Tip of the Iceberg

"Ahhh... What should I do...?"

"Are you sure this is the right move?"


"Think again it's not a blitz chess, you got time."


Like the good old days, Miyoshi insisted Akagi to play a round of chess. He agreed, but unlike the previous game Miyoshi Nagako is the one got no move.

Akagi warned about the move she about to make. While she thinks thoroughly, Akagi lounge in the empty command centre, prone to get started. Slurping his morning coffee, reading the book he didn't find intriguing, remarked erratically before slamming the book.

"That's rubbish."

"Ah?... What did you mean, Akagi?"

"You know the chess is a perfect waste of time, only an idiot would think chess is equivalent to real-life wars. They say it's the game of kings, only the keen intellect will win. That chess teaches one to think strategically to win any battles or situations. What a load of bullshit! Both sides have identical pieces, the rules stay invariably the same, each piece have same powers, do exactly as player's wish. How does this mirror real life? …pawns see only their comrades at their sides and their foes across the field. A king has a different view of the chessboard. His greatest foes surround him. His own chessmen might trap him, deceive him, disobey order, or switched sides. And that is check—and death. You see, Miyoshi, chess is the art of sacrificing your own pieces. Now do you see?"


Before Miyoshi's answer, Misaki entered with stern expression on her face.

"What are you doing in this morning Miyoshi?"

She asked her,

"Um... We are playing chess with Akagi here!"

"Will you excuse us please, Miyoshi dear, Shinsuke and I need to talk."

"But I could help you out you know."

"That's nice. But you still need to excuse us, I'll ask you if needed."


Due to Misaki's blank expression stony attitude cause Miyoshi's smile transformed into sorrow and sombre before leaving the room. Seeing that, Akagi mentioned,

"Hey you don't need to harsh on her."

"Harsh? When did I said something offensive?"

"She's not used to your porker-faced attitude and wooden face, might go like this.... (Showing)"

Oblivious what she'd done to Miyoshi to upset her. Akagi demonstrate her expression so ridiculously comical of furrowing eyebrows. Transformed Misaki's serious face little brighter with a chuckled due to his cheeky tease.

"Heh. I don't know why can't strict with you."

"Freak of nature I suppose. Any news?"

"More than you know."

"Mmm... Let's hear them."

"The Golden Chain has arrived in TYZ. While you assembled Fraternity's armed forces, ranks up the mutant commanders. Captured the Island-City, nullify any counter resistance before rising. Fraternity gained some reputation across the globe. Two of the major factions willing to make an alliance. One is the Socialist group Voltaire in North and the Americans."

"The Americans?"

"Non-governmental weapon manufacture owner. Also, a billionaire named Leonardo. Can be crook but he can be negotiable, willing to joined forces with the Fraternity. I suggest we should set up—"

"Then allow me to clarify the new chain of command. While Tomita will retain authority over military operations intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance networks for military, internal security and commercial aviation customers, and Intel gathering department. You will be my Supreme commander in charge of all internal endeavours. As well as the military's operations, especially assisting on stealth mission with strategic plans. Each mutant commander consists more than three-to-five hundred regular mutant troops from varieties of ranks, types, shapes and sizes with each subgroup. Supreme Commander holds entirety of the army. The highest rank below the Mutant Emperor."

"You are intending to…?"

"Meaning: you have the entire paramilitary to command, why bother purchasing such hefty baggage from unknown investors. The war isn't even officially begun. So, relax... And carry on what else?"

"The Scavengers. And Tomotaki!"

Akagi softly massage Misaki's broad-shoulder, smoothing one problem she came with another.

"Ichiro's Brittonian army cleansed the Scavenger's heartland, polishing the viral wasteland into city project for Moderates, The Justified. Either provides protection for Scavengers. Or they'll interfere with your conquest since you did not keep the bargain you've promised."

"Ah.... (Sighed)."

Akagi took a deep breath, exhales the anger and frustration dwells.

"Let them. Before I crushed those savages like insect. And Tomotaki, what's his problem?"

"He said before making more enemy. You should reconsider who's your allies are?"

"That's it. A fucking advise!"

"Added with the advice he wants to the Supreme Commander of your military personal. Since Tomotaki control the Fallen Gate and knows how to use it he felt inferior with his position in Caledonia. And I suggest transfer my position to him, won't be here for much longer. And including me Cornwall unexpectedly be in harmony. Maybe he wants talk to you. About his dull, bland and unsatisfied sex life he has."

"Did Cornwall tell you that?"

"No, but his wife Birla certainly has, told me about how she gives no attention to him, avoids every of his sexual advances, regardless being as his wife, explained to me with vivid details."

"Well... Ultimately it's decision and I say: Fuck Tomotaki, fuck Sosuke, and especially fuck Cornwall, fuck him into his big chubby ass."

".... What is that!?"

Misaki gazed stranded at well decorated item lies inattentively on his main desk, putting off the topic.

"Aw... The commendation from the settlement's citizens."

"Really? Give Chocolate and roses?" said Misaki vaguely, her expression hidden within her grey hair. As Akagi responded in vainly manner.

"Yeah. From the female community here, apparently the Second Redtron is actively more popular with the ladies. Well being a genius certainly has its advantages."


"Alright back to business. Gotta use those liberated slaves somehow, if you aren't so desperate running away, sure your lovely face will bewitch some of the chicks there."

"Don't big on me Akagi Shinsuke."

"Excuses me?"

"I said, don't big on me, you know I'm not one of your servants or your bitches rub your pride onto. You know if you weren't, aw, well, 'you', l'd kill you. You know that, keep in mind, would you? l'd blow the fuckin' brains out if there's somebody else stead."

For his rude comment Misaki straightforwardly retorted him and his ego.

"Oh... I see, should consider myself lucky."

It took a while for Akagi to understand that he wasn't ordering one his subordinates and followers, he just rudely speak to his Second-in-Command who couldn't stand his haughtiness. But unlike her Athenaeum's members whom described her as an incredibly powerful, dignified, calm and composed, ruthless, extremely dangerous, highly-intelligent, highly regarded, stern, astute, resourceful, greatly respected and widely feared by her subordinates and others. Her underboss, advisors, and all her lieutenants, soldiers, and associates in her organization pay her a tribute, obey any of her orders, and kill for her.


Akagi cleared his throat.

"So, what do you think what tone would you like me to use?"

"Humph, that's cute."

Misaki scoffed before she tells Akagi the answers in a confident attitude,

"Look, I know you treat people just like pawns in chess… discard them as soon they finish their job, everyone just beneath you. But not me, I am your equal, treat me as one, not above not beneath, just equal. Remember we're on this together: 50-50."

Akagi is still, after hearing such disrespectful proposition, smiles delightfully,

"You know that's why I like you Misaki Mayumi, you are independent, taking shit from nobody, self-made strong women are one of my type. Makes you even sexier whenever you threatened me. Few foul curses from your mouth significantly brighten my day."

"Hehe-huh. Very charming, how many other women did you said that line?"

Misaki chuckled, playfully inquired, couldn't hold serious persona against Akagi's irresistibly charming pleasantries while he walks closer, a chocolate bar at his hand from the gift basket.

"Only one. Your eyelashes are like a piercing blade. Please forgive me but I might cut myself staring for long. To be honest I don't know about romance nor believe romantic feelings or attachment if I had those you will be the one, I would marry."


Misaki softly scoffed, lightly amused, still not convinced to Akagi's words,

"It's the truth, you observed me whole day, saw anyone talking to me — the way I talking to you right now?"

"No. I see your single. Probably a virgin."

"You don't know that. And yeah, searching for one. A gorgeous, strong, quirky and badass woman who can handle any situation without her man being around. A woman who refuses to submit and challenges him, aren't that very enticing?"


With Akagi's slow appealing, flirting continues, he breaks a piece from the chocolate bar and slowly insert into Misaki's mouth.

Misaki slowly slipped the sticky chocolate inside her warm mouth, holds his wrist while erotically licking his melted chocolate fingers. Cocky, cheeky and devil-may-care, Akagi is the type of guy Misaki can't help but love, only man she's attracted to, even as he's wrapping her around his long finger.

"How's the taste?"


A strong sensual eye contact continues while her luscious saliva cleaned Akagi's fingers. Apparently, he's been very attracted to Misaki's sharp-witted mind, tongue and competence. A person like Akagi who has an insane charisma that can pretty much seduce or manipulate anyone he wants to, but finds a true challenge when he meets another person like Misaki who is immune to mystical charms or his usual methods of seduction. And Akagi find it very enticing to this forbidden fruit.

"Its inconvenient talk comes out from your mouth? When did you became... so romantic?"

"More agreeably you don't have to put a show of toughness around me to prove anything. You can be yourself, back in when I know you. For once, listen to your heart not your brain."

"I'll try..."

She remarked, licked up the rest of chocolate stains.

"That'd be enough, when's your flight?"

"Tomorrow night. To Hong Kong with the rest of my remaining empire. I be gone."

"Got every papers work arranged up? I been here to drop you to airport."

"You can't drive—"

"—it doesn't mean I can't be in your farewell. I say it's a waste of opportunity seeing me while I succeed."

"Heh... Yeah and thanks..."

"Anyhow; for your contribution of the cause here's your gift."

"What is that?"

Akagi handed over the tablet, containing certain information for Misaki to see. She looked down at the screen, Akagi explained,

"Timoro Yamori. A man or, the TYZ police captain. He was under your pocket in the Bronze Zone's Sectors when your group active in the Sector, took several bribes from the Athenaeum."

"Timoro is a good guy. Got a decent wife and place in 16th Second—"

"Maybe he was but now he's under Ichiro's wing, since Kyousuke offered the grater sum Yamori agreed to become his lackey. He was the one who set you up, turned you over Nobeshiba and the Military Police. Exposed your identity to Brittonia and RMS. As a result, the police were able to find the Museum so quickly,"

"What!?" Misaki was stunned, hearing such allegation, "Shinsuke, are you sure? Timoro is the well-known associate of mine."

"More than sure. He's betrayal is the main reason Police Military was able pinpoint your location 15 days quicker than you'd calculated. And there's high chance he might to try arrested you way to the airport, that part I can't be sure of, if not personally Timoro has his hordes of dirty cops to the deed for him."

"But why?"

"Timoro's motives are still unclear but you have resources to sniff him out. I been in Royal Palace's Throne room. Good luck."