Last Head of the Straw

"Raizen Reinforcement arrived in greater numbers, pinning down on us! Miss Athena, what we going to do?"

"Benjamin's 2nd and 4th company take point. Hit hard with offensive... 1st and 3rd company follow me."

"Yes... Ma'am...!"

"Don't call me "ma'am". I am not an "ma'am" Do I look 45 years old hag to you!?"

"No ma'am...."

"Ugh... Never mind! Follow me..."

Guns loaded.

During the midst of heavy fire exchange between Fraternity and Raizen Reinforcement reserves. While Misaki's forces greater number with Raizen's guardsman, the table turned when they brought Blazethrower into play.

Not only it come in a wide variety of designs and patterns, but all are ideal for flushing out enemies in cover and putting groups of foes to the torch with projected flame. Hold capability to severely incinerated a numerous type of Mutants in an instant.

The two most common variants of Blazer either have a detachable fuel canister under the barrel, or a hose connecting to a backpack canister.

Blazethrower are most used by Brittonian Imperial assault forces such as Special Division Assault Squads. A ranged incendiary device designed to project a controllable jet of fire. And fire is the most deadly enemy of mutant in close combat, melt through even hardest Noryoku-based defences after all; every Mutanic Noryokus made of organic biomass. Henceforth weapon widely used in MH War II as a tactical siege weapon against Mutanic fortifications.

As she withdraw few men, separate them from the frontline — to more remote corridor, knew those small-scale conflict won't last long. Then she spotted Nobeshiba heading towards her.

"Why this piece of shit doing in here?"

"Good to see you too... Miss Athena... Is it your real name I'm little confused here, donning Redtron outfit, killing bunch of Guards here and there...? How's the leg working?"

"Let me show you! —"


During the tensed time. Akasku Nobeshiba showed up at Akagi's behest, without giving any justification begun taunting her—to the most dangerous person.

"What? No longer been a smartass?"


Nobeshiba grunted. While Misaki roughly interrogated him.

"Before I break your neck in half. What do you want in here?"

"Aggh-agh... (Grunted)"

No matter how hard Nobeshiba tried, he couldn't able to move her leg an inch, using only the leg to kick Nobeshiba's throat, nailed against steel wall, began to suffocate him, tapping out in submission didn't work.

"Let him I think he's been trying to say something, and — his face gotta red. I mean, who needs arms with legs like these?" remarked one of her subordinates.


Misaki let Nobeshiba go of her long leg up to his throat. kneel coughing heavily.


"I switched sides... Nothing good come out serving Brittonia. Rather than rotting in a cell. I struck a deal with Fraternity, serve under him as one of his Mutant Commander."

"Really? Where's your battalion? Been a commander — you need an army at least more than one hundred."

"I have contacts throughout Imperium States. I will gather them later. From now on, I won't be around your legs: it's dangerous..."

"Kill this cockroach if he tries anything!" ordered Misaki grimly, showed distain and mistrust, not to mention, he tried to kill Misaki. But Nobeshiba interjected.

"That won't be necessary... You as a sole survivor of Code Phoenix I developed unique survival skills — and I won't be kind enough to escorted her to you."

"Her? You mean—"

"Misa-chan! Over here..."


Finally, Misaki reunited with Nagako Miyoshi. Embrace each other dearly, full of sisterly love. Perhaps Miyoshi is the only person who revive the warmth from Misaki's cold-hearted persona, bringing back the goodness in her.

"My, you've grown... Never get the chance to see your money thoroughly in our last encounter. And I am... Sorry what happened to you..."

"No. Don't been!" Miyoshi insisted, "It's all my fault for been careless. Should've careful. I am sorry for the trouble I've caused. You always look out for you (sobs)"

Miyoshi always sees Misaki like an elder sister and loves her that way, so the two of them have a close relationship. Seeing that Miyoshi has also lost her father and her biological big sister (whom Misaki had a complex intimate relationship with) to the Spotter, Misaki becomes fiercely protective of Miyoshi, risking her life to protect her and avenging her life would not be threatened. She is willing to massacre everyone in the spot for her, when Valkyrie Division kidnapping her, in contrast of her personality being usually stoic, level-headed, strategically persuasive was seconds away unleashing on a suicidal rampage against Valkyrie super soldiers, despite having zero chance of success.

When they reunite Miyoshi breaks down in tears and starts apologizing. Misaki embraced Miyoshi and kissed the top of her head affectionately and murmured—

"It's okay. Shit happens you know. It was Shinsuke isn't it?"

"Mm-hmm. He personally came to rescue me..."

"By the way—"


"—When did you developed such huge bosom!"

"Eekek... Me--Misa.... cha--don't..."

Miyoshi yelped, then suppressed the startling sensation, all the sudden Misaki squeezed Miyoshi's big-breasts mischievously, for teasing, make fun of her – while Miyoshi yield blissfully Misaki seem to enjoy groping girl's big soft breasts.

"You two having fun? Now let's get out here..."

Appeared from behind Akagi ogled at his smartwatch. Before made a dry remark, with Tomotaki.

"But how we supposed to get passed through the Reinforcement reserves?" asked Misaki in concern.

"Let Nagako Miyoshi to do that, she will provide a way for us. She's the main piece of our escape."

"Hey don't call her a piece, she's one--"

"No Misa-chan, please stay here. When the weapons were destroyed. You could make for it

Miyoshi stood up, pounced upwards, where the entire battle was shown.

"Over there!"

"I'm sorry!"

before the Raizen reserve could fire at her, she forwards her full activated Noryoku, eventually

the palm split open appears to be a mouth and unleashed a destructive high-pitched ultrasonic wave.



While talon-fingers become a barrier, prevent the waves to go wild, refocused its efficiency, held the capacity to burst out enemies' eardrums. But she didn't go that far, subdued all them unconscious before clenching their ears in agony. Which disappointed Akagi little bit, but did not protest follow through the plan...

"Everyone gets on.... On the Raizen carrier...!"

"Where's that smoking coming from?"

"The explosion which I detonated earlier, should've descend into ocean. Apparently, the engines still working luckily for us—"

Inside the stolen Airborne Ship escape from Raizen after loading the important members, Akagi's recklessly aimed forward, from the Airship's emergency window as the strong gush of wind and long altitude repelled him to take a proper aim, his persistent know no bounds.

Soon enough. His fingers transformed into three-fingered fleshly Noryoku-type; a powerful constructed red beam of light launched towards the Raizen engine.

Within nanoseconds after impact—


A gigantic red fiery explosion, like the fury of an eruption of untameable volcano engulfed one-third of Raizen's landmass, ton of debris crumbling down into ocean, including everything and everyone whole Island collapsed under.

"Like a sinking Titanic, Raizen submerged into depth of the ocean. For now, I let the prison live on the sea-level, where it belongs."

Closing window when Akagi — while smirking looks behind at his crew, gazing at the devastating sight in horror, meanwhile the propitiator felt good about his achievement to score the highest kills at his first campaign to destroy Brittonia, unknowingly held responsible of countless deaths at Raizen.