The Scavenger Pt 2

According to the MRC's and A.N.A's 'Fallen Bestial' report: The Fallen mutated monsters are violent, untameable to humans, going out of their way to devour and terrorize Human population worldwide while swiftly disappeared into their deep unexplored lairs won't come out for months even years, regardless the advance technology, humanity still have unable to exterminate these foul creatures, called the Reredos. It becomes creepy when you realize that literally any city might have an Infected hive liar hidden on it, they function as an Infected "breeding ground". They tend to appear from nowhere without warning. They sometimes kill and devour everything, sometimes spare certain settlements or individuals. Always for a reason, mainly for feeding and breeding purposes nevertheless Humanity never showed keen interest dealing those monsters as they engage with their own wars and cutthroat politics.

Those theory seem incorrect when Akagi's crew saw those violently savage creatures as the Scavenger's little pets.

"Welcome. Welcome to our sweet little dive."

Leader of the Scavenger Vivian Sinatra welcomed his guest, Akagi's crew into home with open arms which was a well-defended fortress. He's a tall and slender man who has short combed blonde hair, and clear blue eyes. He wearing a proper buttoned white shirt with a tie, and creamy yellow tailored suit and trousers.

"It's evening already. So, you rest here for the night before setting off towards Caledonia. Your rooms will be on the second floor."

Despite a mere group Scavengers, Vivian has a lavish hideout, having plentiful supplies of resources, arms, rations and men.

The name they employ makes reference to their society, which recognizes no inherent or hereditary political authority, except for leaders whom they choose to follow, while living in the war zone for decades they fortified the debris city against Walkers, keep Vectors and Veryans as pets and communicate various multi-corporation for ration supplies.

Over the ages, the people of the Imperium State's outside from the TYZ had largely forgotten why the Zattai Wall was constructed in the first place or why Brittonia haven't cleared the infected biohazard portion of the TYZ. They came to believe that it exists to protect the capital from the Scavenger, whom the Imperian Nobility regard as primitive savages and barbarians beside Mutants.

"Quite the nice place you got here, Mr. Sinatra."

"Thank you, it aren't cheap this I could tell you, unlike the Imperium Brainwipers, constantly brainwashing to it's denizens dehumanised them until they became nothing more than a puppet, wipes brain instead of ass, I gave my men full reign to follow whoever their heart content."

"How thoughtful of you. While the 'Imperium Brainwipers' derogatory name used by your people to describe people who live under Brittonia rule. In Imperium States stripping away freedom is an act of submission. However, you Vivian are quite cunning of your peers."

Akagi scoffed, contemptuously replied to Scavenger's hospitality, hidden behind his true motivations, stopped Vivian from entering the upcoming door, turned his neck a little bit, changed his tone to pleasant to grim.

"Are you suggesting I have other motives behind my hospitality?"

"Everyone does. And you are no exception. Before meeting the infamous Scavengers, I did some research of my own. There have been six such invasions only one were successful during the Blood Rebellion but it wasn't last one since Brittonia Spotter hunted your men down, including the Mutants. Usually such attacks are led by the King of Scavenger, who is elected to lead a force of other regional Scavengers. Despite the bravery and perseverance of the Scavenger all attempted invasions of the Imperial Safe Zones have failed, as those who live on the war zones lack the weapons, training and organization to defeat their Imperium counterparts. However, you Scavenger still launches frequent raids against the Wall Guarding Troops, killed and pillaged various Brittonia Strongholds and for that reason W.G.T regiment hated Scavenger more than they hated Mutant Extremism."

Akagi claimed, exploring the their hideout which was apparently bigger than it seemed, have a large compartment underneath, what's down there was mystery to Akagi's company, once they entered into their place, Vivian's men stood up, heavily armed, staring at them unpleasantly, although they didn't do anything nor they weren't foolish enough to provoke heat up in here. Vivian knows that therefore he remains calm, smugly, made an expression as if he's in control.

"So? Are you implying something? If you want to know what I want from you in return. Ask Nakajo Tomotaki here. We already stuck a deal."

"No that's not I am asking. One thing doesn't add up. How come your people control and tamed so many Vectors and Veryans?"

"You really wanna see, huh?"


"Alright. Come with me. Hehe."

With soft giggle, Vivian called the lift, eagerly invite them to the basement.

"Huh? M... Mr. Vivian!? Do, do you need something? Who's those people?"

"Temporary guests Yin, nothing in particular, get back to work."

"Y... Yes. Mr. Vivian."

When the lift arrived, A nerdy-looking, demure woman, has short, light brown hair that ends above her shoulders in subtle waves, and splits apart her bangs in the middle of her forehead. Over her head, she wears a dark brown ribbon tied on both sides of her head. Her eyes are green and she wears rounded, black glasses. Along with a rounded black cap.

She inquired but Vivian didn't explicitly reveal Akagi's and other identity, went back, apparently the woman, Yin some kind tech master because the basement is revealed to be a scientific and experimental facility.

Showing as a tour Vivian explained to them, how troublesome it is to tame the Vectors and other infected creatures.

"As for feeding them as highly carnivorous bastards they able eat any meat provided. The robust constitution of the Vector Race allows them to live upon the most meagre or unpleasant of diets. They prefer great chunks of meat above all but, unlike their larger Minotaur brethren, they do not care if it is infested and maggot-ridden. Right?"

"Hm... But how they reproduce? I see so many of them. No way there is so many Vectors in War Zones."

Akagi countered frankly.

"Oh that. Well we gave them the pleasantries to satisfy themselves."


"Yes....Sapient female which the Vector gave their seeds to create another. Unlike Mutant's reproduction varies with two types. one is simple reproduction between a male and female Mutants. Second way is generally the most well known. Where a child of two Human parents might be born with obvious signs of mutation. While undetected at first to the parents, the mutation increase growing into full-fledged Mutant during when the child reached adolescent age."

".... Ohhh... I see what you mean."

"However, in case of Vectors the different since there are no female Vectors they must meet with more docile and least numerous female variants to breed, preferably Humans. Let me show you."

"What the...!?"

"What the fuck is that!?"

"It's called the womb or the pupal. Let me show more clearly."

Vivian passionately showed Akagi through the overseer's room six man-size egg-shaped biomass continued to grow inside, captivating by the scavenger's men,

"Pupal where new Vectors will be born. There is also another way when a Mutant is transformed into a Vectors at some point later in their life. Such a situation is a painful process which results in the Mutants transforming into many Vectoric traits. Contrast to Beastor Mutants who have Vector's ability can transform their form at will. The transformation of becoming a Vector is permanent, more of a foul abomination, that kind of transformation is the worst for Mutants since they are neither fully Mutant or fully Vectors, these creatures, known as Terra-Vector, those Terra-Vector or any mutated creatures would spread terror and panic across the globe.

Therefore, a reproduction of Vectors is necessary what do you think Master Shinsuke?"

"Nothing special. More like a Giant's balls, cut then paste them onto the ground upside-down."

" sure have a vivid imagination Master Shinsuke."

By Akagi's dry deadpan sense of humour Vivian laughed, press few buttons, eagerly show some recordings on the large computer screen which are extremely disturbing, even to Helecters standards.

"Now that's how the Vector breeds."

"Hmm... zoophilic and inhuman!"

Despite his sarcastic attitude Akagi's eyes widened with silent shock, seeing several footages of naked young women being raped by malicious Vectors in the locked chamber. The women screamed and struggled, failed nonetheless. Their hands restrained by the beast's Talon-like claws while Vector's bestial bulky bodies thrusting into the soft feminine body, the long pointy tongue continue licking every inch of the victim's growling flesh, brutally kept on ramming until their fragile body breaks, couldn't handle any more. The tortured screams during the 'bestiality' was unimaginable that why Vivian didn't bother turn on the audio still the mere sight literally horrified every of Akagi's companies.

However, Vivian seem nonchalant about everything, seeing his horde of men currently stripping one struggling female Brittonia officers out her uniform with a sadistic glee while doing so. Then, while she's completely naked thrown into the chamber. They also caged multiple victims and Vectors in one chamber as well. Not only that, most of the victims were raped repeatedly for days. Two or three days by Scavenger gang themselves, limbs tightly tied with ropes, a piece of cloth gagged into their mouth, mercilessly tossed them into Vector's cage after they done with their bodies.

Vivian gave a grotesque description about reproduction system of Vector's. To satisfy the Vector's sexual urges The Scavenger kidnapped random women across the TYZ's War Zones, Brittonia soldiers or otherwise innocent civilians it doesn't matter to them. After kidnapping them they throw the women naked in front of Vector in a closed chamber where Vector impregnating the women by violently raping them with their bestial body and sharp claws, tearing their flesh apart during the process. After the brutal intercourse when Vector's "sperms" entered the female's womb. The victims lay down lifeless, then scream constantly for hours due to the intense excruciating pain and agony, later they began to vomit blood, fall to the ground, then violently spasm while their flesh breaks apart from the inside, body begun to decay, slowly dried up spouting biomass spirals tendrils spins a cocoon and pupates covering their body becoming more of a thick biomass pupal leaves behind a shambling ghastly monstrosity. Few weeks later the new-born Vector hatched from the pupal, growling vicious from birth. The births kill the mothers in horrific fashion as the new Vectors rip their way rather gorily out of the pupal through the mother's belly before eating her remains. New-born Vectors are abhorrent, sluglike creatures dripping with toxic ooze, spurting dangerous gases from chimneys on their back and dribbling acidic spittle. But these things are not insane, dribbling wrecks - they have the minds of cute, playful puppies, who only wish to give the enemy bone-crushing hugs and slobber all over them. As if this wasn't bad enough, they have no concept of death - once they kill, they are momentarily disappointed by the fact their new playmate has gone still, then ooze over to another foe to make a new friend.