The Mutant Emperor: The Royal Palace

"Before we begin, let me transparent with you"

At the front of the Royal Palace, few steps away from all the obstacles, Akagi lastly informed everyone in a bluntly grim tone.

"No matter how well we operate, we not friends, our friendship is strictly professional. I specifically chosen you, all because of your fighting prowess, Noryoku-types, combat agility, defensive endurance, set of skills I saw potentials to accomplice my goals, nothing else, goals I meant killing anyone who opposed us. If you die, wounded, no one will cry on your shoulder. Is that understood?"

"Yeah, Yeah."

"We got that already."

"Is that really necessary?"

Mild resentment surfaced from Akagi's crew, thinking Akagi don't straightforwardly negative with his speech despite regard as manically depressed pessimist man who always finds a reason to stay melancholy. Having said that, their response just as Akagi predicted to have his men to think like that, therefore he changed his tone at once, flowing lights of charisma.

"However, if you still want to join me. I will promise you one thing: one bright future for us to live freely to the full. A new place where we can call home, a utopia for the mutants race. Don't blindly obey, think it through, I want to build a place where people get off and on the freeway. On and off, off and on, all day and all night. Soon, where candy town once stood will be a string of civil stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. This is my dream. Now are you all with me?"

Except Misaki, who was observing at back, the whole group went silent for a while, went speechless, a strong sense of purpose and determination rushing through their veins, listening to Akagi's erratic speech, he didn't need an answer.

One of Akagi's natural traits highlights one of the things that makes him a great leader the ability to motivate his men even to the smallest, ability to enchant compelling attractiveness that can inspire devotion in others, promised he will be there on their side to the death and there's nothing that brings fire to supporters to fight and follow their leader into battle as he is their support and anchor as they barged into palace, eliminating hostilities swiftly and easy.

"Hey how the fuck!?"

"Surprise fucker!"


The cleaning has begun with one RMS's guardian got stab by Juzou's machete into his face, blood spews forward on the ground before he collapses.

"Don't go overboard Juzou. Remember don't kill the guardians here. They're still Eliza's supporters but not for long."

Mike remained him, knocked out the other RMS's guardian on his side, according Akagi's instructions. However, Juzou hates restrictions when he's in combat. Scoffed in resent towards Mike.

"Ugh. You know what Mike, eat a dick! What do you think I am? A fucking hero shitbag or something? I'm here to kill someone, that's all."

"Not in here Juzou, I know you are not a fucking hero. But you can't turn this place into your prompt hotbed for bloodsport and debauchery."

"Fine, get moving already, they went ahead."

Despite the most violent, dangerous Mutants; Juzou and Mikoto. They both seem bicker a lot, and don't appear to really get along, but are partners nonetheless, even consider each other as best friends, for years of partnership they performed during the bloody campaign of looting and killing people and Brittonia soldiers for the Helecters, their humorous penchant for murders and executions made their group ironic as well as terrifying. Mikoto Mayumi usually calm, level-headed, being the smart one that comes up with strategy, and Juzou being the brutish, rash and loud-mouthed asshole. Quite the duo for the bad guys.

The four top-tier Mutants went ahead, knocked every Guardians who opposed them, Akagi stayed, observing the operation.

"Nice speech back there. You sparked their blacken hearts. Ignite them with nominal idealistic motivations."

Approach from Akagi's behind, Misaki claimed.

"What? You think I'm not been honest with these guys?"

"Are you?"

"What do you think? Like I lied, manipulated everyone to my advantage to get what I want?"

"Suave, smartass bastard like you. With strong determination, endless ambition, discarded every aspect of self-indulgence or happy life, solely devoted to his own desires. It's difficult to say."

"A bastard? Yeah. I guess that's what I am, huh? But truth is, I wanted to obtain power as much as possible; politically and militaristically, and once I got enough obliterate the Imperium Brittonia Empire and its military forever, and established a new world and order, would you think of that? 'Lady Antheia'?"

For moment Akagi looked down beside Misaki in a side-glance, though she's tall but she didn't reach Akagi's, currently his at 6.1 ft. He questioned her, vague, derisive tone with questionable intends behind it. However, she replied nonchalantly.

"Don't be sarcastic, Shinsuke, don't you forget you're the bastard with lot of issues inside."

"Hah, please, do elaborate more detailly."

"You're paragon of imperfection: Aloofness, ambition, apathy, arrogance, constant angst, cruelty, cynicism, depression, selfishness, self-centred, prideful, misanthropic, embittered nihilistic jackass with a serious drug addiction."

"Heh, quite the long list you've made."

Akagi couldn't help but to chuckled impulsively, seeing how nit-picking she can be to point out his flaws, gave a wry smile, trolled her, before heading on,

"Well, let's move forward, and keep finding what else wrong with me, who knows, someday you find the perfect guy for you to marry."

"Hey, fuck you Shinsuke! You said I should elaborate."

"Yeah, I heard you grousing let's move forward, shall we?"

"That's I telling for the whole time."

It's the first time Misaki has flustered as much, nevertheless she don't mind, getting teased after a long while, someone who have the guts to make fun of her. Spent some time chatting.

"What's the hold up?"

They reached a wide concrete slab-like bridge with darkest, seemly endless abyss on the both sides, at the main gate entrance of the throne hall of the Palace where his men suddenly halted.

In front of them, there is 10 ft. tall titanic figure bearing guardsman, full of black armour and a giant sword sheath besides, appeared like a threating statue.

"The Black Guardsman!"

Akagi mumbled wondrously. Looking at the enormous silent beast, guarding the final line of defence. Behind him, there was almost 75m long full concrete gate.