New Reign of the Empire 2

Few days back when the Supreme One return to the Green Zone after attending meeting with the major corporation's CEO and politicians and the High Brittonian nobles. When returning his convoy was under attack by unknown hostiles, surrounded his convoy and started firing.

For Supreme One's top servicemen and bodyguards: The Paragon Guards, easily put down every enemies, Supreme One's life was fine until a sniper shot slightly ablaze through his shoulder, mildly injured him.

The Supreme One was hospitalized for couple of days, he was lucky to be survived the ambushed but Brittonia didn't knew who was behind all these.

Byron strictly ordered his men don't let this news go wild while he recovers.

With Supreme One unable to rule his Empire and their slight unrest due to the bad weather, bad harvest which caused a famine also the incompetence of the Imperial Governor in charge, there was a small uprising in Southern parts of the Imperium States. The Silver State Ghetto Uprising when a minor farmers resistance that arose within the Silver State Ghetto in Brittonia occupied southern Sectors of the country. They raided Imperial supply train and stole all the food the resistance was so successful, disrupting the food supply all over the Imperium States even they with almost no supplies and after being starved for weeks, Supreme One had Ichiro to take command to the Imperial Army. Ichiro stepped in take in charge of the operation and literally crushed the rebellion with immense brutality while sitting in TYZ. Ichiro's army resorted to systematically burning their houses block by block using flamethrowers and blowing up basements and sewers. Executing entire rebel faction, their leaders and their families, turned the river red under the wraps.

With rebellion frequently erupting over the States Ichiro knew the Empire won't last long under the leadership of his father Byron, nevertheless as a faithful son and as prime minister he personally made special unit of commando taken from Imperial Army's various branches tasked with the duty to maintain the morale of the troops during their massive campaigns, regardless in the face of staggering casualties. Ichiro's commandos are empowered to use any means necessary to ensure the loyalty and moral purity of his or her charges, including overriding or even executing a regiment's commanding officer if necessary, and so is regarded with a mixture of fear and admiration by rank-and-file Guardsmen -- and not a few of their officers. Inductees must have absolute loyalty in the Imperium. They must display the proper levels of sincere totalitarian idealism. They must be able to fight as well as any hive-spire duellist while fulfilling the conflicting roles of merciless taskmaster and inspiring hero with equal ease.

While the Supreme One is the absolute ruler and the head of state of The Imperium of Brittonia Empire, the Prime Minister serves as the head of government. Ichiro, as Prime Minister, by default, controls all administrative and managerial aspects of Brittonian Government; despite not being the Military Commander, he has now the highest office apart from the Supreme One who have authority over the military, although it is unknown if he is in charge of either the Brittonia Imperial Army or The Imperium Senate, or possibly both.

While Brittonia Empire wanted the assassination attempt to be low profile as possible, Byron did not please with Ichiro's, he didn't not visited Byron during his critical period, despite he was far busy taking care of the Rebellion.

At last, Ichiro came into the Imperial Palazzia, Supreme One's personal Palace standing in front of Brittonia HQ, within the heart of massively urbanize megacity of Green Zone. The Imperial Palazzia is the seat of the Imperium Senate and the centre of imperial power and administrative authority on Imperium States heavily guarded by the Imperial armed forces, Paragon Guards and regular police forces are also known to protect the massive complex especially after the Dark Friday Attack and collapse of the MRC's Headquarter.

Brittonia security around Green Zone are excessively greater, significantly tighter, well-readjusted, safe to say flawless, though Akagi Shinsuke was brilliant enough to spot a flaw and able to execute that heinous terror attack, henceforth the Green Zone remains impregnable. A sophisticated civilisation marked by advanced science, high culture and wondrous technologies.

At his father's private chamber, Ichiro stand straighten while the two guardsmen opened the door. Only the members of the Imperium Senate and a few select Paragon Guardsmen can pass through the Supreme One's chamber and enter the presence of the Supreme One himself.

At first sight after entered Ichiro saw Byron across his desk facing opposite, filling his glass with whisky.

"Maybe I misjudged you Ichiro. You understand why I have to do these to you?"


Ichiro hummed, lowering his head as he looking at Byron stony-faced.

"However, you've accomplished your mission brilliantly,"

Byron drink the whisky, lean behind his desk,

"When the man gets to my age, he needs a son,"

Byron quoted, as his eyes glimmer with honesty, truly pleased with Ichiro crushing the rebellion and slaughtered the farmers,

"Despite been a failure at first but you reformed yourself and still prove yourself worthy to my successor and to my son."

"Thank you Supreme One, it means a lot."

Ichiro slowly nods, faintly smiles yet his eyes dead, empty inside,

Nevertheless, whatever Ichiro said, gladded Byron as he continued,

"When you crushed the revolt in the south, I saw a glimpse of myself in you, a sheer brutality and ruthlessness you perform in the other day. If anyone would hurt my son, shot you, I would've hunt down myself, tear off their limbs and strangle them with my bare hands. But you did nothing, knowing I escaped an assassination attempt, have you even visited me when I was in the hospital?"

Ichiro remains silent, unwilling to answer any excuses or explanation, and that frustrated Byron.

"Is that how you repay me? Me? Who made you Prime Minister, who give you real power, keeping your mouth shut doesn't help you anything Ichiro,"

The failed attempts to push, shaking Ichiro to talk, he remains the same, unwilling to speak out loud.

"Say something!!! Agh, agh...(coughs)"

Byron snarled, firmly irritated about Ichiro's remarks of silence, while speaking he coughed heavily, unable to finish his almost finish drink.

"What would you like me to say father?"

After long time, Ichiro finally stoically murmured,

"You... You are right, I haven't visited you when you were ill because I never loved you as I never saw you as my father—"

"What did you... Agh, ahu, Ahu...aagh..."

When Byron just about to burst out in anger, his coughing continued, soon became uncontrollable.

"What I truly saw you as a petty amoral tyrant, you are a piece of trash like the rest of your men in the inner circle, the same piece of trash who drunk the whisky I just drugged."

"Ahhh, arh, aghh, agg, aghhh! (Heavily coughing)"

"A little old man who thinks he can walk everyone over when my assassins failed to kill you leaving me with no choice but to finish the job myself. And very thought that you see yourself in me, it sickens me."

"Agh, ahu, Ahu...aagh..."

As Ichiro tells his true feelings to his father, Byron, his coughing went out of control now he is unable to breathe, gasping for air, slowly suffocating, the very thought that Ichiro drugged his whisky, in order to kill him enhancing his heart rate was out from Byron's mind.

While coughing relentlessly Byron ran to his bed desperately searching for his oxygen tube to get himself some air as he utterly suffocating, his face turned red, cheek swelling, mouth pouring with saliva.

"Just as you know before you die father."

After walking towards Byron, slowly casually, suddenly Ichiro aggressively picked the pillow beside Byron's bed and shoved onto his face,


"I still remember Nanase Sakie, and her daughter! I loved them and you took them from me and I will take what you love."

Ichiro violently pushed pillow right to his face, chocking him to death with the pillow with immense hidden hatred, revealing all his calmness, devotion and loyalty was all an act to win Byron's trust and claim power over his massive Empire.

Byron's feet twitching restlessly but Ichiro won't let it go until there's no life in him. His legs stopped permanently, the struggle and quivering finally ended.

Ichiro puffed, taking a long breath after taking down the most powerful man in the Imperium of Brittonia Empire.

When Ichiro barely adjust himself, Byron's personal bodyguard, a woman with fair skin, and short, dark hair with some fringe falling between her green eyes and to the left of her left eye Airicaba Simmori enter through the door and found out Supreme One, lying lifeless on the bed and Ichiro gaze upon her.

"So, he's gone."


Surprisingly Airicaba who has been Supreme One's personal bodyguard for ten years is with Ichiro's long waited conspiracy.

"What's the meaning of this!?"

However along with Airicaba, two of Supreme One's bodyguards who wasn't part of the conspiracy came in, exclaimed to see what's going on.

"Wait Airi, I will handle them."

Ichiro stopped Airicaba, right before she attends to kill all the bodyguards. Opened his eyes as golden blaze comes, creating the perimeter, once the bodyguards entered the circle, their startle aggression vanished in an instant.

"Oh god! Supreme One had a heart attack."

"Yes, a sudden tragedy called the emergency now!"

"Yes, Prime Minister!"

The bodyguards sudden change their tone and claimed that Supreme One's died in a heart attack, get out to call the medical care by Ichiro's order despite they just saw Ichiro murdering Supreme One.

"That went well."

"Absolutely, my Hikaru always wins."

The phenomenon caused by Ichiro's Yellow Hikaru-Eye, he can control memories of others, allowing him to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and replace them. He can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory. Using his Hikaru, he was the one who turned Akagi into Takamatsuke Hatteki by erasing his memory and caused the amnesia.

However, Ichiro's limitations are the direct eye contact with the victims is necessary and individual should not blink during the process, duration of the manipulation depends on how much change had occur. Moreover, the victims can slap out from his spell, depend on their mental capacity. Upon his capture by Masamune Ichiro knew that Akagi has a very high intellect and won't stay manipulated for long period, thus he gave the drug to suppressed the memories though he still believes Akagi is still Hatteki and with him out from his way, Ichiro finally went further to his plans nonetheless.

"Let's go Airi, there are lot to do. I wait to crown as Supreme One."

"You mean crown as the Emperor?"

"No, Supreme One was the title, my dad was proud upon, The Supreme One of Brittonia is equal as the Emperor but to me, its just nonsense, what good is Empire if there is no Emperor here to rule. My reign will change the course of new Empire, its time to make reforms, create a new prime sovereignty that will last for millennium."

"I agree."

The big Conspiracy finally revealed to the surface, stage a political coup. Replacing the incumbent dictatorship with another.

Along side with Ichiro, Airicaba there is lots of conspirators in the Imperium Senate is part of this conniving and scheming conspiracy, everyone will gain some kind power, retaking it and for Ichiro Kyousuke, to Prime Minister he will be crown as Emperor of the Brittonia.