Tibet Expedition

Year- 2058 A.C.B October

Tibet-Chinese Confederacy's domain


Brittonian emblem embedded Dropship flew over the mountain range covered in thick snow, carrying Terrarium Knight troops to their destination.

On the lofty Tibetan Plateau on the northern side of the Himalayas, is an autonomous series of regions of Chinese Confederacy. Towering peaks Mountains. It shares Mount Everest with Nepal, within frosty mountains there is military port called Shi-Li, where the Dropship about to land.

Hyoubu Masamune currently taking command of six other Terrarium Knights in the ship before their captain arrives.

There are few known faces around: Ken Kawazoe, Heinz Kurt, Steinbach Vannier, and Renkik Yito, those were guy's names Masamune actually remembers. Before landing he stood up summarise the squad as the commander.

"Okay. We deploy in 2 minutes. Chinese Special Forces are waiting in Shi-Li, from there, they lead us to the operational sites. Regions we have to liberate, then hand over the Chinese military. If they held hostages, try to rescue them."

"I got a question."

One Knight raise his hand: slim man with olive skin, dark blue hair, purple sideburns, lizard-like golden eyes, an obnoxious prick just look of it, contemptuously questioned Masamune,

"Why we risk our neck saving some pesky civvy? The Terrarium Knights suppose to purged hostiles not rescue non-Imperians goats."

"Ugh... I have better question: why ya such an asshole Sub-class Lord Renkik? Not only the way you act, you look like an asshole."

Retorted Kawazoe Ken savagely. Still the rebuked the man haven't changed his snobbish tone when he corrected Ken,

"I am Vannier, sir. Oh, it's not sub-class, it's first-class Knight Lord: Steinbach Vannier."

"Never heard of you. And don't want to, where Renkik Yito?"

"Over here Major."

The newly recruit Renkik Yito. Raise his hand at the back (a tall, young man standing at least a head taller than Masamune, and has a muscular build. He has dirty blonde hair with three braids that are typically draped over his shoulder, and brown eyes.)

"Anyway... My Lords."

Masamune called, grabbed the Knight's attention as the summary went on demoralised the squad even further, intrusively Masamune knew the reason.

"I know what are you thinking, the relationship between Brittonia Empire and Chinese Confederacy is not exactly good terms however, a peace between nation is the course of action, helps the military focus on the real threat. We are one of the best six-men squad of fiercest Knights Imperium have to offer. Let's show them that!"


Shout the battle cry Terrarium Knights slightly motivated. The Dropship landed on the port; the freezing temperature felt when the hatch was down. Dropping the Knights on the snowy surface.

"Where's Captain Hiden? He suppose be at the port?"

Asked Masamune in slight confusion to the Chinese agents waiting for their arrival, instead of special force.

"Apologies for the inconvenience. But the Captain Ōgai Hiden will meet you in the valley of Aries mountain. Please enter the vehicle we will guide your squad to the operational location."

"... Very well. Lead us then."

Masamune agreed, even he may not feel like going along what the agents wants, couple of them overly suspicious Chinese agent's who drove the transport through the long, narrow northeast ridge of Tibetan. While they were fully capable to provide an aircraft, they boarded on a vehicle.

Despite it was a joined operation, during peace time Chinese Confederate gazed the Brittonian's Terrarium Knights with distrust and often contempt. The Imperium fought couple of bloody wars against the Chinese military over the territory of northeast China. Apparently, the humans are busy fighting each other rather than for the fighting their common enemy: The Mutants. Natural resources packed Chinese Confederate is the most powerful adversary to Imperium Brittonia. Natural resource like coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminium, lead, zinc, rare earthly elements, Bioluminescence biomatter, Antamentium material from Mutant's fossil, advanced Arch-Cyprinid oil and which empowered the heavy-armoured Sentinels aka. Mecha, prevent the engine from rusting, hydropower potential, arable land, all at their disposal. The abundant amount of natural resources The Imperium wanted to take, failed each time, despite they annexed Manchuria, from Korea to all the way upto Sakha Republic, Russia. Nevertheless, they are many other envied Imperium's successes, cultivated the hatred.

Their war caused Chinese and Brittonia's population and its military reduced rapidly. More than 50 million military losses on both sides. Brittonia, along suffered more than 26 million of loose of lives.

Within The Imperium of Brittonia Empire, highly-advanced Techno armour wearing superhuman Terrarium Knights may be among the Imperium's most exalted warriors, but the overwhelming majority of its battles and wars are fought by the untold millions in the Brittonia's Imperial Army, more commonly known as the Brittonian Imperial Guard, the vast majority of its members consists of ordinary men and women who hold the line in defence.

The ravaged battlefields of the Imperium are required to pay a regular tithe in support of its sudden chaotic conflicts, and part is paid in regiments for the Imperial Army. Each soldier is equipped with an assault rifle that while capable of blowing off limbs is among the weakest weapons in the setting, as well as bullet armour that most other armies' standard weaponry can punch right through. His training is filled with propaganda and misinformation, his commanders are willing to expend millions of men and machines in a conflict like he himself will expend ammunition, and if he harbours any doubts there are Commando ready to summarily execute cowards and deserters.

As their journey continues Masamune narrates inside the huge transport heading towards Aries mountain.

'The splitting up of the world into six supernations was an event which could be and indeed was foreseen before the middle of the twenty first century. … In one combination or another, these three nations are permanently at war, and have been so for the past twenty-five years. Though they talk about peace, created A.N.A but the war and violence when all chips are down, they won't hesitate to eat each other. When their petty greed and knack for violence ends, when they set aside our difference, and unite to comfort the Abomination of the Fallen.'

They arrived in a small camp, look above in high terrain, the Terrarium spotted the Ōgai Hiden: captain of the Terrarium Knights unit, discussing with the Chinese military operatives. Masamune walked into camp, make his presence.

"Captain Hiden Terrarium Unit 201 is reporting for the duty."

"You're late. Unit 201."

At one look Hiden directly said, as if he knows exactly who Masamune from the beginning.

"What the fuck you looking at? Don't you know the drills?"

"Ahh... Yes sir..."

"Then... Hop in. The mission should be easy. Infiltrate, attack and kill everything that moves."

From the direct response, Hiden become pushy. Quickly went out the barrack, ride along with the Terrarium. Without any planning, while Hiden (a forty-year-old man, with a fairly tall height and slender physique. His eyes are violet, and befitting of a captain of the high-ranking division altogether to, almost always completely dark and devoid of light. He has straight, chin-length black hair slicked back, leaving bangs on each side of his face.) grabbed his necessary military kit went inside the military van enthusiastically, guided the pilot.

"Mount up gents! We're heading north, across the river: Outpost Terracotta, we need to clear all three of the strongholds before dust. At nightfall, your balls abound to freeze up better not happen, got that?"

"Um. Yes captain!"

Heard the orders the knights donned their helmet, upon activation, Helm's scary-looking eye-slits glows red, emphasis of the famous or infamous Brittonian Knight's wrathful expression.

While the Imperium's regular troops in the capital are firmly scary-looking: most of them wear identity-concealing gasmasks for no discernible reason other than pure intimidation. If not, they (Often secret police or law enforcement) fashioned black trench coats, steel helmet, jackboots, carry machetes instead of knives, and wield bullpup knockoffs of the Valiyan Rifle 47s loaded with incendiary ammunition; the official "Bad guy's" weapon.

While the military soldiers all have red glowing eyes of menace, their gasmasks are shaped like skulls, their insignia is literally a boot stomping on a human face. While it's explicitly stated that they eschew camouflage in favour of scariness, and the designer were advised to make uniforms and equipment as intimidating as possible. Resembling extremely imposing and scary-looking soldiers to fight unimaginable horrors they about to encounter.

However, nothing as scary as the helmet of the Techno Suit, red glowing screen "Scary angry-looking face mask", the helmets are so intimidating they're nicknamed as "devil suits".

While Terrarium Knights are already pretty scary, cruel and merciless, but some, just want more. But the faces under the helmets aren't particularly fearsome, and spikes of villainy just don't cut it. Something to suggest the pain these guys are gonna bring...

Solution: make the helmet itself look angry. Enter...the Rage Helm. when a helmet's visor is embossed with a furious face or something similarly frightening.