Chapter 16

Naruto World:

"Master, we have received new orders." A large man with a robust frame muttered in a respectful tone as he walked towards a young man of alien beauty sitting under the light of the moon

The scene would have been perfect if not for the destruction and carnage around them. Life had been extinguished and the planet was dying. It was not natural but directly caused by these two men that seemed to be human but were part of another race, a race that ruled the cosmos.

The man was seated on top a stump of a tree that used to be large enough to cover the world in its roots and tall enough to reach the moon but now it was also withering away.

"Hmm" The man looked towards his loyal servant enquiringly

"It's the Young Miss Kaguya" The large man answered as he stood in place while inwardly awaiting some kind of violent response to that name and the task

"Hahaha, the old man is really testing my nerves." The young man laughed in amusement as he thought about the woman that had stood over him from birth. Her cold gaze that looked down on him, the feeling of being a bug compared to her existence was always prevalent and it caused him to develop hate for Kaguya.

This wasn't the first time Kaguya had left without contact and he wasn't interested until he had enough power.

"Master, it seems to be serious this time. She has been gone for exactly 1100 years."

Momoshiki, a young master from the Otsutsuki clan and part of the harvesters, was actually shocked this time as he couldn't think of any reason for her disappearance for that long.

'Did she find a treasure? A World with a large life force? A world with good abilities or did she enter into the forbidden zones. Did she die?'

"What were her last coordinates?"

"Master, it seems to be a growing world and has developed from low rank to medium rank."

"Kinshiki, we are leaving." Momoshiki stood up, his spirit had been roused and his greed ignited.

"As you command, Master." Kinshiki replied as he floated beside his master and a portal appeared beside them for interstellar travel. The two men left but not before leaving the world with a goodbye gift

A giant sword slash to completely annihilate the planet, which was the last in this word. Momoshiki was one of the ruthless types of people and harvested life without remorse, instead of cultivating it and harvesting some.


"Lord Seventh" A beautiful voice called out to Naruto as he stood atop the invisible lines forming the seal of the Universe, an ever growing seal that connected to his existence.

Naruto didn't turn around and waited for his partner to speak; she was his strongest partner and would have stood above him once upon a time.

A tall woman with white hair tied in ponytail and violet eyes, wearing white tight fitting clothing. She was the epitome of grace with her mannerism and represented purity that could be seen in her clear eyes.

Most people would be shocked to know that this woman who seemed to be serving Naruto was none other than the previous overlord that had almost erased this world.

Kaguya stood behind Naruto and looked at him with a complex gaze and opened her mouth to utter words of utmost importance, "I want your child."

Naruto almost fell down from shock as he looked back at the woman that had uttered something ridiculous. His face had lost its usual dignity of the Lord, "What! Why!"

"I know it sounds ridiculous but I think we should have one just in case of emergencies. Your other children haven't and can't take in everything from you but if we have one, the child will have everything and will be a being with the strongest potential." Kaguya explained in a calm tone, to her it was normal as she was interested in the man and thought it was a great plan in case they died. Plus she was used to being looked after.

'I just have to show some interest and he should melt.'

Naruto calmed down and understood her point but they differed in their thoughts about the future. Naruto was always optimistic while Kaguya was clearly pessimistic, a result of losing her patience in mankind once.

"I see where you are coming from but I plan to live and win, and win. So I apologize but I have to decline." Naruto looked her in the eyes, he wasn't a coward and he wished to respect her choice so he took it head on

Kaguya was shaken as she had been denied by a man; she stared at him and saw that he was serious.

"I understand" Kaguya muttered in a neutral tone as she walked away

'I don't understand. Why would he deny me? But this isn't over, no one denies us?'

"Shit!" Naruto exclaimed while shaking his head while Kurama was laughing his tails off

'I am too old for this drama. Somebody should take her already.' Naruto thought as he focused on taking over the world and making it part of him, just like the Plant earth, Venus and Mars along with the moon.

Soon the World will be him and he will be the world.


One Piece World:

The crew finally arrived in the Kingdom of Alabasta safely without any incidents and a slight power up from food honor as they had eaten a lot within two days.

The Nanohana port was visible and the captain seemed to have lost his mind from the intense hunger, which was caused by the increase in his appetite.

"Luffy wait" Nami screamed but to no avail as the young teen flew through the air into the city and was led by his nose

Nami turned to Zoro with a pointed gaze.

"I am not coming in front of him and his food." Zoro replied honestly with a shake of his head

"Coward" Nami muttered under her breath and walked back to her position, waiting for the trouble to come to them. It seems the captain still needed time to grow

'Hopefully the seniors can break his bad habits.'


Luffy landed at the port and ran towards the place where he could smell the delicious aroma.

"MEAT, MEAT" Luffy chanted as he ran while easily dodging the crowd of people and arrived at the restaurant

"Give me meat" Luffy muttered as he gazed at the man at the counter who was scared by that crazy look

"Ok just wait for a minute." The man replied while shouting towards the kitchen

"Luffy, what are you doing here?" A voice called out from behind that broke him out of his dazed state and large smile split his face

"Brother" Luffy cried as he turned around and hugged the young man known as the Fire Fist

Ace was delighted to see his younger brother and surprised as he didn't expect him to get here so quickly since Luffy wasn't exactly the smartest.

"I am here to fight" Luffy wasn't really smart but the influence of his friends and the seniors caused him to be wary

Ace was shocked at the seriousness in his voice and was kind of proud that the little brother was growing mature.

'Fight, then it must be someone really important. Who could it be?' Ace thought but he couldn't remember anyone important in this area as he was busy and hadn't heard anything important

"Then sock him extra hard for messing with us." Ace smiled as he messed with Luffy's hair

"Of course" Luffy replied and dove into his food like ravenous beast as it was placed near him

"STRAW HAT" A voice that would have caused him trouble but now brought a smile on his face

'The first one' Luffy thought as he gulped down the food and felt the power build up within his body


Hitman Reborn World:

"It's an honor to meet you, Naruto." Tsuna greeted Naruto like a friend as he appeared in his garden

"Same, it's like seeing an old friend. We are quite alike." Naruto smiled and replied as he was formed through the nature energy

"Would you like something to eat or a drink would do?"

"Just have them bring some coffee." Naruto replied as he sat down after giving Tsuna a brotherly hug

Tsuna was in his thirties and his body was built like a natural murder machine. He seemed to give off a peaceful wibe but underneath was a beast of slaughter that had took over the world within a decade.

Tsuna signaled to her servants and sat down, he was sure this wasn't a normal visit.

"How bad is it?"

"Real bad"

"What are my chances?"


"That's bad and the details of the enemy."

The atmosphere seemed so causal while the fate of the world was being decided.

"I like it. 40% chance of losing. The enemy isn't that strong because your world is a lower ranked one and you kind of already surpassed the power of one of them. You have accepted the offer to serve me so I shall do my part.

Access the game and you will find the enemies that need to be defeated. Test them in the virtual world and find your path while I will also give you options." Naruto's word dispersed the tense moment and Tsuna just nodded as he leaned back into his chair

He was kind of worried about having to sacrifice people so it was good news that no such option existed in front of this man.

'The burden of the king is truly heavy but it is mine to bear.'

"I will eliminate them."

"Good, and just wait for a power up once you beat them. These guys are really good at giving you some good stuff."

"I certainly look forward to it." Tsuna said as his fighting spirit had been ignited by the knowledge of the world harvesters

Tsuna thought Naruto would leave but the man continued to sit through the evening and made his life harder as he realized that Naruto intended to stay for some time.

'Bad things always accompany blessings.'



Weeks had passed since he became the chosen one and his confidence had grown with time along with his power.

Issei knew it was just a matter of time before he could get his large harem and the power. He was already working on his first target, a girl name Raynare had confessed to him and they started dating.

She was beautiful and devious, smart and calculative but all she did was in vain.

It was their first date outside and Raynare had been delightful companion. The magical day was going to end with his first kiss but she showed her true nature at the last moment.

"Oh no, what am I to do?" Issei muttered in a mocking tone as he slapped aside the light spear while Raynare stared at him with wide eyes

"How can you be so strong? Doesn't matter, die for me." She said in a distasteful tone and made more spear appear but before she could even react, Issei's fist was embedded in her abdomen.

The impact broke her ribs and caused internal damage, which caused her to spit blood as she fell from the sky.

"How?" She questioned with difficult as she tried to crawl away from the monster

"Magic and a lot of suffering. Now you can be truly mine." Issei replied as his armored hand glowed green and approached her pretty little head
