The Ice Lady

With most of the Ajunk Trader's men either dead or arrested and their co-leader Lockyer willingly switch side with Athenaeum, handing over the weapons crates and ammunition Misaki has a choice, either expands her organisation into next level or went underground as Imperium police and their new Supreme One's campaign against the underworld criminals living in huge urbanize archologies called TYZ's cities, truly immense, self-contained, many-layered structures that reach high into the sky, each housing millions of individuals that taking over entire Golden State. Based on an obvious class system, with a ruling noble and bureaucratic first class, middle commercial class, although with populations so tightly packed there always develops a lower working class that often fuels violent street gangs.

Long before his crowning Ichiro Kyousuke promised Imperian citizens as a political statement to win favour of the public despite he's ruling an Autocratic Empire, though he ensured he will be tough on Organized crime operating in Imperial Capital, in name cleaning the city he deemed to purged all criminals in the entire Imperium States, violent criminals such as terrorist groups, politically motivated. Criminal organizations who force people to do business with them, such as when a gang extorts money from residential citizens for "protection" from all kind of bad stuff.

Brittonian Nobility and Criminal Underworld made a mutual agreement to secure their power and authority, sometimes criminals get hired by the nobility to do their dirty work for them nevertheless Ichiro's policies are strict, to root out any corruption and flaws of his Empire's or his vision.

Spotters, the regular police force and the military police working day and night arresting or downright encountering any street Gangs who become disciplined enough to be considered organized. also referred to as a mafia, or mob.

Despite the Imperium hunting down the scum of their great Empire, their main target is bringing down Athenaeum's operation, Athena/Misaki's syndicate; the network, subculture and her community of criminals referred to as TYZ's underworld, the criminal and illegal activities surrounding Misaki's and her Athenaeum is highly risky and dangerous, but keeping low and hiding from Brittonia's law enforcement agencies is far more dangerous.

Nevertheless ignoring the tension outside, Misaki decided to extend her operation, with her well-fixed finance, loads of members under her command and weapons at hand, she's ready to move without reluctance, as she isn't hesitate to step on, betray, take advantage of, hurt, and kill dozens of people or police to reach her goals. Continued to resort to calculating violence and ruthlessness to expand her power as the Athena the Ice Lady of the Underworld: the woman reputed to be the model female kingpin of her criminal empire.

During the cloud bursting rain, Yuji parked the car near the compound, arrived in the factory where Misaki hidden the Russian weapons crates, she ordered her men to check the weapons, getting into the inventory.

Misaki got out from the car, light up the cigarette and went into the factory with Yuji, before hand over the umbrella, followed her.

Walking inside Misaki saw her men working hard to polishing and assembling the weapons from the wooden crates, many kinds of military-grade weapons, handguns, assault rifles, heavy machine guns and equipment have been described and some of these are no longer in use by the armed forces of the world's greatest military.

While wandering around her workforce Misaki saw Lockyer sitting on the dirt, with Fumihiro watching over him suspiciously.

"Why isn't he start working? I told him to help the men assemble the guns."

Displeased Misaki asked Fumihiro about Lockyer.

"I know Misaki, but I don't buy his story, doesn't add up."

Fumihiro explained, glaring at Lockyer who is casually sitting down, unfazed about Fumihiro's suspicion.

"What did he tell you?"

"About his life story that no one wants to hear."

"Every man has his story, I'm just a guy trying to make a living. Supply and demand. What people do with the guns or drugs isn't on me."

Lockyer said behind Fumihiro, in a sardonic, snarky manner,

"I just clear myself to you, since you hate me for no reason at all, I assume I got Athenaeum the weapons, something that you failed to do, isn't that right redhead?"

"Hey shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! before I pinned every bullet into your skull!"

"Alright enough!"

Misaki stopped Fumihiro from raging over Lockyer without any reason. Even doubt his suspicion could be his imagination since Misaki knew Lockyer's origin before Fumihiro.

"Lockyer get back to work."


"Thank you, Miss Athena."

Misaki let Lockyer off the hook, knowing it's useless to keep him stranded without any reason.

Before joining in, Misaki and her henchmen went into a thorough interview of Lockyer, learning his skill set and background. According what he revealed Lockyer was a highly educated scholar in Cape town who discover his Mutanic ability and his homosexuality when he was in his senior years. The good-looking Lockyer is gay nonetheless, wanted to improve his hometown by demolishing the huge racial inequality that going on in his country, South Africa. For the political instability and frequent change of governments he had to dropout from the University and as a jobless Mutant on a very unequal country he had to joined the Ajunk Traders.

In 2044, Lockyer met the Contractor, leader of the Ajunk Traders who is also wanting to improve their country with the nationalist, promote more Mutant's rights and political ideas, and despised the unification of the African countries for A.N.A's demands. With Ajunk Trader's same ideology in mind they made Lockyer an accomplice. As the time passed, He sees the Contractor like an old friend, evidently having a strong bond with the man over their shared sadism. Associated with the African paramilitary groups in their bases of operation in Sierra Leone and Somalia, worked with bunch of thugs who torture and kill civilians or burn them alive for fun and smuggle drugs into League of Europa. Despite a citizen or a wanted narco-terrorist or a simple Mutanic terrorist of U.R.A/ United Republic of Africa mostly consist of black people, Lockyer's skin is fairly light, a tall young man with long grey hair which he usually keep up into a low ponytail and a casual, carefree amber-coloured eyes, hides his true nature and sinister motives into his smile. Switching sides whenever it suited him.

Everyone should vigilant around Lockyer and his cunning, conniving, self-serving, unpredictable, deceitful personality. He is at times capable of putting on a seemingly friendly face with a friendly smile - but his eyes don't smile when his mouth does.

"Misaki! would you come here for a sec,"

Within the compound, Ayana Hasumi, the mid 20s beautiful young woman with flowing scarlet hair that reaches down to her shoulder blades with her bangs covering her yellow left eye Has red rose Tattoo in both upper arm, used to be Yellow Zone's librarian/Info hacker now Athenaeum's cyber analyst called Misaki, working on something on the computer.

"What is it?"

"Here look at this."

Upon coming to Ayana, she again went the keyboard, eagerly wanting to show Misaki something,

"You know I keep track on the Brittonia's UsNet terminal to see if there is movement or misbehaviour on the Blacklist."


Misaki inquired, did not understood what Ayana meant.

"Let me show you."

Ayana said grimly, click on the Internet link to show Misaki what she meant.

"What the fuck!?"

Misaki went speechless, when she gazes her real name with picture display on top 10 hit list with seven million Doro bounty on her head.

Misaki had knew that all her crimes were referred as her alias "Athena" in the Brittonia's criminal database in the Imperium States but her real name clearly registered on the Deep Web. It is matter of time even more shocking the group whom placed the bounty weren't Brittonian military or any Imperium's law enforcement agencies.

Misaki's life significantly shorten, it's a matter of time when Imperium's law enforcement crushing down both sides. With suppressing as much tension within her, Misaki asked calmly,

"When the notice has issued?"



"?!... 8 hours ago!"

"8 hours? Where were you in that time? Why haven't you informed me earlier? Are you stupid or something!?"

"... Misaki... I...."

"Just... Don't...!"

Seeing the disaster Misaki lose the dignified, composure attitude for a while, become agitated as she gave Ayana a fearsome glare for not notify her early on, though she managed to get through nervousness, calming herself down.

"Fuck! Someone's there, contact 12'o clock!"

When Misaki were under the deep concentration, her men suddenly screamed, taking arms and shouting at the infiltrator approaching in.