Chapter 15

DBZ World:

Picturesque scenery of nature at its best could be seen through the eyes of one Uzumaki Naruto. The open sky, the large mountain covered in flora and the crying Saiyan, begging for mercy.

"Life is great" Naruto muttered as he saw his disciples doing acts that made him proud. They had gone from pure little children to sadistic little hellions.


"Please stop, I surrender." Raditz screamed as he was kicked around by the father and son duo. They had intercepted his pod and destroyed his counter.

Raditz had been confident that they were going to be weaker than him but reality was often cruel and he was being treated like a football.


"AAAH" Raditz screamed in horror as he awoke

"Thank God, It was just a dream." Raditz muttered in a broken voice

"What was a dream?"

Hearing this voice had Raditz shaking all over; he had just fallen from the valley of hope into despair. Raditz turned to look, hoping it was just a hallucination but nothing was right with the world and he was facing his little brother.

Raditz was about to faint as he remembered the tragedy and looked down, hoping that it would not continue.

"Relax, I will not hurt you. You were an enemy and we had to be cruel for many reasons." Goku said in a cheerful tone and the reason being that to let an enemy survive then you have to break his spirit and let him know his place.

"R... Really" Raditz looked up slowly as some silver of hope shined on him

"Yes, and you can join us to become strong. How about that?" Goku muttered in friendly tone as he held his hand

'I can become strong and... .' Raditz wasn't even able to think of rebellion as his body had Goosebumps all over it from just a thought. Raditz didn't believe that he could surpass the duo as he was already weaker than them by a huge margin.

'Even Nappa would die to them but Prince Vegeta should be stronger.'

Raditz nodded but his eyes wide when he saw Gohan by the door and stuck to Goku as him he had seen death incarnate. Gohan had been exceptionally cruel because Raditz had cursed Goku, making him angry.

"Master, could you lead us to stronger foes?" Goku asked with a smile as he looked back

"Of course but let's ask for Gohan's opinion." Naruto replied as he walked inside like a silent wraith

"I think we should strengthen our self through the game first. Master, is it possible to just let us fight enemies directly." Gohan asked as he had heard that the world wasn't strong enough to fight them except a few and others with special techniques

"If that is your wish then I will allow it. But do take some time to travel and learn real life skills in the game world and your world. Interact, observe and learn." Naruto replied as he knew it would be better for them to just fight the foes he chooses instead of going Genocider on his virtual world.

"And what about you, little lamb?" Naruto asked as he looked towards Raditz with those eyes of his that made everyone look small

Raditz knew his world had changed and expended once he looked into those eyes, there was no denying them.


Renegade Immortal:

Wang Lin woke with a start as he had felt his explode from a tarrying force, the pain and suffocation was too much for a weak mind but Lin endured and his body moved towards betterment.

The courage, pain and pressure had finally built up to a level which broke the dam and he had reached the starting point of cultivation.

Wang Lin power, pure power flowing through his body and all the darkness was swept by the tsunami of joy and hope.

It was so much that, he let out an undignified shout.

"YES" Wang Lin muttered as he held tightly

He couldn't wait to test his powers like a child so he went out of his house to the outskirts of the village and jumped with full force, that sent him 20 meters high and then he dived down to punch the ground.

The ground was cratered and he looked at his hand that was unscathed while the damage was devastating. Finally, he ran toward the mountains and felt his speed.

Wang Lin stopped after running a few Kilometers and was feeling extreme satisfaction. He had known legends of cultivators and knew they could do more but a beginner with such strength was something unheard off.

'Master must have helped me strengthen my Ki and the training regime has done wonders.'

"Congrats Lin"

"Master, thank you" Wang Lin muttered in a respectful tone as he hugged Naruto, who was like family to him now.

"No problem and here a gift from me. You are my student and I always gift them rare things when they achieve something. So I will let you have a good skill that matches your dark element talent.

Shadow paralysis, is a skill from my friends clan so use it appropriately and do not let us down." Naruto smiled and patted his head, Wang Lin reminded him of his own children

'Boruto has already grown and feels embarrassed doing this, it makes me sad.'

"I will live up to master's expectation or die trying."

"It's better to live another day to try again then to die pointlessly. Sometimes you will have to bend the knee for the good of your own people and for your life. Just remember that disgrace and allow it to burn the fires of rage that will lead to your rise and then you can let them know what they did wrong." Naruto advised as he had seen some of the world already and seen many die because of pointless pride, and how prideful most of these scum were in this world.

'They are just so trigger happy that I am wondering how this world has survived.'

Wang Lin took in the advice and decided to ponder over it to understand it completely while also developing his new skill.

"I will follow Master's command."

Naruto looked at Wang Lin and was about to give them offer, do you want me to accompany you or not. But chose not to as it would make his progress slower with someone strong beside him at all times.

'It pains me to see my children suffer but this will make you unbreakable later on.'

"Good luck and train some more in the virtual world before starting your journey. I have added a pure fighting option."


A.N Hope you enjoyed