New Reign of the Empire

Misaki just heard the news about Natsume and Rena's death, was little sad about them since she knew Natsume way back, but she moved on quickly, preparing her further plans as the Brittonia Secret Police closing in on her.

While Misaki already prepared her schedule, she wanted to appear normal thus she attended to act normal, and as part of her appeal she is Co-executive to the Imperium Museum and she went there in the morning.

However soon after Misaki entered the empty museum, she saw only Akagi sitting on the same seat when he visited the museum as Takamatsuke Hatteki.

Misaki did not knew Akagi has regained his memory and still believes that he's Code Phoenix leader Hatteki.

"Good morning Hatteki you are here early."

Misaki casually greeted Akagi still believing him as Hatteki since he wears his eyepatch and attire as, and she doesn't know, as Akagi pretends to be him.

"Yes, pretty empty here."

Hatteki said, viewing the painting while Misaki gets little confused as the Museum is completely empty, not even her co-workers and manager weren't here.

Before she could reply about the emptiness, Akagi said nonchalantly,

"I commanded your friends and the customer to be outside so you and I can talk,"

Akagi removed his eyepatch and let his Red Hikaru Eye glow,

"it's very hard to spare time, but I managed to talk with you Athena, cool name, is it true-- you are the leader of the infamous Athenae—"


Akagi expected, with him revealed his identity Misaki would be delighted to see him however, the things didn't go as he'd imagined. When he mentioned Misaki been part of the Athenaeum, she immediately went into a murderous mode and attempted to slice Akagi's head, using only her leg.

"Whoa... Relax I am not working with Code Phoenix."

Akagi however, for his good reflexes blocked her thunderous attack using his hand at the right time.

"How can I trust you?"

"Because I am Akagi Shinsuke, the person who worked with you in the Commercial Mutant Cell. So please, turn off your murderous rage."

"Why? After all these years you are still a cutthroat and I still cannot trust you, and about the Yellow Zone's business, it's all past now."

Misaki said, down her long, slender leg off his wrist,

Akagi, attempt to calm Misaki down despite they haven't seen each other for almost four years and Akagi at first didn't recognised Misaki with her white-colour Asymmetrical Bob style, professional business suit.

"Cool hairstyle too. I was hardly recognised you as you dyed your hair white, may I say you look very beautiful with your new makeover, look very mature, kind of sexy."

"Is that why you here?"

Regardless Akagi had no problem wooed women with his honeyed words for his advantage, he miserably failed when Misaki heartlessly rejected his charming pleasantries.

'Damn it! She won't buy it; I have to think something else fast!'

Took a few moments to think Akagi tells Misaki with soothing, soft, compassionate tone,

"Look I know you can't trust me, after what I have done but give me one minute, your life is in danger."

After much thought Misaki agreed to hear what Akagi have to say,

"One minute,"

She walked away and sit down quietly, leave a space for Akagi to sit on, still maintain her uninterested persona.

"Do you know anything about the cult RMS? Royal Mutants Society. I am asking you because you have ties with Mutant's underworld in TYZ."

"Maybe, why?"

Misaki slowly replied, turned her gaze upon Akagi, as they facing across on the same bench.

"So, you have known about them! I been researching what they are? how they operate?"

"I don't know much..."

Misaki said softly, lowering her head.

"They are really secretive, only a member can find their base, Miyoshi Nagako was one of the them."

"W... What happened to Miyoshi?"

Akagi usually don't concern about other's wellbeing, his complete lack of empathy is of his defining feature. Utterly ruthless doesn't begin to describe him: except for when trying to appear normal, he will disregard any social norms and semblance of morality in pursuit of his own selfish desires.

But since little Miyoshi was someone he knew well, a slight of concern and worrying that aroused from his tainted heart.

"Is she alive?"

"I don't know and more importantly why do you care?!"


Still unwillingly to listen reasons, Misaki still holds some grudge against Akagi until these day, little resentfulness for the death of her love ones, regardless she had a crush on him few years back, those feeling of infatuation, feelings of affection are gone as Misaki became excessively cruel, cunning and level-headed Crime boss in the order organise her criminal organization.

"Even you aren't aware of Miyoshi's fate, still I'm glad you're alright."

"Huah, right... "

Misaki scoffed along with a little chuckle of contempt,

"You are concerning about me? That's very flattering, still you didn't tell me what did you want with RMS?"

"As I said I was researching, taking apart the history and mythos still Brittonia knew very little about them but I believe RMS is the best Mutant organisation here that could help me to topple Brittonia's Empire."

"Heh! here you go again, see you are never change Akagi Shinsuke."

Misaki sighed stood up all the sudden, before she was listening to Akagi but suddenly she changed her mind, unwilling to listen.

"I am sorry, change about what?"

Akagi faintly confused about what did he said that pissed Misaki off.

"Your arrogant attitude Asshole! Your obsession with revenge against the Empire which controls one-fourth of the world's landmass, has millions of people working under them. Has the strongest military and abundant manpower! You're still...—"

Misaki murmured, tearful eyes filled with worry and deep concern, still she didn't reveal out loud, moreover, took a rough attitude toward Akagi.

"Is that you've been in a dark hole so long that it's become your home, still believing the hopeless vision of creating a heaven on this hellish earth."

"It is not a hopeless vision Misaki, I will prevail, things I have planned out for it, my success is inevitable though I need your assistance Misaki, please lend me your hand, I truly need your help and cannot complete my work without your power and support."

Akagi response, truly believe his overall goal with strong passion, ambition and personal integrity, nevertheless Akagi saw Misaki's answer from her gloomy face,

"I can't,"

Misaki looked at him with sorrowful expression,

"I am on a different path, a changed person, I have men waiting for my command, business to run and build myself vigilant as the Brittonia Police closing on my domain but this you have to figure it out on your own. I am sorry Shinsuke,"

Misaki regretfully declined Akagi's request, unable to make eye-contact as she has mixed feelings about Akagi Shinsuke and doesn't know which one to trust.

"Seem like you don't want to be with me, then I have to do it alone."

Akagi sighed in disappointed, bowing his head, though he has absolutely no problem even love accomplishing goals all on his own if possible, self-reliance is his primary life motto.

"Still as a free advice I say The TYZ is a dangerous place to live; but wait until you realise that you are the greater danger. And those who are evil will drag you out from your safe place and cast you out in the chaotic world of darkness."

"Humph, let them!"


"I am not afraid of them, neither getting my hands dirty or to use evil ways to get what I want. I won't hesitate to kill them all."


Akagi scoffed, walk forward to pick up his book and grey overcoat from the seat,

"I admire your optimism Misaki but truth is your consciousness is merely an electrochemical reaction inside a dying chemical reactor called the brain which, out of animalistic instincts to protect itself from pain, creates the illusion of meaning and significance in a reality that has none. Good, evil, morality, and thought are nothing but illusions, with no absolute standard in the universe by which to prove their absolute existence as immutable physical laws. Don't let those been the cause of your betrayal."

"Is that your way of explaining your mind using very long words, even longer mind-numbing philosophical quote to continuously annoy me?"

Misaki sneered at his words, though not truly meant it.


Akagi smiled at her for a little, put on the coat, book at arm and said before leaving,

"This is goodbye. Misaki Mayumi."

"Wait w... where you going?!"

Misaki asked immediately after Akagi withdraw, though no response from him,

No matter how much she hated Akagi for been a defective person, there was a certain attraction that pulls Misaki to seek out the person who was terribly aeromantic as robotic and void of emotion.

"What the fuck? He's gone, really gone then why can't I focus just like before. Wha? What's happened to me?"

Thus, with Akagi gone, a special kind of gloominess surrounds Misaki make her quite unpleasant inside and surprisingly that unpleasing symptom wasn't there before. Who knows subsequently her love for Akagi aroused to the surface?