
"Please. You must protect me from her. If she finds out I was stealing from her—"

"If Mayumi Misaki finds out one of her trusted lieutenants stealing, keep the increasingly significant portions of the profit for himself from drug distribution, she will be gutted you like a fish. Roasted you like a pork, flavoured with spice before eating you? What do you want from me?"

Leaving the Multi-billion Doro worth of criminal empire to several of her Lieutenants. Misaki aided Akagi on his quest, meantime obtains a valid passport to leave at once. Gave unlimited opportunity for the subordinates to extract profit by abusing their power. While most of her Lieutenants loyal to her, but some just couldn't hold their greed and lust.

Among the disloyal ones was Azimth Regis (the Higher Mutant and a newest lieutenant of organisation).

Allegedly he believes his erratic behaviour in TYZ while his boss absence caused a lot of trouble in organisation, his action was considered embarrassing to the group, largely because of his notorious habit of impregnating showgirls and prostitutes. Additionally, with expense of the money he stole. After realising his mistakes Regis arrived at the Justified's doorstep. Begging for Sosuke's aid to save him, teleported him somewhere safe, using the Fallen Gate.

"Please save me. People said you're a man of honour."

"What honour!?" Sosuke rebuked offensively, "I am not Kaseko, alright? What you want me to do? In order to save your ass, risk my men's life who just declared war against Fraternity's strongest military wing. Yes. Athenaeum joined forces with Fraternity. Doubled their strength and manpower."

"But I told you everything. Isn't that enough?"

"What? You tell me what?"

"Master Cesare!"

One of his Lieutenant, the big guy, Tongan whispered behind.

"Have you eaten sweets?" Sosuke suddenly asked, "Eat them all. I will be back soon."

Sosuke excused himself, went out from the front gate. His secret castle surrounded by Athenaeum's forces five times larger, led by Lockyer, riding a motorcycle, followed by three trucks of fully armed Athenaeum soldiers.

"Master Cesare. Heard so much about you!"

Lockyer lightly remarked, stepped out of the bike, fearlessly walked forward. While Sosuke's men aimed at Lockyer with assault rifles. Both sides armed themselves with grenades and machine guns, pointing at each other.

Despite being significantly outnumbered Sosuke's faction is an organized paramilitary force. A military organization comprised from expert soldiers and mercenaries with shady pasts to vengeful mutant individuals, grieving the loss of their loved ones by Redtron's terrorist campaign, take arms against the injustice. While eventually gave confidence to Sosuke.

"Really? From who?" said Sosuke mildly.

"From the poor mutants you trying to save. They say you have tremendous sympathy to innocent victims of war such as slaves and non-combatant, regular civilians. They also said, you have a keen sense of honour and justice, received from your master, no doubt. Got me 2 hours before spilling them the real location."

Sosuke scowled, furious upon hearing—

"If you hurt any of one of them, I swear--"

"Relax I'm only here to negotiate."

But Lockyer have something in mind.

"Where is Regis?"

"Why? What makes you think he's here?"

"Because I led him to. I know he's the least menacing guy in a highly male dominated group. You'll give him up, know what's best for you."

To this point everyone knows Lockyer threatened Sosuke using Misaki's forces as a muscle. Sosuke took a deep breath and replied--

"You what's bothering me, Lockyer? Your arrogance. Your false sense of superiority. You have been busy inserting your dick into other man's ass. See the big guy over there, names Tongan Ren, the first experimental Fallen-made. Holding his conscious and conscience at same time. But he personally does not care at all, neither reincarnated into a horrific abominable monster or massacring hordes of human and mutants together, without shed a remorse."

Sosuke's counter threat, really hit Lockyer on the stomach, went speechless with passive rage.

"... Heard you're fair, caring, and willing to do anything to keep your family and friends safe. After became the 'Children of Darkfallen'. Unlike Redtron, you see no reason for torture, cruelty, or unnecessary executions, and treated your prisoners of war well and justly. Don't wish for violence or war and doing your best to limit the deaths and casualties on both sides. Quite the noble hero you are, eager to earn yourself money and glory,"

"I didn't much care any glory or money!" Sosuke remarked firmly,

"What then?"

"You think I fighting for this war for fame? So, the mutant can sing song about my victory over evil? I want some peace in my life, full of people I care about, friend who give me support, so I can go home, I want my men to following me to go home,"

"Why?" Lockyer questioned,

"Because we'll never be safe until Akagi and his Fraternity army be defeated, and countless others have suffered because of his mad grasp of power. And because I believe in justice and goodness,"

"See? What did I tell you, quite the hero indeed," Lockyer quoted in smug, in snide.

"Yes, that's true. But It doesn't mean he have to become ruthless, cruel, and brutal in order to protect my friends, yet managed to maintain complete composure. Still capable of showing his gentle nature in front of people he cared about, but instantly turned merciless against his enemies, that's the man I am. Anyway, I give you Azimth Regis, despite being a higher mutant he's useless, in return. You stay away from my territory, you, and Athena's troops will not be seen here ever again."

"Agreed." Lockyer humbly accepted Sosuke's offer.

"Stay loyal and stay out of each other way."

The deal was set.

When Sosuke showed the way to Azimth Regis, He nonchalantly inquired,

"You're stealing Athena's black money?"

Shocked upon Sosuke's question.

"Nothing. Just a lamp to erase the suspicion. He did tell Athenaeum's financial information to save his skin?"

"...I-I don't understand, I don't know what to make of it."

"Heh. I did not expect to be," Lockyer vaguely quoted, warning him about the inevitable, in snide manner, "While embarking on a noble yet vengeful quest, ruthless to enemies meanwhile merciful to your friends and the innocent only works if you have clear knowledge who and which faction is the enemy, where there clear distinction between good and evil. While you think you are on good side calling me a gay. Being merciless against enemies. Yearned for strength and power, becoming more power-hungry, superficially arrogant and hypocritical."

Shocking revealed, Lockyer was behind all the turmoil inside Misaki's organisation during her absence, discussed how Regis could fit into their plans to take down Misaki and her beloved organisation. The deal with Lockyer had now reached a stalemate, and he figured Regis could be used as a pawn to let Lockyer succeed. If Regis was told they could help him with his Strip club vision, he'd do anything to help. Regis met with Sosuke Cesare and subsequently supplied him with all the information they needed, especially financial information, about the Athenaeum Crime Syndicate. Regis ambiguously claimed that his goal in that deal was simply to get something for himself, on his own, and swore that he did not realize he was being used as part of a larger plot to kill Lady Athena. However, in the event of his betrayal, Regis would likely have led the Athenaeum Syndicate, at least as a figurehead, or a superficial scapegoat. Lockyer's real motives remained a mystery.

"Cesare, Cesare!"

Looking for Sosuke, his other lieutenant Theodore arrived, panting, with news.


"Regis got escaped!"

"What!? When?"

"A moment ago. Through the window.'

"Dammit, must've heard our conversation, Theodore give me my equipment!"

"Right away sir!"

Grabbing his gear, which included pistols, explosives, Anti-fallen bullets, smoke bombs and a large amount of throwing knives, military combat knife. Extension cord grappler, elastic robes, electric gloves and several other high-tech gadgets which prevent Sosuke using any of Noryokus. Pursuit Regis on foot.

"Regis stay where you are!"

On the solid terrain, the Higher Mutant Azimth Regis ran desperately, Sosuke in pursuit.

"Stay away. I know that! You're one of them, don't meddle any further!"

"No way to run now!"

"Fuck you. I will get my ticket out here cunt! Take this."

During the intense chase Regis throws a couple of four-wheeler cars at Sosuke using his Mutanic abilities. Using it as diversion to pounced at the top of nearby building, before collapsing two of them already. Attempt to buried him. All failed nonetheless.



However, Sosuke is a superb athlete, in the peak of physical prowess and mentality, making him an agile opponent. Easily slipped through the thrown car, during the momentum fired the top grabber at the terrace as a boost, avoiding most of the building's ruins.

"You'll never get me, Sosu—Ahhh shit!"

While Regis would think evading his pursuit soon crushed, as Sosuke's chase continues.



Activated Bulk-Hammer Noryoku Regis punched on the ground, created a shockwave, shake Sosuke off the roof. However, he jumped, pounced upwards, during mid-air--

Bang. Bang!

Fired couple of rounds from his pistol. Forced Regis to reverse.


In rage Regis throws an impulsive and blind offensive, countered by Sosuke, plunged his Noryoku claws into the flesh tossed him up front. Throws capture ropes afterwards, to immobilised Regis and apprehended. As an extremely skilled in close combat. With his highly developed mid-range Noryoku as well as carried a variety of equipment, easily repelled Higher Mutant's attacks, soon overpowers him. This is also proven when Sosuke can twists and breaks his own legs after enemy's grabbed it to land a hard-right knee strike from his leg to knock on the jaw to send them up front.

"Who am I kidding!? Who's classified as SS-ranked Mutant who never lose a single fight! Defeating a higher Mutant is a child's play to you." Regis admitted lying on the ground in defeat.

"It's not true." Sosuke's confessed sincerely, kneel beside his opponent, show respect and empathy, "I use this equipment so I don't have to accepts Mutant side of me, learned marital arts, so I haven't eaten by enemy. Whatever I am doing is somewhat forced, if I don't do it, lot of people going to die. People whom I cared about. I must save my friends from Fraternity's tyranny, war instigation which their Emperor good at, what I gather about Redtron, currently his favourite method of execution is impalement, with some sources claiming: he once had 20,000 corpses impaled outside southern inland city's. In fact, some sources claim that over 700,000 people were murdered in one massacre alone. He allowed his soldiers to rape women in front of their families and enslaved hundreds of Imperians in settlement as a manual labour, of course the atrocities never mentioned in the mainstream media. You understand why I am doing this?"

"I understand. You're blameless most of time. But mustn't allying will Lockyer. That homo son of a bitch, is like a shark he will betray you, just like he betrayed me."

"That I cannot do. He promised to away from my turf. I will honour it."

"Fuck you then! Fuck your honour."

After said that, Regis drew his last breath.

Sosuke's knife unsheathe.

"Son of a bitch!"

After stabbing multiple times, he began dissecting Regis's throat wrenching it around for hours until decapitation, ripped the head off the neck. The inner monster became to takeover him as a chaotic martial artist, capable of holding his own against somebody as experienced as Akagi. He was incredibly brutal in fights, and used underhanded and sadistic manoeuvres against an opponent if necessary.

However, even though he was an expert fighter, Kaseko was older, stronger and infinitely more experienced than him, and was eventually capable of defeating him. Sosuke had the utterly fatal weakness was that he would let his rage get the better of his judgement and logic.