New Reign of the Empire 3

Ichiro's innate ambition and sense of betrayal by the Supreme One until he turned upon his father and sought to claim the Imperium of Brittonia Empire for his own. Ichiro's coup was nearly successful, he killed Supreme One conspire with the high-ranking military Generals, politicians and few Imperial Officials, by their orders regular soldiers seize the Imperial Palazzia at midnight, killed anyone who doesn't part of the conspiracy.

"Any officers regardless of their ranks if not comply will shot at sight. Let the butchery begin!"

"Yes sir!"

Walking beside his fellow men's goopy corpses, Ichiro firmly commanded his loyal men to suppressed any disobedience, showing no mercy to those still loyal to the Supreme One.

His dreams of creating a brighter future was almost successful when someone throws Mizuki Keiichi A.K.A the Overlord alive laid down in front of the Ichiro's feet.

"Akutsu Nobeshiba? I don't remember you inviting to the party."

Ichiro turned his gaze and said melodically to the third member of Code Phoenix, Nobeshiba who seek vengeance for his brother's murder and find glory, honour, Purist supremacy working for the Brittonia and joining Ichiro's team is the quickest way to achieve those.

"This one who suppose to be part of your coup, stabbed you in the back."

Akutsu Nobeshiba wasn't part of the conspiracy, Ichiro didn't know of his presence until he shows up, he was going to murder Nobeshiba until he revealed a surprising fact about Mizuki's betrayal.

"Commander Mizuki is that true? You still loyal to the Supreme One?"

Ichiro questioned, slowly towards groaning Mizuki, crawling over the bloodstained floor, surrounded by traitors who soon become the leaders of Brittonia. The officers grabbed his hand, standing him up as Ichiro stand face to face.

"Answer me Mizuki, or there will be severe consequences."

"Ahhh…. yes. I rose up from the police force, I been part of the high-command for 25 years while been a father of two children, I was under Byron, the Supreme One's command at it's very first formation of the Empire and now I have to obey some Silver hair pretty boy ascend to the power, instead the Supreme One."

"Ah what an aspiring loyalty towards your Lord. I'm sorry your previous Lord."

After Mizuki's snarling answer, full of hatred and discomfort, he still loyal unflinching towards the Supreme One, however Ichiro literary mocked him for not been clever to switch side with someone who in power.

"You know what I make you an offer, kneel before me and live."


Mizuki scoffed.

"You, I'll never beg for my life. Never kneel before you."

"No. I wouldn't let you either."

Glowing red swirling roams around Ichiro's right hand, slowly manifesting the hand into a long thin Noryoku-blade.

Placing his Noryoku at the trip of Mizuki's throat, any movement would cut off Mizuki's artery, and Ichiro's other hand placed on his neck, during the intense moment Ichiro explained his reason for betrayal in an ambitious yet passionate manner.

"Look at the Empire, the army, the soldiers, they continuously driving towards darkness and corruption. I want to bring them from the darkness, show them the light of true righteousness. Authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction, discipline and nationalism, new creation of a new nationalist authoritarian state based not merely on traditional principles or models. I will be achieved greater success than my father ever would —just like his all predecessors."

Mizuki turned his head, avoid the eye contact without a reply, ignoring Ichiro's remarks as nonsense but he wanted kill Mizuki anyway for double-crossed him.

"Just before I kill you, there is something you need to know,"


"Ahhh!!! Y... You fucking freak!!!"

Ichiro without hesitation ruthlessly shoved his insanely sharp Noryoku Blade into Mizuki's guts, wrenching it inside while Mizuki groaned in agony, his fluidic stinky blood, leaks restless, staining the floor, slipping from his black boots,

"I don't give a fuck what you think. You can relieve from your duties, Overlord."

Without delaying any longer, Ichiro pulled out his Noryoku, like a knife pulling out from the butter and Mizuki falls dead on the ground.

"Arrest every Imperial guards, soldier or any Imperium officials, anyone who still holds loyalty to the previous Supreme One's shall be send to the Firing Squad."

Cleaning his Noryoku-blade with a handkerchief, Ichiro ordered everyone as the new Supreme One to kill and arrest anyone who posed a threat, the traitors turned Empire's new leaders, those who were still loyal to the Supreme One Byron, were banded as traitors and later to be executed by the Firing Squad.

"Akasku Nobeshiba,"


"If you want to be part of the new future then head towards the Brown Zone's Sector XI. There is Spotter Agents led to the right direction, unite with them and bring down the Criminal Underworld. The gangster and criminals won't like my policies, it better be safe."

"Yes, your noble Lord!"

Ally with Ichiro Kyousuke, Nobeshiba head out, overseen the operation, hunt down the Athenaeum and the criminal's organisations in the TYZ's Brown Zone.

Overnight the Imperium of Brittonia Empire went under a massive transformation as Ichiro's coup speared far beyond from the Imperial Palazzia taking over the Imperium itself.

Ichiro picked his allies carefully, promising each with greater power than they expected, his words goes nationally and internationally, unofficially whole Imperium pledge their allegiance to Ichiro Kyousuke as the new Supreme One of the Imperium of Brittonia Empire. Ichiro's midnight coup ultimately successful as it went bloodless as possible without killing or arresting many of them, the Military Commanders, the Governors, the Politicians, whole Imperium Senate knew which side to choose.

This grim reality where the last standing men claimed victorious and eventually, turned as good guys despite the morality or the faction they serve.

"Supreme One, now you have the real power, Brittonian Imperial Military."

Airicaba casually quoted, cherish Ichiro's success.

"No Airi, I'm not doing it for the army or the power, or any villainous goals,"

Ichiro countered Airicaba's thoughts about real motives behind the Coup, as much more ruthless, pragmatic, ambitious, and opportunistic Ichiro wholeheartedly claimed,

"I want to free the masses from tyrannical RMS's rule, I want to show them the right way of goodness, my army shall be the Forces of Light and Goodness. I will lead the Imperian to salvation and vanquished all Mutanic evildoers!"

"A noble goal doesn't you agree?"

"Yes, it is. By the way, have you taken care our good old Lord Luligue Zucgima?"

"Mm-hmm, gashed his artery when he came out from the bathroom. I think he was expecting his mistress to come back."

"Hehe. (Chuckled) Good girl..."

Airicaba gladly replied to Ichiro's questions, killing Luligue and few other whom were threat to Ichiro's coup, along with various political assassination and betrayal conducted by the trained assassin like Airicaba herself, Ichiro ordered a series of political extrajudicial executions intended to consolidate his power and alleviate the concerns of the Brittonia Imperial military about the role of previous Supreme One's jurisdiction and, the Brittonia Military and governmental bodies.

With full conformation of pure righteousness and disregard of any authority, Ichiro Kyousuke set his sight upon ruling his Imperium States for the better goodness and decency as a genuine leader. He's the first ever Supreme One who's not swayed by personal gains and benefits who is utterly merciless in dealing with those whom he considers evil, prone to consider all crimes to be equal. His Imperial Army will the lightest offenses, Rebellion or any kind of opposition met with punishments such as full imprisonment, execution, brainwashing, or eternal torture!