Songbird of Insanity 2

Tomotaki took Akagi's words very harshly, filling with rage and thirst for violence, Tomotaki and his men ambushed Scavengers from nowhere. Throwing scout's corpses at their dining table, now of disarray, Tomotaki's men came butchered them all. The door of the great hall was beached by the Black Ones. Before all of this, Tomotaki and his men were to position themselves surrounded the hall, secretly armed and armoured. Very carefully, stay hidden on the rooftop above Scavenger soldiers heavily armed with automatic rifles keep their men intact. As the door beached, butchery begins. Ruthlessly riddled them with bullets.

The overall result nigh-complete annihilation, some survivors captured mostly the leader, Vivian and his top lieutenants as hostage, except them all 300 soldiers in the camps were annihilated.

Akagi's strategy was to ambush the Scavenger covertly, intend to kept the culprits as a mystery.

However, Tomotaki has another thing in mind, to prove his worthy, and show he's capable to command Fraternity Army took blame for the operation.

Moreover afterward, as the massacre of the Scavenger Army encamped outside the East-Red Zone raged on, observed by Lord Tomotaki from the battlements, his Caledonian Black One's captain horrifically desecrate Vivian's cousin and second-in-command of the Scavenger Uehara Hanzo's corpse by decapitating it and skewering the head of his dead Fallen-made vector in its place. They then parade it around the keep atop a car, a final insult to the cousin of King of the Scavengers. Even the defenceless soldiers are given no mercy, most of them are not even granted a quick death; some are burnt alive in their camps, one was carried away with his legs ripped off and several were hanged from trees. And some were stripped naked with their genitals cut off.

Series of the horses with mangled corpses on their back, matched into unknown.

Tomotaki's lunacy got worsen by the day, wanted to kill all the Scavenger's prisoners of war, stopped by the strict order of the Mutant Emperor to "bring back one leg". Nevertheless, the horses they matched coincidentally intersected by the Brittonian troops as they matched down in the war zones.

Horrified by the sight, they called the Imperial High Command, and the Imperium Senate called The Valkyrie Division to clean up the mess.

Especially- The Order of the Sacred Raven tasked to take lead; under Major Natalia Yomoni, codename- (Silver Witchblade) specialise in reconnaissance, strategy and stealth-type warfare.

As the largest female consisting division of the Empire- Valkyrie divided into two main sub-division one is the Imperial Valkyrie force, consisting mostly female rookies, function in the Imperial Army Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) airborne assault carrier used primarily by the Imperial as both a ground support gunship and a transport for airborne combat regiments like Thundertrooper and the Airborne assault infantry regiments, mostly working abroad in Imperium's based colony internationally. Despite serving the tactical needs of the Imperial Army, a Valkyrie and its crew are usually composed of tech-pilots and armswomen drawn from the Imperial Air Service and are provided to the Guard on an as-needed basis.

And the second is The Valkyrie Division also known as the "Battle Maidens of Brittonia" among the most fearless and fiercest female soldiers handpicked from the various branches of the disbanded Lex Unit and military armed forces to form the team serve as both the fighting arm of the Anti-Mutant Unit and the SWD of the Brittonian Army's offensive squad to counter the human or Mutant's uprising within Imperium States, a force tasked with ensuring any Civil War or terrorist attack never happens again. The mainstay of the Imperium's internal armies. Equipped and trained to the highest Imperial standards, the Valkyrie Division specialize in waging stealth strategy and purging Mutanic extremism wherever it may be found. Because of this, its duties often overlap with the Anti-Mutant Unit of the Brittonia Counter-Rebellious Division and as a result the Valkyrie maintain a close alliance with the Spotter (Imperium secret police).

Many Valkyrie maidens mainly the veterans and highly skilled commanders show the obvious skills that an experienced badass soldier would entail. Their Techno Suits reflects the feminine theme with decorations evoking breast cups, corsets and thigh boots. For overgrowing number of female members, it is not uncommon to find married couples in the army. Due to this. The Brittonian Army tries to keep soldiers who are married to one another in the same unit or at least the same post and lets them share a room if they are deployed together.

However, in Valkyrie Division forbids any male soldiers to join, send into other male-dominated division.

As for Major Natalia Yomoni individually. She's doing her best keep herself intact from the flow of madness, violence and depravity. She suffered some humiliation for losing the Platinum Sceptre under her watch, despite not in her official statement, Natalia remembered all the perpetrator's face and name: Tomita Mitsumasa. Still she maintained her dignified silence, not to muddied her already stained-reputation with silly excuses.


"Let's go!"


Once the vehicle's hatch open, The Sacred Raven sweep through the Scavenger's fortress in fast pace, entered the unexpected silence that dwelled within the region.

"No sign of contact, over."

"Stay your guard. The Dead horseman thing gotten worse enough publicly. Our objective is to clean all the Red-zone's sectors before it renovated. Multiple drones already shattered throughout this region; this base scanned some irregularity."

"What kind?"

Okazaki Mayu said, Natalia's lieutenant, operation's second-in-command, (tall young woman with bluish-grey hair, shiny golden eyes, and dark skinned.)


"Sniper 12o clock! Find cover and open fire."

A Sniper shot blaze through Mayu's ribs; the Techno Suit easily sustained firearm damage. She took cover, along with her comrades, they opened fire at the enemy but halted.

"Welcome to my shit show, ladies of Brittonia!"

Stand at the top of Scavenger's hideout, Tomotaki maniacally announced himself, afterwards, series of gun cocks and the overwhelming glowering noise of Vectors, Veryans and the other Ruinous Abomination of the Fallen surrounded the area.

"Your presence centrally ruins my day but you'll die soon, all of you if try to resist as you can see, we are the grater number here. Have no chance of winning."

"Who's that guy? Certainly not a member of the Scavengers."

Questioned one of the maidens under Natalia's squad. Which Natalia response--

"Because he's not. He's a mutant. A Royalist of the Royal Mutants Society, his cloak, the emblem clearly represents."

"But what they're doing in the East-Red Zone? Inside the Scavenger's territory?"

"Does it matter? Remember our mission: crush any hostiles in the Red zone! Crush them all, search and destroy!"

Valkyrie Maidens didn't know Tomotaki, as a former Imperium military serviceman, be the neither did they care, Natalia ordered full front counterattack upon the Black Ones. Stunned at Tomotaki and his men.

With it the battle between Brittonia and Imperian mutants begins.