Chapter 14

Hero Academia:

Izuku sat in silence as he stared at the phone, which held the gateway to the future. He had read the message about the new features and was overjoyed but Izuku was not stupid.

'Should I really do this? It will be really painful. I am sure that it will be 100% real pain.' Izuku thought as he had understood what kind of person was Naruto.

Izuku browsed through the weapons and pills along with the rest of the gadgets, just like he guessed they were truly terrifying and useful but he couldn't really afford them.

Naruto had introduced a way to earn points, defeat an opponent and scan them or earn through the virtual world along with the normal mission method.

'With the can of my body and Momo's along with the battle results, I have some points to buy certain items but should I?'

He sat there, staring quietly and thought for awhile as he didn't wish to waste his hard earned rewards.

Izuku took a deep breath and decided to risk it; he bought some lower healing pills and one time use earth prison.

'Now I should be ready for the world and even if use these inside, they will still exist here so not much of a problem.' Izuku thought as he pressed the button

"Oh, shit!" Izuku muttered as his body started falling and he wanted to curse Naruto for it. The body fell to the floor but was protected by Naruto's powers. The mind was transferred to the Virtual world to train while outside they were hundred percent safe.


Izuku opened his eyes to the blue sky overhead and the sound of birds, he was within a forested area as that was all he could see.

Since he met Naruto, one thing had always been told, "Always be wary of your surroundings, anything can kill."

So Izuku didn't hesitate and jumped to his feet, he realized that he was wearing all his equipment and was relieved that Naruto wasn't going to torture him.

'No assistance like the usual games so I have to rely on my natural abilities.' Izuku thought as he utilized life erasure since he didn't want to attract monsters, which he had heard about

Izuku was lucky as he moved from the place, a giant centipede had appeared.

'That thing looks blood scary but how much is it worth.' Izuku had lost his innocence and had started seeing things in points, a negative effect of making life a game.

As the beast was confused and was about to retreat since it could sense through normal means and its nature sense was not strong enough to pear through Izuku's skill, Izuku ran towards it and jumped.

Izuku concentrated on his arm and fist, the power was overwhelming and the beast was blasted to pieces with his strength.

Izuku landed skillfully and stared at his fist, he was surprised that it packed so much power. It was the first true use and it looked really dangerous.

'Thankfully, I was careful with Momo or …' Izuku didn't even want to imagine what would have happened.

Izuku heard the ting and announcement that he earned 20 points, which was enough for him to buy a kunai and it, was not worth the risk as he was now covered in its scent and more of the centipedes were converging towards him.

Izuku realized the danger and ran at full force at first then at normal speed to get a giant head start.

It was all going well but Izuku's appearance attracted eyes and his lack of chakra signal made it worse. This world was filled with monsters of many kinds and humans were among them.

So unlucky for our hero, he got his head speared through as he was running.

"Fuck" Izuku muttered as he opened his eyes to the room, the pain was horrendous and he had to stop the scream forcefully. His hands had damaged the floor and his lips were bleeding from the biting.

'Master is truly sadistic, I wish he could have at least sent me closer to town.' Izuku thought as he placed his hand on the bed and cried tears of frustration

Renegade Immortal World:

Unlike Izuku, Wang Lin was used to hunting and lived in world similar to Naruto's. It was a world where might made right in the truest sense so he was cautious in all his steps and made no unnecessary kills.

Wang Lin had purchased an ANBU set of old days so in Naruto's eyes it wasn't really worth much but to Wang Lin it was life saving equipment. It had seals that made it more durable and for camouflage while with the rest he bought a tanto with seals that made it extra sharp and healing pills along with three exploding kunai.

'I am really grateful to you, Master for allowing me this opportunity.' Wang Lin was really happy at being granted these equipments and wished to live up to the praise of his master

He could already feel that his body was closing the point of awakening and just needed another push. Normally it would have taken him long but Wang Lin had taken risks and gotten this far so quickly even with such a lacking body.

'So this is the world of my master, I wonder if can meet him.' Wang Lin thought and decided to make that his current goal in this world as other than defeating opponents, there wasn't much else so he thought maybe he could actually learn from people here and the first to visit should be his master.

Wang Lin was in an area filled with sand, it was a unique place to him since he lived in a green and mountainous area.

He was moving with his presence erased but even then the sense of danger was truly monstrous, it was like death was breathing down his neck.

'Master is truly merciless.' Wang Lin thought as he sighed

Wang Lin knew resistance was futile but it would be against the teaching of his master and his own heart so he jumped back while throwing a kunai.

The sand moved and he was lucky to have dodged but Wang Lin couldn't see the foe. No matter how he tried, there was no sign of an enemy.

"Please send me to an easier place next time." Wang Lin complained as he started running in the opposite direction but before he could he move the sand had blasted him to pieces.


"Lord Seventh, I am happy to join this group and happy to get these gifts but if you wouldn't mind, could you send me to a safe place in the virtual world that can help me train." A child with spiky black hair and green clothes wrote as he had analyzed from the dealings of the members

"Welcome Hunter and it is nice to see that you at least asked before diving in so sure. Enjoy."

Gon took a breath of relief as he released that he just dodged a bomb, 'He is definitely not someone I want to mess with.'

High School dxd:

"I knew that was a trap." Issei muttered smugly before he was forced into the game and his face changed expressions on high gear

"Buchou, save me"

Rias turned her head away as she saw the scene of horror and shook her head.

'Why does he tempt fate so much?'


'Thank you for your sacrifice guys.' Ichigo burned some incense for the departed as he requested for a safe ground