Second Assault on the Raizen Supermaxim Part 4

1 hour ago.

Tsutsui Claire and Shogi and his six-man squad pushed through the basement floors, as the released prisoner running rampant, the squad attempt to put down, however their mission halted they're up against an enormous intimidating enemy. Who casually killed eleven of them, precisely sliced them into little pieces and squeeze the limbs to pour out blood, he bathes when the squad arrived, witnessed the horrifying atrocity, the blood of his victims he was playing with--

Baffled the Shogi and the other to the core.

"Wha-what!? What kind of inhuman monster do this!?"


"That's... S... Sergeant Tomotaki!"

Claire stammered, when she sighted Tomotaki's face, under the hood, paled skin, so white appeared like a living corpse, dark shades with huge, buggy eyes covered in blood, tossing the hands, legs and organ around like a toy.

"Do you know me? Or do I know you?" said Tomotaki, head spin around, malicious look at Shogi's squad of six, "At the end day – it doesn't matter anyway. You humans just a watermelon for me to squash."


"No wait! He's—"

Bang. bang!

Intense gunfire

"Aragh... (granted) that hurt! Willing to hurt me, hehe feel nothing."

Shogi fired few rounds at Tomotaki's abdomen, 8 mm calibre bullets gashed in, for sheer fear and terror he created.

However, Tomotaki's regenerative healing factor as the Darkfallen Variant quickly the sum up the odds. Terrified the squad.

As a Mild-manner yet inexperienced Shogi's squad has no notion what they up against.

"You had your chance. Now it's mine—"

Tomotaki grinned ambushed the Squad — like picking a fruit from the tree decapitating Corporal Zahra Shogi, the blood poured out from the neck restless, consumed him whole, before the huge shiny blade shoved into Shogi's headless chest before the body falls.

"Try to understand. Your Biotium is a highly addictive substance. Like a good bottle of champagne, once tasted it you cannot stop..."

While the squad looked on in horror, Tomotaki spun the head around while explaining it to be a method to accumulate Biotium, which he made a show of dripping into his open mouth. One of the Imperian soldier, second in command Maya Sokoyo, began to panic and opened fire with a pistol— this proved utterly ineffective,

"It's fucking useless!"

"Heh hehe.... Pick-a-fucking-boom!"

And Tomotaki smiled before cruelly launching an attack against the surviving soldiers. Expands his blade even further, add menacing chainsaw-like spikes off one side of the edges. He launched another attack, grabbed, Maya's neck to stood the posture forward, shoved his Noryoku-blade inside her guts— very slowly, raise the Noryoku into her body out from the shoulder, split the torso in half from down to upwards, then painstakingly eaten alive, so does the rest four who stood in his way, literally Claire hears her squad the scream as they're comrades torn to shreds before Maya's rib cage is cracked open and then they feast on her heart.

"Lame-looking bitch!"

Chop into pieces and crush the heads to jets out the gloppy blood more visibly, before killing four in an instant, spared Tsutsui Claire for last.

"You are pretty decent unlike the rest, love. That's why I intend to keep you for the harm's way—"

"Sergeant Tomotaki.... Aren't you recognise me? It's me! Tsutsui Claire! Private Claire. I used to be a subordinate of yours back in the 2050s. Don't you remember anything?!"

"Subordinate of mine?"

"Yes... You and Hyoubu Masamune... We're subordinates of your division..."

"I see... Aren't the glassed chick with big boobs?"

"Ah... I think so... Yes..."

Forward hand, Tomotaki slowly remove the Claire's glasses. As he began to talk down to Claire, currently stable.

His memories of his past remain somewhat intact, expressing resentment and frustration over being overshadowed by others in the past. As such, beneath his arrogant demeanour, and Claire desperately attempt to get him to remember her. He recalled her with ambiguous descriptions.

She agreed with a hopeful, yet vague expression.

"Hehe... Take off your clothes then."

"Huh? What!?"

"You're hesitating...aren't the glassed woman, shoulder length black hair with bouncy twin-melons?"

"But...what is the meaning of this!?"

"Its simple... If you become the same, it's not scary. Killers, monsters, mutants. If you consumed — chew down to the bone what you're afraid of, fear will disappear. What you are afraid of, is the pathway of hell in front of you? Take off your uniform. I want to fuck you...!?"



Suddenly he tripped Claire over the floor, tears her uniform's lower section himself. Completely out of his mind he chock her down. Became unstable again...

"No! Ahhh... Please, Sergeant Tomotaki. No! Noooooo!"

"This will make you quite..."


Always being a meek is not inherently wrong... But when people took advantage of them, being forced to do something, or force themselves upon them. They should fight. But in case of Tsutsui Claire! It'd never happen. Tomotaki violently smothered her screaming


Pahp...Pap.... Pah!

He begun sexually assaulting Claire, aggressively throbbing into her parts, being merciless. Using the Hikaru-Eye subdue her conscious and willingness, Tomotaki while choking her, pinned her against the floor, he began pounding Claire, brutally violating her... Somewhere on the Raizen's corner. Behind her comrade's corpses.

Aragh... Plea.. Please don't.... No.!! Noooooo."

"Shut up! You are the one I got tired of fucking you, accept your punishment! Killing you shall bring honour for the Emperor!"

Despite possessing a calm demeanour most of the time, during the combat Tomotaki unleashed his inner demons to go rampage becoming an unstable, merciless killer with little regard for human life. Tomotaki takes pleasure in killing, and expresses a belief in conquering fear through becoming the very monster he feared. While prone to erratic or wild behaviour, shows moments of complete lucidity and awareness of his actions.

After the ejection, he repeatedly stabbing Claire in the stomach while she still breathing coughing out blood, groaning, snapped out Hikaru-created nightmares. Enraged with uncontrollable urge, bloodthirsty Tomotaki took a whole different level. He reins on Claire's body, brutally pummelling her face and brains, bashed out her eyes and teeth, knocked her out from the consciousness. Then very cruelly have her eyes slowly gouging out. The pressure was so great Claire's head literally crushed by Tomotaki's hands.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.... NOOO... Ahh.... Araghhhhhh!!!!!—"


She literally screamed in slow, horrific agony before it's interrupted by a sudden jerk from Tomotaki, a simultaneous eruption of blood from between his hands, shattered her skull into multiple pieces, followed up with ton of goopy warm blood, brain matter pouring out to the ground. Staining the floor crimson red.

"Haha-hehe glo-glory for the Mutant Emperor!"

Using the prison's PA system, Tomotaki broadcast Claire's pain-filled screams across the premises and wallowed in amusement at her agony, as he pulled that out after violently violate and murdered her.

Pledge his loyalty to the Mutant Emperor while gigging insanely as someone looked on in grave disappointment.

"What the fuck you're doing..."

"Ahhh... Your Samesty?"

The someone happens to be Akagi Shinsuke dressed in Redtron's costume, mask at hand. Sighed sharp and anxious seeing Tomotaki's atrocious acts.

"The mess you made — sheer brutality isn't that necessary Tomotaki? Uh?"

"Of course, it is! Dominance wins anything. Dominance is power..."

"I don't wanna know what power is! from you specially. Clean this mess up and make yourself presentable... Before someone comes here."

"Ugh... Too late, someone is coming..."

"What? who's coming?"

"Don't you like to know! It's Lieutenant Miyako. Her Royal fucking majesty, heading right towards us..."

"Clean yourself up. Head to the basement, unite with rest of the group. I find another way to the exit... And handle her."

"'Handle her? You want to kill her or fuck her?"

"Ahh...! Do as I say. Don't test me..."

"Alright... As you wish your Samesty. I will do as you command..."

After donned the mask Akagi's Hikaru Eye glows immensely. Glaring, fed up Tomotaki's impassive taunting. However, before Tomotaki head out while Akagi exited.

"Stop! Redtron!?"

Just got himself in through the metal door. Miyako had Akagi under gunpoint. With AM-Pistol aim at him.