The Ice Lady 2

Gun cocks.

Her Athenaeum's men assembled, aimed at the front gate, Misaki soon joined in with Yuji behind, with a loaded handgun, not afraid what she up against—

"Take it easy gentlemen I am unarmed,"

From the heavy rain outside, Nakajo Tomotaki came in, wearing a dark robe, removed the hood,

"Misaki Mayumi, or Athena — you're sexier than I imagined,"

"Give me one reason not to blow you into pieces."

Misaki directly threatened Tomotaki no mood for chitchat. Seeing this, Tomotaki was excited, responded amusingly,

"Huh? Wildly and sexy? I like it, you might remember we have met, in the Ajunk Trader's Warehouse? That's why I am here with a proposal from Royal Mutants Society."

Muscular dark red hair Ex-Lex Unit Soldier now a brainwashed Darkfallen Variant Nakajo Tomotaki comes in casually with a proposal in mind.

"Let's hear it."

Misaki let Tomotaki talk though her men still watchful around, still aiming all their guns at him.

"Your 7 million bounty was issued by the Royal Mutants Society's Lords of Valhallal, for the murder one of the six Valhallal Lord: Malcolm Denon The Impaler and that led to the capture of our devoted Royalist Miyoshi Nagako. RMS wants your head."

"What the fucking fuck!?"

Misaki snarled, enraged with massive fury and anger, not believing Tomotaki's accusation.

"I didn't kill Malcolm Denon neither I took part in the Miyoshi's capture, you are there as well then why haven't you help her out!?"

"Why indeed, but the things what I said to the Lords becomes the truth."

"You son of a fucking bitch..."

Along with the snarl, Misaki's eyes glared, tighten in the expression, while the nails biting into her palm, because the anger for the common act of treachery she's under.

As a devoted Royalist Tomotaki blame all his flaws and incompetence to non-member individual like Misaki Mayumi. Tomotaki was one whom killed Malcolm in Fighting Arena and most of his incompetence to rescue his subordinate, Miyoshi Nagako, she was captured by Brittonia's Valkyrie.

For lacking any evidence or witnesses Tomotaki didn't had to confess, all he needed to do is to blame someone else for his crimes and he did exactly that. Valhallal Lord's wanted Misaki dead thus they enlisted her name into national hit list, all for Nakajo Tomotaki.

"Kill him! Fucking kill him! I don't know how, just fucking smashed him!"

"Wait, wait, wait. I am not here to tell you only that Misaki Mayumi, so you can kill me instantly. I am here to tell you: how to get out from it!"

"W... what!?"

Misaki stammered, baffled what Tomotaki's intentions here.

"All your charges will be vanished if you hand over Akagi Shinsuke to me A.K.A the Second Redtron!"



Couple of Athenaeum's and old members was shocked, especially the ones who knew Akagi in the past.

"What does RMS's member like you want from Akagi Shinsuke?"

"Why did you want from Akagi Shinsuke in the first time?"

"Why did you call Akagi 'the Second Redtron?'"

Within mere seconds after Tomotaki's answer, along with Yuji and Fumihiro asked several questions regarding Akagi Shinsuke's whereabouts.

"Too many questions for you guys, and I don't have time to answer all of them,"

Tomotaki makes an exaggerated sense of self-worth remarks shrugged his shoulder, he's as wicked and sinister than he was in the Lex Unit, even worse.

"So, I know he's with the Imperium military division that's why I give you some time to turn him over to me, or the Royalist will bring your head on the table."

"I don't know where Akagi is,"

Despite she knows exactly where Akagi is, instinctively — with an attempt to protect him from mutant extremists, Misaki lastly explained herself to Tomotaki who's getting out from the factory,

"Maybe you should try Tomita Mitsumasa, he might know something, his eyes and ears are everywhere."

"Heh, who? the Spider?"

Tomotaki scoffed, halted at the middle as he found Misaki's words amusing,

"He's already on finding Shinsuke on the other end, behalf of RMS's and you have found him as well. For your sake at least."

"I can't find, I don't where he is, or where will be next."

"Then the contact remains and bringing Akagi Shinsuke is not enough, Miyoshi Nagako mostly like to be imprisonment on the Raizen Supermaxim, bring her back alive if you want removed your bounty to be removed or keep your head still intact."

"How the fuck I supposed to do that!?"

"Not my problem sweetie, oh more thing, there will Imperial lapdogs sniffing about your intoxicating fragrance, as way your rivals, everyone wants to take the piece of you. Drooling over you like hungry dogs."

"Fuck you Nakajo Tomotaki! You're a traitor and a despicable piece of shit..."

Misaki was utterly speechless, totally confused what to say or what to do, trapping in a big mess she wasn't even involved in although Tomotaki didn't care less, as long as it serve his purpose in RMS and for Misaki finally she got a chance to move her business as she were out from Imperium's clutches. Now she's went into disastrously mishandled madness all over again.