The Renegade Immortal's Change

The world was peaceful but that didn't mean there wasn't any danger in the vastness of space. Naruto could feel that there were beings out there but he was forced to stay on the planet.

It was the fear that he might be a moment to late in coming back and his world disappears in a storm of fire.

There so much more to explore but his love for the people had become the shackles that chained him down, the freedom had been lost once the planet seemed too small to contain him.

He was tempted but Naruto always had an iron will so even though he looked at the delicious pie in the sky, he didn't go towards it.

This led to him becoming involved in many different trades, for actual research and betterment along with defusing his boredom.

Though he had never seen anyone even close to his powers as Kaguya would seem like a child to him, Naruto wasn't arrogant enough to assume that he was actually invincible.

He was a clear believer in the saying that there is always a bigger mountain so he trained to face such threats and improved continuously.

Naruto had made use of his research into space and time to create his own dimension with a higher gravity and harsh environments filled with elemental beasts. In this dimension, Naruto had clones fight each other every second of the day.

There was one clone fighting against 99, then 100 clone battle royale and the team battles. With or without weapons, so that his skills and mastery improved at monstrous rates.

He was the master of all arts on his world and none could face him alone or with a team, which added to his boredom as he had to play with himself.

"I wonder what he is doing. He isn't come back for a month, must be hogging all the fun that weird bastard." Naruto muttered in a playful tone as he walked home in the night while the citizens looked at him with admiration as they were looking at a living legend that was from being human

Naruto couldn't leave but that didn't mean he didn't have subordinates for the job. He sent Sasuke and Toneri on the task to explore the universe.


In the far off solar system, Sasuke Uchiha also known as the right hand man of the Hokage was engaged in mortal battles with beings of titanic size and power.

They were clear abominations, mixture of beasts that he knew and some that were just mainly made from the elements.

The planet that he was exploring had given of life source so he landed, it was the size of the sun so it had higher gravity than usual but he shrugged it off casually but all that casualness ended when within moments he was surrounded by beasts.

"Damn that asshole" Sasuke screamed in annoyance as he knew it had to be Naruto

'The bastard has got a screw lose, no one enjoys this shit other than him. Did he send me to explore stuff or to fight for him?' Sasuke thought while moving at full speed and attacking, and defending.

The fight had taken him weeks and he was still stuck here as something huge was blocking the way off from the planet.

"When I get back, I am telling Hinata." Sasuke grinded his teeth and spat out


"I am home" Naruto muttered as he entered the Uzumaki Clan house that had a lot of empty space for the future Uzumaki members and had many facilities that a clan needed

Naruto had decided against the old style and went with a new touch so his looked a lot modern and wasn't really that big. It was a two storey house, with a kitchen, a living room, a garden, a basement, 6 rooms and 5 washrooms.

"Welcome back, Dear, Would you like to eat or take a bath?" Hinata walked out of the living room with the TV remote as she welcomed him with a lovely smile. She had hardly aged and still looked to be in her early twenties just like him, it was the magic of high chakra reserves and Hinata had become an equal to Sasuke the day she had been chosen by Homura Otsutsuki.

Naruto would have sent her on the mission but the children needed their mother and he needed her to be with him as she drove all the problems away like a soothing wind.

"Hehe, I need you my adorable princess. Let's take a bath together." Naruto chuckled and sweeped Hinata of her feet before she could react

"Dear!" Hinata exclaimed in a chiding tone

"No need to worry the kids are playing that VR stuff, we can our adult time." Naruto whispered into her ears sweetly causing her to shiver in delight. The honeymoon season had never ended for the couple as Naruto had a limitless appetite caused by his enormous Yang energy that was higher than the Yin so he was never going to stop unless his reserves dipped into the red, which was kind of impossible.

He had learnt from Tsunade her regeneration technique, learnt from Kabuto his technique and combined it with his physique and Kurama's chakra along with Jashin's immortality technique that he replicated with his sealing, to make himself affectively immortal and unstoppable.

The couple was in their own world as they kissed deeply while he hugged her tightly against his body, he felt complete and the desire to always keep her attached to him but he knew she would break.


Naruto stopped and put Hinata down as he looked back with a smile.


"Darling, you could have the decency to at least pretend that you love us equally." Shion muttered in an annoyed tone as she looked at them. She had been sitting with Hinata and talking about things while watching a show when he appeared but it seems everything disappeared when he saw Hinata.

"Would you like that? Isn't it better to be honest? I love her the most but I do love you as well or else we wouldn't be here." Naruto replied with a gentle smile as he caught her in his grasp and hugged her tight

"Because I look like Hinata and your libido"

"Shion, never say that again. You know that's false, I am a seal master and can take away all that makes a human a human so do you think I can't seal away my lust. Plus I don't see many similarities between you, your chakra is different, personality is different, style and shape is different." Naruto muttered harshly and then sweetened it up

"You perv that was definitely a jab at my chest wasn't it." Shion hit him on the chest playfully as she took in his words causing him to laugh

"I love them big but I still like yours, they are just right fit for my hand." Naruto said as he kissed her naught mouth and picked her up while walking towards the main bedroom, today was going to be threesome

He activated the time dilation seals so that they experienced a different time from the outside, a day outside was a week inside.

He was hungry and needed some release, and they needed to see some love.


"Where's mother?"

"I think you should know by now what happens when adults talk, they are busy but if you want you can talk to father's clone by pressing that button." Boruto Uzumaki replied as he saw his big sister walk into his room

She was Shion's daughter. Leona was 15 years old; she had light blonde hair, blue eyes and tall stature. She weighed 56kg and stood at 160 cm. She liked vegetable and disliked blood, her style of clothing was always a tank top plus shorts or long military pants with boots.

She was proficient as a demon warder and as a fighter. Leona utilizes knives and Kunais with great skills.

Leona was older than Boruto by three years as Naruto had accepted Shion's request without understanding much at that point. He had pretty much broken the girl on that day as his body went out of control and she was impregnated successfully while Naruto had been completely embarrassed as Kakashi had to knock him out before he finished Shion off.

It was an experience that had become a trauma and slowed down his desire for company but Hinata had broken that shell and he was once again vigorous.

"I see they are engaged in sexual activities." Leona muttered as she put her hand on her chin with a calm look

"Seriously sis, no need to spell it out. That's disgusting." Boruto recoiled in horror as he ended up imagining some of it and ran out of the window to get some air

"Little brother, still hasn't grown up it seems." Leona smiled, a smile that showed that it was all according to plan

She left the room and went back to her's where Sarada, Cho Cho and Hima were playing with the prototype VR game system


In a far off dimension, where the world operated by the law of the jungle, one boy of 16 had just almost died by falling off a cliff.

The world was living in the past when compared by technology and in this world people trained to become strong or else any wealth they had was for the taking.

People's moral were bankrupt and the good didn't last for long. Massacres were common as the clouds in the sky and humans died like chickens that are slaughtered on a daily basis.

Wang Lin had failed the test of the Heng Yue sect and was devastated by the results as he had failed his parents and uncle but he was with great will power and didn't give up.

Wang Lin decided to venture forth into the world to become strong and return back home when he had attained immortality but on his way he had been attacked by a giant vicious Tiger.

He managed to stab a sharp branch into its mouth before they fell of the cliff. Luck was on his side as the Tiger ended up cushioning his fall.

Wang Lin felt his body ache from the fall, his bones must have been fractured and he had cuts everywhere.

He dragged his body to the dead tiger and took out its core as even animals cultivated energy to become stronger and rise towards immortality so there core could be used for many things.

Unfortunately, Wang Lin didn't know how to do anything with it and threw it away in annoyance. The core fell into the water, which was just a small basin of water.

Wang Lin looked around but he was still not at the bottom but in the middle of the cliff. He was injured and tired.

'Can I even survive like this?' Wang Lin thought as he looked at his battered body and clenched his teeth while dragging his body to the water.

He took a sip to calm his nerves and was surprised as his body started healing. Wang Lin looked at the water and then to the core within, and realized he had just stumbled upon something valuable.

'This should not be the core then, I was right to be suspicious about its appearance but what is it. What can it do or can it only heal like this?' Wang Lin thought as he looked at it closely but lack of knowledge didn't help him

'Let's just rest for now and heal. I will leave after that.' Wang Lin decided when he saw something rushing towards him and out his hands up to block

Wang Lin opened his eyes and saw a small thin slate floating in front of him.

'Is it waiting for me to hold it?' He wondered and decided after a few moments

As he touched the phone, Wang Lin felt knowledge enter his mind.

"A phone, what a miraculous item. This would be some top secret treasure of the clans; I will need to hide this as well." Wang Lin muttered in shock and opened the phone following the guide

'This is a gift from Lord Seventh; I should thank him for choosing me for this honor.' Wang Lin thought and when he read the first message and the one following that, he was ecstatic as he found a path

"Lord Seventh, I am honored by this opportunity. I plead for your assistance in becoming a strong cultivator." Wang Lin wrote down

The languages were different but the phone translated them all to one the user understood so there was no inconvenience.

"No problem child, I will help you so trust me. For now start with the training I gave in the above messages as the body is the foundation for everything and I will then instruct you on how to build up Ki."

Reading the answer brought a smile to his haggard face and relief to his broken heart; he could finally see the light of hope.

"Understood Master." Wang Lin spoke as he started studying the text


"The Grand Scholar, a title fitting for a smart child." Naruto muttered in a sad tone, he had felt everything from Wang Lin as unlike the others Wang Lin had to connect with phone to understand things

There was rage boiling deep within and Naruto intended to guide Wang Lin on the path of Law and Order.

"Lord Seventh that seems to be an overbearing title, what exactly are you the Lord of?" Naruto looked at the other message that came from a girl called the Ruin Princess. She was girl with crimson hair wearing some kind of uniform and she had black wings that told him she wasn't exactly human

"My world but words are hard to trust from strangers so let's forget about that and tell me about yourself." Naruto answered

"Which faction do you belong to? I want an answer to that and then we will see."

"I am kind of human but I don't belong to any faction except mine. I rule over others child not the other way around."

"You are giving these advices and training methods, are you sure they won't end up with someone not agreeable?"


A.N Hope you enjoyed.

There will be slice of life and there will be serious stuff.

Both sides will learn, it isn't a one way thing. Naruto doesn't know everything.

Wang Lin from Renegade Immortal or Xian Ni