The Mutant Emperor: The Black Guardsman


The Black Guardsman declared the condition, aura of fearless intimidation ooze out from his helmet, warning the crew.


"Hm. What the fuck is that Shinsuke? I got very bad feeling about it."

Misaki remarked, gazing at the figure like the rest of them.

"As far as the rumours go, The Black Guardsman- The Prime and final Guardian of the Mutant Emperor and the Ultimate Protector of the Palace Entrance. The Gatekeeper of the Caledonia. An enigmatic warrior, clad head to toe in armour black as night, which he is never seen without. Ridiculously powerful, he is feared by all who know of him. Wielding a gigantic sword, speaks in a sinister growl, and looking totally badass while doing it. The mystery surrounding his identity is the more mysterious than the person itself. Given his armour, he can show up and fight in 'The Tourney' without betraying it. Some myths even claimed there's nothing but the suit of armour. While some claimed Guardian was the legendary Black Knight of Scotland resurrected through necromancy, impossible to defeat and pass through."

"That's just fucking great. How the fuck we supposed to pass through this tubby of armour, Aragh!"

"No, don't touch it!"

Akagi's skin went pale, when Juzou instinctively kicked the sculpture, bad move for him and his crew, the Black Guardsman sculpture shook rapidly, intense and deep growl immerge,


The Black Guardsman, walked forward, each step shook the ground, pulled out his gigantic sword and smashed onto the surface before Akagi, who already had the solution how to get passed through got pushed back by shockwave created by the Guardsman, got separated from the Sceptre's briefcase.

"Aw. Alright wanna fight? come on it! You shit containing Tin Can!"

Juzou activated his Noryoku, with furious rage, attack ahead. However, no matter how badass Juzou is, he's no compared to the nearly invincible Black Guardsman, with a single shoulder-check tossed Juzou up far.

The three others also fall back, take their positions, that enraged the dark warrior, rapidly smashed the sword disorderly, only single strike would cause acute destruction on the surface, in addition they are in bridge-like structure, if it continues, they would fell into the dark canyon.

"Oh, shit, gotta get the briefcase before he destroys down whole bridge."

During the disarray, and the continuous quaking, Akagi made a reckless move pounced towards the briefcase, which was dangerously near the Guardsman, who was in a bad mood, sweeping the intrusion.


So, focus on retrieving the briefcase Akagi's instincts slipped, forgot there's a fierce swordsman prowled above him, raise his sword,

"Ohhhh fuck...."

With an inscrutable face and tone, fell under Guardsman's range, about it split Akagi in half, however—


"Huh? Misa—Whao!?"

Before it happen, Misaki swooped into the middle, her board Noryoku-blade effectively parried the guardsman's sword, meantime, the expandable, flexible tendrils snatched Akagi, along with the suitcase from the ground, her lithe body quickly pounced at the Guardsman's chest, her thin, needle-like blade swiftly pierced into his visor's then shattered, divided into several smaller pieces of blades inside the guardsman's helm, put him off balance, jumped across, near the joined up rest of the crew, all this, within few split seconds.

"Ouch. Next time, tell me in advance before nabbed me out of nowhere."

"This that what you fussing about? You ungrateful Jerk!"

They safely landed on the safe side, with Akagi's slender, delicate, willowy physique on Misaki's sturdy arms, casually holding his entire body, while his arms locked around her neck, still he managed to grumble about rough rescue, which ache his stomach.

"Master Shinsuke, are you okay?"

"Fine. You developed some muscular physical which enhanced your speed, physical strength, durability and agility. Strong and athletic like an Amazonian supermodel, alright?"

"Heh, very funny Shinsuke."

"What? I had everything under control can't be help if you couldn't see me in distress."

"Can we get moving?"


Only Tomita inquired Akagi's wellbeing, Akagi stepped out Misaki's hold, before delightfully praised her, however Misaki mistook it as one his disdainful mockery, bad for him, since Akagi truly meant what he said. Misaki ended up being the sole female when in the team of villains and Anti-heroes, strong, agile, and every bit as murderously proactive as her teammate.

"He's kind of slow, doesn't it?"

Mikoto claimed, like the other watching the Black Guardsman, slowly get back to his feet. Tomita added,

"True, but he's the only one who could the open gate. A security measure after the Titan Controversy. Even someone infiltrated into Caledonia, they never passed the gate behind, without Black Guardsman's help. Me personally seeing this place for the first time, all due to the Titan Controversy."

"Titan Controversy?"

"Yeah. Also, I heard something Controversy, some event paired with Second MH War."

"That is correct. Mayumi Misaki. The reason why Imperium Brittonia have a deep hatred for Mutants kind especially Mutants from RMS cult deviation from the standard physical human form is rooted in the earliest days of the foundation of Brittonia. When the 18th Mutant Emperor's Reign of terror got worsen by days, reunite the scattered regions of Imperium States. Humanity under the protection of Imperian Mutants were accepted and used as part of the Brittonia's Counter Rebellious Division, formed into their own squads or mixed with the ranks of the regular troops to depose the Mutant Emperor Victor X. However once their regiments entered the War Zones in TYZ, after the viral Outbreak, Mutants were outlawed by the Imperium Senate for the part they had played in that terrible mutiny as the favoured servants of the Trinihism, mercilessly butchered every standing Imperium soldiers sided with them, tortured the soldiers for days before consumed them, the very thought that the humans and mutants could coexist perished with both sides committing horrendous atrocities to maintain order to the titanic controversy, during the brutal civil war. The post-Controversy association of most Mutants with traitorous and radical ties has only cemented this hatred of them by the majority of the human population in the Imperium States and across the world."

"Fuck about that, how we suppose to convince this totem pole to open the gate?"

"With this Juzou!"

Akagi picked up the Platinum Sceptre, forward it towards the upcoming Black Guardsman and declared,

"By the order of the Platinum Sceptre's holder I command you The Black Guardsman: The Guardian of the Palace, open the gate at once!"

Then twisted the Sceptre's handle, as soon blue light glows within the Sceptre, Black Guardsman at once paused, then bowed. Erased the hostility went completely under obedience.


He stood up, approached near the closed gate pulled out his sword, then thrust into lever-like keyhole.

With huge shake the gate began to open.

"Finally! About time."

'So, this Sceptre worked on the Guardian, means it's real, and my father was really the 18th Mutant Emperor. I never would've believed if Hiroshi (The goofy glassed MRC Scientist with a mechanical arm) mentioned that to me, if though he believed that fact was rumour, my guts telling me otherwise.'

With deep thoughts in mind Akagi, when the crew went forward into the gate which yet fully open, the total darkness on the other side.


"What? Who's coming?"

The Guardian stopped the crew from going any farther, the reason his halting was cleared when—


"Agh! What the fuck is that!?"

"Ugh... That's so disgusting!"

"Yeah. It's like a horde of... gigantic alien tarantulas crashing through the gate!"

A loud yells of terror and disgust from everybody's mouth when they saw the creature or creatures of the unknown prowled behind the darkness pounced at first sight of light from the other side, attempting to escape from the it's dimension into theirs but restrained by the Black Guardsman's sword's power which the supernatural force called 'magic'.

The Guardsman wrench the sword, come with a bright flash of light, the image of the other side was visible now.


"Many thanks the Black Guardsman."

They finally passed through the mysterious, nearly impregnatable gate totally ignored the strangest monster, they encountered few minutes ago, they didn't want to talk about it either. Truth is those undesirable creatures of darkness is Xperia: another the most unpleasant mutated Reredos, may seem more like a horde of unworldly spiders, the quintillions upon quintillions of ravenous fowl beasts it unleashes are not actually individual beings, but merely tiny parts of the unimaginably vast single organism that is the Xperia hive mind from unknown dimension from deep outer into the void. Utterly alien and of a near unprecedented power, capable of screwing with mortal and Mutants within hundreds of miles of it, even the beings who have regularly fought and bested the horrors of the same dimension terrified of such an implacable force. And even worse? It's heavily implied something even more terrifying has been chasing them from their home galaxy all the way to earthly Mutant's world, something that is still coming.

Nevertheless, something beyond comprehension is best to be step aside.

When Akagi's crew entered the Maha Throne Hall where current Mutant Emperor Eliza, Ogomi and the horde of RMS's Guardians surround them into the Throne room.