his gaze towards Misaki,

"Seem like you have lot of experience about arts?"

"Not that much."

Misaki said calmly.

"Just a little enough to get my day."

Hatteki first met Misaki in this museum, rather attending social event Hatteki frequently come by, with his unique interests in history that's how he met with such lovely Co-executive that Hatteki hasn't seen it before.

Before their conversation could carry any longer, Hatteki received an urgent call had to leave the museum.

With Hatteki gone, Misaki went back to her regular job.


At same day evening Yuji had to ask about the recent job for Black-flag, as an advisor for Misaki's Athenaeum, he didn't like the fact for a foreign religious fundamentalist, she agreed to plant very dubious cargo in Green's Zone,

Even Yuji noticed that Misaki Mayumi is the not the same person that she used to know in Friendo's, without a doubt during the time skip, while she became more vicious, amoral and cynical person after she ordered the killing every of her rival organised crime syndicates in TYZ.

Nevertheless, Yuji had to remind her about Black-flag as he walked down to time the workout room where she was exercising,

"Misaki, did you decided how you executed the job for Black-flag?"

Yuji sit down near Misaki's while she — working out on a Body Solid Bench flexibility training, every flexing stretched up the slender muscle arm.

"That new mercenary group? Red Cross is still around?"

Misaki nonchalantly inquired, pulled her gorgeous figure forward on the bench, revealing an attractive and full-figured during the exercise, while Yuji report the current situation, having no attraction whatsoever, strictly professional around his boss. Strong, toned, curvy girl sculpting her abs, arms, improving her game.

"Of course, after you killed their leader, they have no place to go."

"Good, Ayana-san informed me that Black-flag already delivered their parcel in here, tell Fumihiro and Red Cross to deliver it to the Simplex Supermarket."

"You intend to use this Red Cross, won't you? While keeping our involvement under wraps as possible. Let them do our dirty work"

"Not exactly, I send Fumihiro with them, remember? If something goes wrong, he'll take care of them, also I investigated their background information, newly formed, small-time soldier of fortune like those, they aren't even know what they sign up for. Meantime you and Ashiya go and collect the protection due from Sector XI residential. We aren't protect those chubby noblemen from abusive soldiers, corrupt policemen for no reason. Yet getting fattier everyday. Make sure they got the right message."

"Sigh... Are you sure Fumihiro, Kishino right one for the job? Ashiya Kero, is real professional about outdoor activities while Fumihiro is—"

"What's the matter Mr. Yuji? You asking lot of question?"

"No. I just—"

"Well. I appreciate your concern. About the organization and me. But I know what I am doing. Have some faith, alright?"

"... As you wish."

Yuji deeply sighed, still feel bitter about it but went along what Misaki said.

After finishing the conversation, cleared all Yuji's doubt, tasked him to do another job, Misaki pulled herself off the bench, wiped out her sweat on the towel, while donned her sports bra and pants as exercise outfit, revealing her shapely figure more vividly, open a bottle of energy drink, start drinking it.

For those intense training caused her inner body-figure to change, while keeping slender in frame with a slim waist, flared hips, taut buttocks, also sports a lean, toned, and fairly buffed, sculpted abs stomach and light-muscular. At the same time, she is considered very attractive and shapely figure.

Looked like a snow goddess with sharp facial features, high cheekbones, short white hair, alluring cold darken-blue eyes, and a well-endowed bust, comely pale face, devoid from sympathy or any feminine emotions. It's perhaps because sharper cheekbones lend a face a sharper, more angular look, which can convey intense emotion more with lean and toned figure because of the unsettlingly well-toned, deathly appearance it can give you. It's also the opposite of the kind of smoother, softer face known as "baby-faced".

"And one more thing!"

Misaki called Yuji, drop down the bottle and lighting a cigarette.


"I met Takamatsuke Hatteki in this morning."

"So, have you found anything?"

Yuji questioned by Misaki's information,

"No, though our conversation was simple,"

Misaki shook her head, dropping the cigarette ash off

"No but he rather pissed off when his authority pulled him out from the daybreak, assuming Brittonia found something that required Code Phoenix members."

She stood up, lastly informed Yuji in a stern manner,

"Code Phoenix is hunting outlaw Mutants like flies, but its very unlikely they will go after us. In any rate, tell Fumihiro to be careful."

Keeping that in mind, Yuji nodded and exit the gym,


"Where's Hatteki!?"

A hurry footstep approach on the shiny floor of Brittonia's HQ, Arakasu Nobeshiba budge in inquiring Tereko anxiously about Hatteki.

"He's inside, what's going on?"

"Tell you later, first I gotta see him"

Tereko was calm until Nobeshiba went in, demanding to see him,

Seeing Nobeshiba demand, Tereko showed the room,

At first thing Nobeshiba saw was Hatteki playing video games in his room, a bowel of potato chips beside his couch,

"You supposed to be attending the Imperium promotion ceremony?" Nobeshiba grumbled,

However, Hatteki doesn't bother with his complaining since he was too busy with the game,

"This is disrespectful, are you even listening to me!?"

asked Nobeshiba again, been irritated,

"You called that disrespectful, then what happened when my foot stamp on your ass,"

though Hatteki's eyes on screen, busy pressing buttons, still he nonchalantly replied.

Nobeshiba has no words to counter Hatteki's arrogance thus he kept quiet until Hatteki spoke out on his own,

"What are you saying anyway?"

"That is reason I was here!"

Nobeshiba scorned, calmly

"We got a trip, that a terror organisation planning to attack TYZ I heard from High Command at the ceremony, Code Phoenix has been active now we need to go",

"Where Nobeshiba-Kun?"

Tereko questioned, standing near Hatteki's door,

"I don't know,"

Nobeshiba shook his head, ambiguously

"Apparently a xenophobia group took the terror group's contract, they going to execute the mission behalf of them",


Hatteki rolls his tongue around pick a chip, asking Nobeshiba recklessly,

"Do you have any names for our 'client' or you just bother to tell me some nonsense that won't related to the mission?"

Nobeshiba frowned for destruct that Hatteki put,

"What you think am I? Mizuki Keiichi at high command told me everything, a religious group called the Black-Flag send something dangerous in one of TYZ's active gang, Athenaeum!"

Hatteki's eye turns at Nobeshiba's poker face when he mentioned Athenaeum to Hatteki,

With Hatteki getting his attention, Nobeshiba reminds him by saying,

"Zenjo is already at the site don't delay, like you did in Budapest."

"Humph, you don't have to ask me that"

Hatteki declared, leaving his game,

"I followed Athenaeum for a while now, their underworld gang their leader Athena, I was looking forward met them",

Hatteki grinned, ready to go, without delay any longer.