Songbird of insanity

"Yes Misaki?"

"Fumihiro. I need to your group pay Timoro Yamori a visit"

"Yamori, you mean captain Timoro Yamori. Aren't he an ally of ours?"

"Yes-but it doesn't matter, I want him to be squeezed, until he said something,"

"As you say boss."

Phone disconnected.

Putting clueless faith in Akagi's words, Misaki launched her small squad into Yamori's house.

The ultimate plan is interrogating Timoro. not to kill him Misaki hit a goldmine, when Fumihiro's squad knocked on his door at night.

Tasered police captain down, upon waking up, he spilled the ugly truth about Misaki, Athenaeum and entire Mutant kind.

Meantime in Caledonia's throne room—

"I don't understand. You said you had an agreement with the Scavengers, then why they yelping now and why they bothering? they shown us the passage in change of cash and arms. Done deal."

Emperor Akagi slouched on the Maha Throne, dictate to two of the Valhallal's Mutant Lords: Nakajo Tomotaki and Cornwall Murphy and the members of the Royal Court.

"They had settled down for price, sure, but then Sosuke Cesare arrived, spread false rumours that you and RMS Royalists deceived them into thinking you, 19th Mutant Emperor intend to use Brittonia and their technology to burn down War Zone. Simply Sosuke Cesare went on full rebellion against the Fraternity and RMS's. Held a personal vendetta against you, your Samesty. Apparently Sosuke's group were the remnants of the moderate Capricorn Union led by Kaseko aka the Scarecrow; with Sosuke Cesare as their leader, influenced the Scavenger to go to war against us, Scavenger members kidnapped multiple our Fraternity soldiers, tortured them, dump them on the streets of TYZ."

Tomotaki controls Fallen Gate which instantly he teleported Akagi to have an audience, discuss some urgent matter which cannot be discussed on phone, or a web conference.

"You summoned me all the way up here. To tell this nonsense."

"What! But your Samesty..."

Stunned to hear Akagi's unfazed answer, Tomotaki represents his concern, Cornwall and the other keep members their mouth shut—

"No let me clear myself first. It's not about three or four mutant soldiers who got kidnapped; it's about they are Fraternity soldiers who got kidnapped. I am not one of those mutant overlords who would indulge of their given powers, and proclaimed themselves as 'godly'. While Sosuke is confused, confused about his life turning into a shitstorm. He wants to write a letter of sympathy for the dead Capricorn Union? Let him write one, write hundreds of them, that won't change the fact. The Royalists no longer have to hide in the shadows." Answered sternly and restrictively, Akagi got up from the Maha Throne, "I'm trying to make a world of mutants that will last for millennia, restore their fallen pride. The future of the Royal Mutants Society will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a new nation now, which eventually transformed into widespread superpower that would last a thousand years... or we could collapse into nothing, as the olden Muttania Empire did, controlled by Eliza. No more petty discussions, do what's need to be done. Is that understood? Tomotaki will handle those Scavengers, show them what happens if they double-cross us"

"Yes, your Samesty!"

"And Lord Cornwall, may speak for a moment."

"Ah, of course."

The Court obeyed with sense of content, except Tomotaki, who interjected and plea,

"Your Samesty, if I may; handling Scavengers is one thing, finding and eradicating each of them especially as Brittonian military presence, if I had power over the Fraternity's army."

"Not now!"

Akagi snarled, his impulsive growling tone soon suppressed by instinct, knew what Tomotaki intend to say. He sighed, pat Tomotaki's shoulder, smoothing him with vague response,

"You know many of the Caledonian-mutant denizens here, they trust me, respected me, in their vision: I'm a young, naïve, fair-minded pretty prince charming, don't much of the politics and war, and I want to keep that role, though I plan to unite all mutantkind under one banner. It doesn't mean I will condone such behaviour of mindless rape, torture and savagery from the Mutant-lord abusing their power."

"I just...—"

"You. You... what? Hm? Your job is to put these low lives under control not to brutalised them for your amusement. Accomplished those first then talk to me about commanding my army."

"But I'm—"

"Don't... I know everything. No need to explain yourself. If your enemy defies you, serve him lead and fire. But if they bend the knee, you must help him back to his feet, else no man will ever kneel to you. Don't have to exterminate them, bring me one leg from the cattle, cut off the rest."


"Good. Get going then,"

After Akagi's approval Tomotaki nodded, assemble some his guys for the hunt for the Scavengers, completely shunned his request being the commander.

Due to the constant unnecessary war, violence, cruelty and cynicism around the world. Akagi gradually adapted himself to environment caused him to embrace ruthlessness as a principle of keeping one's faction in power. This ruthlessness, combined with his shrewd, efficient, cunning, incredibly intelligent, bloodthirsty and power-hungry nature, mutant and Hikaru prowess as bonus. He's also claimed to be the one who'd mastered them.

Since Akagi have to get back to Fraternity-occupied Ninth Island-City, to prove as worthy effective Mutant Emperor he has a stop to the pointless torture of captured rebels in Caledonia, Tomotaki and his horde had been conducting, simply because it would be a more efficient use of resources to put them to work. In contrast to his predecessors, Victor X, the Sack of TYZ, allowed his army to murder, pillage and rape throughout the major portion of the city, devastating its inhabitants, though Brittonia's Counter-Rebellious division were equally guilty in terms committing atrocities but it's became irrelevant to this date. Akagi becomes uncharacteristically emotional and sensitive, secretly angry as well as upset after knowing his father, Akashi's real history as the Real 18th Mutant Emperor: being a hedonistic deviant, the similarities with the Mad Mutant Emperor, considering that Akagi had spent two decades not knowing his real father. Akagi has performed harsh actions many times, but he's worried by the idea of a family member being mindlessly cruel and insane. Moreover, he seen Akashi's face printed over the throne he's sitting right now.

Before meeting with the Cornwall and his wife, to confirm Misaki's theory about their hollow sex-life.

Misaki's number rings.


".... You're right about Yamori. He was a complete asshole. I made an error of judgement. And thank you for luring the mole out."

"How did he take it?"

"Just a second..."

Within one minute, he heard a click follow up with—


"Is that an... Explosion?!"

"Yep. Standard procedure for rats and traitors. By the way, still coming to see me off at the airport? I'm all set, with the police captain out of the way. I am finally fell like free and happy."

"Centrally sound like it, still I wish you would stay: with me..."

"What!? I-I... You mean...!?"

A voice of vague exclamation and gladness ooze out from the phone at once nervous. Before situation got any worse, Akagi calmly slow her down,

"Alright, alright, we can talk about it later, see you at the airport."


Without an answer Misaki disconnected the phone, her firm decision about going abroad falter severely. However, attention soon diverged after Fumihiro's call, about cleaning remaining mess.

The corrupt police Captain Timoro Yamori got what deserved. Have her Athenaeum's members kidnapped him from his house, spanked him real hard with a baseball bat! Got his buttocks redden, Timoro didn't know Misaki's men, as they wore mask, invading his home, cursed them ruthlessly until Fumihiro handed over the phone to him.

Her mere voice is enough to make Timoro tremble in fear after he sell her identity over Imperium police, he didn't expect his betrayal will see the light of day. Turns out, Yamori is a cruel, deceptive racist and a sadist who aims to "fix" Fallen's mutations in suspect by discriminately arresting random non-combatant mutants, too weak to defend themselves, torturing them in a cell every day while playing the role of a saint who is trying to fix their "mistakes". An arrogant and corrupt police captain of the Brown Zone city watch. He not only sold Misaki out to the Brittonian Spotter secretly, not only led a massacre that resulted in the deaths of most of the Imperium Police officers stationed in TYZ, in response: he coldly murdered one mutant children in front of his own mother which had nothing to do with the incident. This results in a disgusted Fumihiro stripping him of his ill-gotten titles and his clothes, beaten to a pulp.

He's also a complete coward who runs at the first sight of danger. Good thing Kishino Fumihiro, few of his toughest guys he knows. Him included—they stained their hand so deep the blood of his victims, trained himself to become a professional to commit murder, beatings, torture, assassinations, bombing, arson, kidnapping, extortion, death threats, blackmailing, bribery, witnessed intimidate witnesses, intimidate jury, and extortion. Lining up soldiers for the organization that work the streets making a lot of money and killing a lot of people for the bosses and the organization. They only have two jobs which is make a lot of money and kill lot of people for Misaki and the Athenaeum organization, then became a lieutenant.

Well, he goes out with a bang, as Misaki ties him up and has her men fill the room with gasoline and explosives and, as an added bonus, waits until she phoned Akagi before flipping the switch, thanking Akagi and how he caused a minor headache for pointing him out for her.

While she watching the show across the Yamori's nice luxurious villa he'd receive turning over the most wanted Mutant criminal.