Tibet Expedition 2

"Captain, Outpost Terracotta is spotted. Two hostiles at front yard, they have hostages. Seem like Terracotta is a large garrison, not a traditional outpost."

"Roger that. Stay put, and wait for my signal. No one makes a move unless I say."

While stealth mode the Knights arrived at the stronghold beside high-speed steam river bank under of snow-covered mountains, the snowfall covered their tracks. Help them to blend in, scout over the area. The Knights of Terrarium successfully accomplished and liberated two other strongholds: first was too small for a guarded military outpost, second one was unusually short on manpower however it's went beneficial for Knights, their snipers took out their Watchtower, meanwhile the stealthily disabled the alarms then encircled them with full frontal assault and relived any Chinese satellite, telecommunication servers, get the dark region back on live.

And lastly arrived at Terracotta, apparently Hiden had mistaken about maps, locations and details about this region, however they reached their final checkpoint and the Terrarium Knight captain has something else in mind.

On the front yard there were couple of civilians, probably Tibetan monks, kneel, ready for the execution, Mutants and their militia whom proclaimed this series of regions execute civilians in the ruins of a burnt-out hut. Activated their fearsome Noryokues and ruthlessly beheaded them in front. Laughing, crack some warm beer as they done with.

"Aragh. Bastards!"

"Keep your panties in the bunch. That's what Mutants do. Relax Sub-class Renkik. All bunch of petty cowards anyway, Judging from their dialogue, the militia has been committing genocide throughout Tibet for quite some time; according to Chinese reports and intel: across the Himalaya mountains those are Outposts where multiple executions are seen, dousing civilians in gasoline and setting them on fire, and shooting prisoners in the head in the remains of a burned out hut. Don't waste your breath on them. I intend to kill them all..."

Militant's action repulsed Renkik Yito, pretty much everyone in the team, Hiden calmed them showed a deep grudge and disdain over the Mutant race, waiting for the right moment to strike, seize the outpost since he distanced himself most of the actions, commanding the squad, rather than wielding weapon senseless.

Today, China Confederacy governs western and central Tibet as the 'Tibetan Bloc' under Confederacy's domination. However, while the eastern areas are now mostly ethnic autonomous prefectures within Southeast and Southwest province, as the Indian intelligence agency provoked the Mutanic militia to start 'revolution' against human's oppressors, as the leaders instigated a reign of terror over the region fallen into violent Mutanic extremism, turned the region into chaos and lawlessness, took control over the deserts, mountains and other neighbouring provinces.

"Alright, let's go."

Hiden stood up, pulled out his Cube, command the Terrarium Knights to assault.

"Renkik and Kawazoe, you two stay here, provide cover fire the rest come with me."

Pressing Hiden's cube transformed into broad Antamentium-made arming sword glossed brightly: When its power cell is activated, often by touching a control located on the hilt, the blade is sheathed in a lethal corona of disruptive energy. This energy field allows the blade to carve through flesh, bone and most forms of armour plate alike, making the 'Arming Sword Cube' a highly effective close combat weapon.

'Arming Sword Cube' are used by all members of the Imperial armed forces, including the troops of the Empire's special divisions.


Hiden commanded, before charging in at first. His subordinates followed, stunned at his boundless courage.

"What the!?"


On the lofty ground, Hiden assaulted the outpost head-on, shoved his sword into first Mutant's abdomen, goopy blood spurts at the exit wound, before the poor guy could scream Hiden decapitated his head permanently. Chocked the closest Mutant, latter, throws his body at outpost fuel tank, causing a huge explosion.

While the remaining process everything that's happening, Hiden, while having a composure set of minds went on a strategic killing spree. Sliced off the militant's limbs, pulled out their guts, while Mutants had the time to regenerate, he incinerated them, small fuel tank attached under Suit's wrist area, providing him to unleashed controlled hellfire beneath his arms. He cut, stab, severed, Ōgai Hiden did everything with passion.

Hiden's favourite form of execution as he kneecaps with his sword, brutally inserted sword's edge into militant's patella, when they screamed in agony shoved the gun inside the mouth then blows their brains out. Sword used for cutting limbs, severed Noryoku-joints, shooting Pistol on the other hand simultaneously.

The automatic handgun called Allan Pistol: a smaller version of Brittonian standard Valiyan Rifles. Powerful and utilitarian sidearm, capable to pierce the toughest skins. And Hiden is a veteran Knight, facing against even the dangerous Mutant is no big deal.

"Open fire, open fire!"

*Bang. Bang*

"What the—!?"


Utterly panicked, Chinese Mutant militiamen's exchanged fire, nevertheless snipers took out their heads before do anything, as Hiden pouched at the centre ground, took out the main force by surprise, during turmoil, Hiden shoved the sword forward right one's chest, while pulling out, he sliced off second militiamen's arm as he spin back, shot the third right on the face. Blood spurted vigorously on the snow.

Turned the snowy white surface into ghastly bloodbath, as the Mutant militiamen's mutilated corpses, the severed limbs, ripped out intestines shattered around the arena, stained the Sliver Techno armour with their crimson blood.

With the other Knights provided covering fire, taking down the snipers or long-range weapon carrying enemies from the hill.

Hiden was unstoppable, able to slaughter each of the militant hostiles during the search and destroy mission.

"That was easy. The output is clear! Everyone's good? Masamune? Kurt?"

"Yeah. We're good captain."

"Any Non-mutant survivor?"

"Apparently Keiner (none). Found a dumping yard full frozen corpse, looks like native Tibetan monks, probably from the nearby monastery this is where they executed them. Apart from that nobody's hurt the stronghold was surprisingly large."

"Good job gentlemen. It's was the last one."

A positive response from the Hiden's squad when he inquired, since he butchered most of the them, the remaining hardly received any injuries. Even Hiden was consumed with his killing spree he gradually believed the company under his command was involved some kind of brutal "cleansing" raid.

While Terrarium Knights are considered are foremost amongst the defenders of Brittonia, the greatest of the Supreme One's warriors. The most capable human of all; clad in highly advanced Techno armour and wielding the most potent weapons known to man, Terrarium Knights are terrifying foes and their devotion to the Supreme One and the Brittonia is unyielding. They are the Brittonia's Angels of Death, and they know no fear.

"Captain. I found is...agh. Keep moving bastard."

Very happily, Vannier brought one terrified surrendered militant prisoner towards the knights, middle of camp, surrounded by enemies pushed him here and there. Menaced him in every corner.

"Everyone stands back!"

Hiden called off the knights, as they enjoy preying on his helplessness like savage dogs.

Despite the infamous reputation Terrarium Knights have, nothing compared to Hiden Ōgai, amongst the fearsome Knight And currently none of Knights in his squad knew his true-self, but they about to see why.