The beginning of something wonderful

The world was a peaceful place, no pollution and no crime. It had been more than a decade since the fourth ninja war also the war for survival and freedom of all humanity.

The people had learned of the Shinobi and knew the difference in state between a normal person and a chakra user. They had come to know of Uzumaki Naruto, the bright light of hope that saved the world and his inhumane power.

His abilities had become a wide spread knowledge, bringing despair to the criminals and joy to the populace as they saw hope for the first time. A time of fairness had descended and people had slowly forgotten their past enmities as a powerful force stood above them guiding them along.

The technological revolution was moving at rocket speed and new inventions were being produced within months and the people life expectancy and living standards had improved by an enormous margin.

They showered their hero with praise while his shadow remained the shadow to atone for his crimes and because he didn't believe he deserved it nor did anyone else want to praise for being a hero as he had almost doomed them all except for Naruto.

Life had been joyful and filled with happiness that sometimes it felt like a dream. But peace for warriors was boredom and they moved to tournaments and coliseum fights for entertainment.

Naruto had grown too fast as he trained using all the resources available to him, mentally, physically and spiritually. The addition of another Kurama gave him a push along with his six paths mode, making him the strongest being alive.

He had left his rival in the dust since the war and the gap had only widened as training was the only thing that got his blood pumping after spending time with his kids and wife. It was a bad habit from the flames of youth brigade.

Naruto was as usual sitting in his office, filled with documents and countless tech items for final assessments and approval.

He was quite bored and filled with curiosity.

"Naruto, are you really sure you want to do this?" Kurama asked as he saw Naruto holding a bottle of alcohol called the Seventh

"I want to know what it feels like to be drunk so I am definitely sure." Naruto replied in a calm tone as he felt the large amounts of energy in the bottle as it was soaked in his power and the bijuus

"Are you really sure? Something might go wrong."

"What could go wrong? I am a responsible adult, even if intoxicated, I would not do anything wrong or dangerous. So relax and let's enjoy this rare treat." Naruto replied in a jovial tone as he downed the whole bottle in one go, he wasn't sure if it would work


"I really shouldn't have trusted you. Nothing could go wrong, my shit?" Kurama muttered in an annoyed tone as he looked at Naruto who was still not fully awake

"What happened? I feel like Kaguya hit me in the head without any protection." Naruto held his aching head and flushed his body of the toxins

"You sent clones out to play." Kurama replied causing Naruto to look at him with a serious gaze

"Okay that sounds terrible, let me see what did I do?" Naruto replied as he closed his eyes to shuffle through his memories

Naruto laughed as he saw the memories and was glad that he was just a curious person. He had seen scenes of his clones swimming in volcanoes, some clones teaching animals to hunt or speak.

Some clones just flirting with girls for the giggles and some doing pranks. They had gone through a list of things but the most interesting was what he did personally.

"I can't believe I just did that." Naruto muttered with a smile and happiness as he had succeeded in connecting to other worlds, in some manner.

He picked up his phone and went to an app named Line, and opened his chat group. It was simply called Heroes chat group.

While intoxicated, Naruto had played around with seals and his phone. Connected to other worlds and sent down phones with the app to communicate with alien life forms, for fun as he was truly bored and help them of course.

"See all is well, nothing went wrong except I think people now know that I am human." Naruto muttered with a chuckle as he knew people put him on a pedestal and saw him as something more or just as a monster in human skin

"I guess you did grow up even on the inside but be careful with his field of study. You could have ended up killing us all." Kurama warned as messing with space could distort it too much and destroy the world or alter timelines

"I am always careful Kurama; you just slept for too long." Naruto replied as he looked at the group, it had only him as member

'It might take some time for the phones to reach someone.' Naruto thought and was about to put it away when he saw a name

'Neo One for All. It's giving them nicknames automatically.' Naruto mused as he saw his name was written as Lord Seventh

The profile pictured showed a kid wearing a costume.

'Was it successful or not? Or did it just choose a kid with a cosplaying hobby?' Naruto thought as he typed

"Hello, welcome to the group. You may call me seventh and I am here to help you with any problems that I am capable of solving." Naruto said as it was the initial goal of this group, he wanted to help people as he needed a challenge and his goal never stopped in his own world


In the other world, it was a place of turmoil and filled with people with abilities called quirks. The style of architecture was similar but technology wise it was behind.

The place was not in peace and there were wars, deaths and discrimination. Izuku Midoriya had become a student at UA High School and he was in the clouds of happiness even though training was harsh and his quirk was dangerous to him.

It was night and he was exited for the next day, holding his phone he wondered if he could talk with someone or not. He hesitated as he felt like it would disturb them and was about to put the phone away when another phone passed through the wall and collided with his phone.

'What was that?' Izuku was surprised but didn't shout as he didn't want to disturb his mother. He looked around and found nothing, it was like a mirage.

"Maybe I am just too tired." Izuku muttered and was about to fall into the bed when he saw a notification

Izuku picked up the phone and saw a message from someone called Lord Seventh.

'Who is this from and how did they know about my number?' Izuku was worried about the lack of privacy and clicked the notification

'I don't remember joining this group nor accepting any request.' Izuku mused as he read the message and saw the picture of a man wearing orange clothing and a giant hat while in the back was giant monster staring ahead

'What is that? Who is that?' Izuku questioned as he knew all the well known heroes and someone with such a giant monster would be known

'It must be fake but the message sounds genuine so should I try.' Izuku held his phone and contemplated

"I know you think it is fake so try asking. It is not like I am asking for something in return." Izuku read and could feel the attitude of the person writing, he was being looked down on as a child.

"Seventh, it is nice to meet you. I want to ask, what I can do to improve my physique to a level where I can break steel with my hands." Izuku questioned, he couldn't just mention his own weakness so he asked for advice on the method to counter the problem

"Quite an easy request."


"Quite an easy request." Naruto said and the words were written while he went through a catalogue of activities that could be used by normal people without killing them or crippling them

'It's good that I learned from Master Gai or else I would have to talk to them again for this information.' Naruto thought as his routine had been amateurish and didn't utilize his capabilities to its potential

Naruto wrote down step by step, exercises that he could do along with the time spent on them for best results and safety.

He went into detail explaining some things, recommending weight training and actual combat exercises to make his body dynamic and not tight and bulky.

"Do you really think this kid is some hero or something, he looks so fragile and weak? He might just be one of those cosplaying kids that have been popping up these days, disgusting." Kurama muttered in an annoyed tone as he disliked cosplayers since the day he found one cosplaying as him and acting like a brain dead moron

"Haha, damn that was hilarious. People crack me up with the shit they do when they have too much free time." Naruto started laughing as the scene came into his head; it was girl being sexual with a man while dressed as Kurama.

If Naruto hadn't stopped him, Kurama might have ripped her to pieces in shame and anger.

"Forget about it, forget about it or else you can forget about talking to me. We are over if I hear about it again."

"Chill bro, I was just kidding. If it's a sore point than I won't talk about it, you are more important to me than that."

Kurama stared at him and just hmphed as he dived back inside the soul space, which had become a world of its own unlike the sewer of the past.

'He really is adorable sometimes, can't really take straightforward love as it is too embarrassing.' Naruto thought with a smile as he looked at his phone

"Even if he isn't a hero that doesn't mean, he can't be one. Plus it is good to be healthy." Naruto replied to Kurama's question as he knew the phones won't land in anyone hands unless they were inherently good


Izuku looked at his phone as it got filled with messages and voice messages from Seventh. He couldn't believe anyone could type or speak so fast as it had barely been 30 sec since he wrote his message.

'Is the person even human or is his quirk related to speed?' Izuku thought as he went back to the top and started going though it slowly

It was much better than he expected and it seemed like that it was written by an expert. He had seen such explanations by professors and martial art experts.

It was broken down to its components and easy to understand, the explanation was given at all steps and things to watch out for detailed. The diet was also touched upon extensively and its benefits explained.

Izuku even saw pictures of the seventh in different poses to show the right positions for several techniques as words might not be enough for beginners.

'Why didn't he just send a video?' Izuku wondered and looked at the attachment option and found everything normal

'Guess he might be shy about it or thought it might too troublesome for an unknown person? Or he is unable to actually replicate them in dynamic motion and wanted to avoid being found?' Izuku felt respect for the man and thought he was an intellectual, who studied on the subject of physical arts but was not capable himself

A misunderstanding had formed because the video function was not working between dimensions yet and Naruto wasn't used to chatting on his phone or sending videos or making them.

"Thank you for the help, I will be going through this for now. But if you require any help in return then I will try my best." Izuku replied as he felt too excited and wanted to test it out now

"I don't mind so take your time and we can talk later. Talking with others is good for your health so avoid being alone and lose that human feature."

"I appreciate your advice and I will do my best." Izuku replied and took out a notebook as he saw the thumbs up

Izuku was all smiles and started copying it down on paper, making drawings to help him along. He stuck the schedule to his wall and started the physical training, which would require 40 min and following that combat training of 20 min as he was a beginner.

This was much higher than normal for anyone starting off but since Naruto couldn't tell how weak a normal human without training could be as this is the lowest he could think off.

Even though it was hard, Izuku was master of hard work and never gave up until his goal had been achieved so he finished the exercise sweating buckets.

It was helping learn how to fight and building his foundation, learning from the best fighter in the world was something he was unaware of but time will show him what a blessing he had received.

A simple exchange had changed the course of his life. The training would result in muscular pain the next day luckily the phone carried traces of Naruto's powers and healed such weak problems so unless he was bleeding out or lost a limb; Izuku had nothing to worry while carrying the phone.


"It feels good to be appreciated. He sounds like a good kid; I wish Boruto could stop listening to outsiders so much." Naruto was smiling and then down as he remembered his little boy avoiding him these days

He couldn't really understand the feeling since he never had a father so he was never in someone's shadow. Boruto had grown up and matured but he was still a child as he took to heart things other people said.

By this age the seventh had done this, by now he had done that. These kinds of things wear down people and make them lash out or isolate themselves.

"I think it is time to have Konohamaru talk to him, he is the best person for the job. Mirai call your uncle." Naruto muttered as he informed his guards, who will beat up people for him when he was bored to do so himself or just wanted to see people get beat up

'Yes, they are truly useful bunch.'

Mirai sighed as she saw the smile on her Master; it was really annoying as he had made them into his toys since he came into power.

'Guards, bah. Why would he even need one? I think we are the ones being guarded like children. I knew this deal was too much when I was informed about it by mother.' Mirai thought as she ran towards the Sarutobi clan


While Naruto had been talking many other names had been added but none of them had said a word yet or hadn't seen the notification.

One of these was a teenager named Ichigo Kurosaki and his handle name was Hybrid. Ichigo's most distinguishing feature was his spiky orange hair, a trait he had been ridiculed about for years on end. He was a fairly tall, lean-built young man with peach skin and brown eyes.

He had been listening to music and reading Hajime no Ippo, his favorite manga when he heard a barrage of notifications from his phone.

'Who the f is spamming?' Ichigo thought as he got up from his sleeping position and picked the phone to see what was up

He was annoyed as he saw that someone had taken his number without permission and then put him a group.

'Damn scammers these days.' Ichigo was about to exit the group when he saw some of the text and was taken aback for a minute. He was a fighting fan and had read many manuals on learning the arts, from Karate to Judo and MMA.

So he could see that the instructions were really professionally made and the poses were legit, though he didn't recognize some of them and the training schedule was much for detailed than anything you had find for free.

'Who is this Lord Seventh? He sounds like pro fighter but I haven't seen him. Did he add me by mistake?' Ichigo was questioning the reason for his inclusion while also thinking of checking upon the European fighters as Naruto looked like one of them

'Damn I don't know English so I might not be able to find him. Can I really talk to him? Maybe we can meet up and talk about it personally and he can show me some moves." Ichigo was a fan of good fighters and so he had mad respect from just reading what had been posted

He didn't wonder about it being fake since videos of pro fighters showing you the way, step by step were most of the time not free.

"I will try talking to him tomorrow as it's already late." Ichigo muttered as he saw that it was around 11 pm and he needed to go to school tomorrow


Ichigo wasn't the only one who had been disturbed as one vigorous young man had been in the middle of his daily ritual watching the royal titties shake when he heard the annoying sound of notifications.

"Bloody shit, I will murder the bastard." Issei Hyoudou exclaimed in anger as his little man was disturbed.

Issei was a high school student of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes.

He was not the athletic nor the intellectual type but the special crowd type, whom most avoided for many justifiable reasons.

His handle name was Oppai Dragon, a very appropriate name for a pervert whose life revolved around those soft mounds.

Unlike the two, Issei was not learned on the subject and couldn't tell what was on the screen as fake or real.

He saw that the group had many names and assumed that he had been invited by mistake.

'I will just exit it or it will disturb me again.' Issei thought as he was about to exit the group and saw the names

There were many girls in the group and they were blazing hot and sexy.

"I think I will stick around for awhile for research purposes." Issei muttered with an obscene smile


A.N Hope you enjoyed. This Naruto will be close to canon not exactly canon as i don't believe Naruto and Sasuke should be equal nor do i believe Naruto should have such a messed up relation with his family or be weaker than his younger self when in the Last Movie which was only two years, he had grown so powerful to take on a blow that cut through the moon with one hand and plowed through it.

So this Naruto is a lot more knowledgeable and experienced as the aftermath of Naruto was disappointing. It never touched upon how Naruto went about breaking the cycle of hatred or how he brought peace.

Then Boruto series comes in and shows you, he did nothing. Even worthless bandits would come to his personal city and steal shit without fear. Can you imagine some trying to steal from Madara?Even though he is so much stronger but the plot demands that the old generation take a shit.

Seriously, i hate sequels where the mc is changed and the old generation still exists. Never saw a good one, the only consolation is that its written by a nobody.



Hunter X Hunter


Highschool dxd

Hero Academia

Young Justice



Black Clover

One Piece

Percy jackson

Eden Zero

Teen Titans

Can take suggestions