Songbird of Insanity 3

"Killed them all!!!"

"Maidens of the Sacred Raven open fire!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The ambush crafted by Caledonian Black One's, heavily armed, superior in numbers and now equipped with Scavenger created Reredos, with direct offensive ambush. They held no change against Sacred Raven regardless.

"They're done for! Switch to Power-Cube!"

After a massive yet not long-lasting fire exchange, Valkyrie swiftly neutralized every of the Black Ones. Fully equipped to go against element of surprise. Their bullets contained explosive Anti-Fallen shells. Immediately incapacitate any Mutanic or Fallen-Mutagens, then explode while in embedded state. The Power-Cubes provides brutal close-combat melee superiority, when the mutant unable to manifest their Noryoku, the maidens callously cuts them into pieces. Even the Reredos couldn't hold them back.

In such instant: one Vector long lunged, grappled one Valkyrie maiden down with their strong limbs. Restrained her firmly under its control, the maiden resist fiercely, before she could ask for help. Natalia's thunderous sword severed Vector's one arm clean like a hot knife through butter.


The Vector bellowed, goopy blood spurts out of control, as its mouth open, Natalia pounced forward, gripped the lower jaw, stretching it down until dislocated permanently. Quiet easily.

"Are you ok?"

Natalia inquired tiredly. Lend a hand before removed the helmet let her long silver hair, tinged blue loose.

"Mm. Thank you Major."

The maiden nodded in a demure tone, held the hand, standing up, secretly admiring Natalia's bravery, ogling her busty body or her simple beauty.

Despite having a voluptuous body, well-defined curves, slender waist and large breasts, larger, rounded than any female soldier in the military. It never hindered her speed, lithe or her overall performance in field or in any leadership position.

"Are we clear? Mayu? Smithe?"

"Yep we are clear, ready to proceed into the Scavenger's base."

"Where's that dark red-haired Mutant go?"

"Escaped during the confrontation. About to check the stronghold."

"Alright let's beached in. Before...–"


Without further ado, explosive charger is set, before Natalia shooting one poor sod roaring in agony put out of his misery, had his belly blown off from the explosion, what he'd left was an exposed abdomen, intestines gorily intertwined inside the holed stomach and an endless agonising suffering.


The breached begun, Sacred Raven about to charge, but there aren't any combatants to fight, what they saw is loads and loads of dead Scavengers. Slaughtered inside their fortress.

"What happened in here Major?"

"Don't know. Hey who's it inside the table! Come out!"

"Please don't shoot, I am unarmed."

Standing in front of Scavenger massacred they very scared Yin Sokoyo (The tech girl of the Scavenger) frighteningly coming out, putting her hands up.

"You are of the them?"

Mayu inquired mildly, unfazed.


"Tell us what happened!?"

Provided a seat for Yin, she revealed about the massacre, in additional while the Caledonian Black Ones battled Valkyrie with zealous force, Tomotaki kidnapped Vivian Sinatra and his lieutenants for Mutant Emperor to use them as pawns in the future.

"High Command this is one-four-one I need a e-vac in Easter Red-zone Sector VI over."

"Copy tha...t One-four-zzz"

"Ahh... Shit. Signal is dead."

Normally Sacred Ravens would kill any enemies clear any witness behind, but Natalia called an extraction team to pick Yin up. She's represented as to key witness against Fraternity's, but getting a signal in East-Red Zone's province is rare.

"What would we do Major?"

"Maybe we should...—"


"What's that.?!"

The ground, the stronghold shook immensely. Through the basement floor, trumping ceiling, the larger Vector's drooling tongues, Behemoths chubby aggressive arms pouring out from every hole, doodling all over the screen.

"Ahhh.... Th-the experiments. They break through the cages; they're going eat us! Smell of meat and blood was irresistible!"

Yin screamed, spilled everything in horror.

"Major Natalia what our orders be?"

"Yin's survival and testimony is essential to expose the Scavenger's conspiracy inside the eastern Red-zone. Mayu take her into safety, get into we will handle these monsters."

"Yes Major."

Mayu nodded, hold Yin on the arms, using Plasma guns blasted through, make a run for it, a huge chunk of fresh and oozing gory substance blasted away, as they squeeze themselves out from the stronghold, overrun with grisly Reredos and other viral pests.

"Get in!"

"Ow. Rude! What a callous woman!"

Mayu shoved Yin into the car, but her grumbling goes nonstop. Step on it, out from the danger.

"Hey slow down you're going too fast!"

"Shut up. I know what I'm doing."

During the tensed moment crippling with anxiety, Okazaki Mayu tried her best to remain calm. Unknowable, few kilometres ahead, one Fraternity mutant waiting for them. Smirking, stood on the road.

"Wait, who's that!?"



"N-nooo.... Ahhhhhhhhhh...!?!?"

Too late to see. Late to do anything, Tomita Mitsumasa, swinging his leg around the tire, casually topple the van aside, went out of control, went off the road to hit a tree.

Retained some conscious, both Mayu and Yin survived from accident, but sustained major injuries.


As the car really hit hard against the tree's trunk, Tomita vaguely walked near the crashed car, sincerely showed his sympathy for doing this.

"Nothing is personal my friends. Just following orders from my Samesty."

"Ahh... W-wait... What are you doing!?—"


Tomita activated his Noryoku, unleashed whip-blade, coldly murdered both.