The Scavengers

"Alright. Now you are telling me why we going in the TYZ's War Zone, and why I halted my men back then?"

"Misaki, you sure ask lot of questions."

"Because you aren't telling me shit."

"Hold your horses you will know eventually."

Tomita claimed, bribed the W.G.T (Wall Guarding Troops) Officials to entered the East-Red Zone, also known as The Scavenger's Zone.

Akagi Shinsuke, and few men of his inner circle went off to enter RMS's capital named Caledonia. They were in a couple of highly modified armoured vehicles passed through the Mini Wall entered across the urban region of East Red Zone.

"Welcome to The Scavenger's Zone,"

Tomita informed the rest in the car.

"Since they aren't no tour guide here, so I took the role."

"No thanks. I better off without your lecture. You ramble on and on while we sit here like bunch of fucking idiots."

Juzou savagely renounced Tomita's guide with zero remorse.

"You'll always be a blunt son of a bitch, Juzou."

Claimed Mike, sitting beside him. At the near end of the car. While Nakajo Tomotaki and the other behind. Following their lead.

"What? I am forthright."

"Enough. As am I saying, passing the apocalyptic ruins of urban building, The Scavenger's Zone located mainly in remote rural areas, East Red-Zone's countryside, full of natural beauty danger lurked every corner."


Despite Juzou's denial, Tomita resumed, gives no concern.

"In modern society, everything is so interconnected that any product is the result of that entire society. People who put products together, people who got the materials the products are made of, people who run the machines that generate the power required for those things... et cetera. Even the things people tend to forget or disassociate with the production of a product: people who write the manuals, people who act as "gofers" for all the other people, middle-management, the people who drive materials, and products around, etc. And that's without going into all the people who need to do their jobs so those people can do their jobs. Where the jaded notion of "anything that can go wrong will go horribly, horribly wrong" always applies, and it corrupts its inhabitants into perpetuating that nastiness against each other. More succinctly, trying to survive in one of these places is gonna suck. And that's when Scavengers comes in."


Listening thoroughly to Tomita's words, his sudden change of tone agitates everyone.

"Wait, did the Scavengers are the filthy Walkers or infected monsters that running around?"

Misaki inquired Tomita. But Akagi replied instead gazing the horrible scenery at the front seat.

"It's not just wherever you walk here it is hunks of buildings standing up without roofs or sides, and people living in them. Except the Ghetto, where it is just a great plain of bricks, with twisted beds, and bath tubs and sofas, pictures in frames, trunks, millions of things sticking out among the bricks. You can't understand how it could have been done...It is something so vicious you can't believe it. And within this remote region where the Scavengers dwelled. The disowned Imperians who either discarded by the Brittonia, left-wing radicals, political opponents or activists or, poor slimy scumbags who don't belong in 'civilized' Imperium society they became Scavengers lives in the lawless debris lands, along with the mindless infected savage monsters, hated the Empire and bigger ones dominate the weak. Basically, they are undesirable humans, living in a penal colony for exiled criminals, disgraced noblemen, and homeless beggars with no where else to go, those were thrown by the Empire for various reasons.

Scavenger established a governing Borough to rule East-Red and Black Zones thoroughly, The Borough is the main location of War Zones where government of Scavenger is held. The Scavenger have made many attempts to invade the Imperial society since the construction of the Zattai Wall which left over thousands of people, many of them died during the Darkfallen Outbreak in 2036."

"They are all fuckin animals. Divided into smaller gangs, all they wanna do is fuck and fight, fight and fuck. If they not busy killing each other."

Juzou also disdainfully added the savage characteristics of the Scavengers.

"Along side them there serval highly-mutated Monsters, they roamed in the lands do whatever the hell they like, the example is straight-ahead."

Juzou leaned forward from his seat, pointing finger right into the large tree beside the terrain.

The vehicle slowed down as they gaze numbly at the horrific sight: a giant tree with dozens of humans hanged in various branches; men, women, little girls and even infants, their small rotten body lies under the tree, the rest half a dozen bodies, comprising mostly of deserters from both sides Brittonia soldiers and Mutants, and hostile Scavengers are hanged high on this tree as a memento of the harsh reality of the War Zone.

"We can't blame every act of atrocities over Brittonia."

Akagi quoted stoically with a touch of jaded melancholia. His right cheek supported by the hand; the briefcase contained the Sceptre are under his feet.

"Scavengers did this, who used to be Imperians or at least decent Japanese humans, they spared no one, time has changed, the fight is not between Humans and Mutants anymore. In a way, Imperium States is better compared with the old Japan. Thanks to its being overthrown by Brittonia and renovated and brought into the Imperium's capital central areas, its military and economic affairs have become markedly more stable. There is a game going on for centuries. A game everybody wants to play, that 'Everybody' had their reasons to what they think is right, morality lies from a brave upstanding hero to heinous scumbags, Rather than discrete groups or distinct moral systems, you have a sliding scale, and all groups and people fall somewhere between "Hero" or "Good" at the furthest extreme and "Villain" or "Evil" at the other extreme. When you mature enough, born in this world, you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the fucking stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world is filled with fear and treachery and torment, full of terror, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself To end this, fixing the world we must get to Caledonia, crowned myself as the Mutant Emperor."

"By the way Akagi."

Misaki inquired.

"If we enter into RMS's capital, why we need to need the Scavengers?"

"Oh... That...."

Akagi, momentarily was paused, not because about Misaki question, he wasn't sure about the things said values he believes, even reached them or he just rambling in his monologue, he didn't sure when he switched speeches. His mind filled with depressing thoughts, brooding nature, which caused him to snapped out of the reality into dreams of endless miseries.


Before Akagi could answer a missile fired at them, forced Tomita to diverged from the main route into muddy terrain.

"Whoa what was that!?"

Everyone's senses were alerted, feared it was an ambush, but before they could reach an explanation, growling hordes of Vectors surrounding their convoy. Halted their journey.

"What the fuck are we doing to?"

Tensed Mikoto asked the crew, who were already tensed as he, hearing that growling was sure frightening. But more suspicious they never saw so many Vectors in one place, worked as a team. Akagi's phone rang during the distressful situation.

"Shinsuke, come in. It's Tomotaki."

"What is it?"

"Step out of the car."


"Worry not. Just do it"

"Sigh.... Do as he say."

Akagi breath heavily, stepped out along with the other.


Within couple of minutes, group of armed rag wearing inhabitants with pistols, grenades and machine guns, sided with the Vectors as if the Vectors are their loyal dogs, if not that was unbelievable for Akagi's crew.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen!"

"What the actual fuck?"

A man while riding a fricking Veryan: among many horrible variation creatures, created by Darkfallen mutation, producing a rare breed of monster, a twisted combination of a large Vulture and Griffin. The man stepped out of Veryan, before petting the malicious creature like a domestic horse. Shook hands with Tomotaki, before introducing him to his customer.

"Shinsuke, this is Vivian, the leader of ruling Scavenger group. He going to show you the way to Caledonia."