Incursion of Island-City 9

The massacre of Ninth Island-City, orchestrated by Akagi A.K.A Redtron mentioned by Sosuke was no exaggeration. Of course, Akagi must maintained his public image to the citizens of Imperium, not wanted to stain his organisation's reputation. So, how does he accomplish it?

After the recruitment, lined up into single battalion, every useful pawn, mostly raw recruits from the same settlement, who knows the island's streets. And put Bulford Ashiruse, the designer and engineer for RMS who knew little to no about military strategies and warfare in charge of his army. Bulford deeply privileged to be given the opportunity, sworn to capture settlement at any cost, Akagi agreed.

Akagi gave him a small fraction of the army, mostly while keeping the whole force as reserve.

By Akagi's orders Bulford to attack the Brittonian parts of the Island-City 9, which he did through swift and brutal ways – men were beheaded in front of their wives and children; property was ceased, traitors were castrated, seized all settlement by fear, almost all the settlement's districts included. His forces launched a brutal military offensive into Island-City 9 aggressively entered, captured; liberated or re-establishing control and authority over the settlement; forcing the partition of Island-City; altering the established government or gaining concessions from said 'First liberated state of Mutannia government; or a combination thereof. The Island-City used to control by the Brittonian Governor in a highly defensive Fortress called Dead Chester. Since Akagi ordered Bulford, to go ruthless and thus he assaulted the Dead Chester with all his might. On his march into settlement, before his legions raided many regional outskirts and towns, stealing money and supplies from the locals in Silver State's mainland, and slaughtered anyone who stood in his way.

In other words, Akagi slaughtered thousands of inhabitants of the Dead Chester Fortress, nearby smaller districts and ordered Bulford to pile up the skull of Brittonian Governor frighten him into submission to the Fort.

After handing over the stronghold, Akagi killed the Governor anyway to show off strength and intimidate other hostiles, pile up him and his subordinate's heads on a pike, or impalement near the shore, surrounding the island city. The borders being watched from the watchtower snipers and turncoat police guards.

Once settling in, Akagi knew the populous do not like nor willing to support him as their ruler since they still living in horrors of previous Mutant Emperor's actions thus, they forced to live in the oppression rather joined the Revolution.

To clear up the citizen's fear and winning their support Akagi came up with a ruthless yet brilliant strategy:

"What's meaning of this? I have been ordered to take command of his forces by His Samesty himself. Let go you insolent fools!" Bulford rebuked, being dragged by his own underlings.

After the first Fraternity victory. After Akagi's orders, couple of guards, the official soldiers of Fraternity forces, who all wear matching uniforms and helmets. A standardized uniform, complete with face-concealing gas mask. Leather Uniforms are well-armoured, durable and offer great protection, and present a united, frightening front. While the mask use to protect the wearer from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic gases. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and mouth, but may also cover the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of the face.

Two of them brought Bulford inside the camps at sundown, blindfolded to Akagi, whist he donned the Redtron's costume.

"Mister Bulford. You did a phenomenal job of making the Redtron Suit and executing the stupid Governor. Doing the invasion quietly? Not so much."

"Wh.. What. Your Samesty!?! I-I did what you'd ask!"

Stunned upon hearing Redtron's masculine, intimidating voice, replying to Bulford's claims.

"Of course not. You know there are other, more subtle ways, preparations may involve secretly garnering popular support, assassinating potential threatening political and military figures, and closing off supply lines where they cross into neighbouring help for example?"

"You don't share your war plans with me about that."

"Oh. you wish to know my war plans, do you?

"No, I am still your ally. Only loyal to you."

"Are you demanding that I discount your actions and rely on friendship?"

"I-I just asking not demanding or suggesting."

"To destroy Brittonia and create a new world and order within my Mutannia. I REQUIRED ABSOLUTE LOYALTY AND NO MISTAKES!!!"

Redtron growled, his temperamental attitude frightened the audience immensely, experience his aura of dominance, as he continues--

"If I see slightest disobedience from anyone, I will eliminate them entirely!"

"You intend to kill me!? Your most loyal friend!"

"Friends? When I said we're friends? I have no friends. You're nothing Bulford, less than nothing, of an expendable pawn."

"You son of a bitch!"

"Heh. (Chuckled) you know something? Your voice so childish, so light and cowardly, no one took you seriously if you said it like that."

"Is that a test? You know either I work for you not the RMS's leaders."

"Ah. But do I, Bulford? There's only one way I can know that unconditionally now. But... You can be useful later. After all, you served me well to this point."

"What yes, I can. Please give me a chance to prove meself."

"Mhmm. Saw him half!"

"!?W-What!? What d-did you mean!? Ah. Let me go. Your Samesty. Your Samesty!!!!"

Akagi meant exactly what he said. The guards dragged Bulford's "expendable" ass out from the Fraternity garrison, and like a fat old pig in the slaughterhouse. Before dawn had him sliced in half, cut up his body using an electric chainsaw. The top of each post is sawed off at railing height. Started lengthwise, and skull downwards.

While Bulford very much awaken, mouth conceal with duct tape. His chubby body being hung upside-down and sawn apart vertically through the middle, starting at the groin, with no mention of fastenings or support boards around, the excruciating compressed agony, level of pain he suffered; the manner of cruelty and brutality, only depicted one's imagination.