The End

The talk with DE was fun and engaging, it had been a long time meeting someone that was close to his power and somewhat understood him.

Naruto was in a good mood now with the first success and carried with his journey to the next destination. This time the host wasn't a nice guy as Naruto was obstructed from entering the universe by a barrier.

'Wow, just wow.' Naruto thought as he stood in the void, waiting for the man to come to him

"Greetings Emperor, it's not nice seeing you here." The alternative Naruto appeared wearing casual clothes; his appearance seemed somewhat different but otherwise same

"Why would you say that? I am nicest person there is." Naruto replied

"I dislike your kind because of that, you control everything in your hands and think that is kindness."

Naruto smiled, "Is that so? I have only given them in an option. I know what will happen to them. I give them a choice to avoid the problems, is that so bad?"

"I know that you force those choices on them so don't play innocent with me. Just get to the point."

"I don't need to hear that from a scum that is sleeping with his daughter."

"Any problem with that? Just get to the point already; I don't have any to waste on you."

Naruto's expression was that of disgust even though he knew there must be a reason for it to happen but it was something impossible for him.

"Even if it meant, she will break down. What will you do? Erase the memories of what happened."

Naruto took in a breath as he realized this question was just too tricky to answer, it depended on the scenario and he couldn't answer it.

"I need your help to fight against the King."

"Fine, I will be there when you call me." The man replied in a neutral tone and left

"Could have at least offered some tea, you asshole?"


With the shining success of the previous attempts, Naruto continued to the next stop and arrived in a universe with one bloody huge Naruto.

Naruto of this universe was bigger than the damn sun and made it look like a ping pong ball.

"I have no idea why you would do this?" Naruto muttered as he landed on the giants shoulder

"There are foes that have this size so having a small size was very inconvenient." The alternative version appeared in a similar sized form, his appearance was same and his expression was very gentle like that of a parent looking at the children

"What do I call you?"

"Guardian, I am the guardian of this universe. Foes from other universes have been trying to devour my territory so I am quite stuck in a pickle."

"Lord Seventh, how about I provide some help."

Guardian looked at Naruto and smiled, "I would appreciate it. We can probably end this quickly now as they can fight me but two of me, impossible."

"Hehe, let's have some fun then." Naruto smiled as he looked towards the enemies hiding in the zone between universes.

Yun Che and Chu Feng shivered when the Guardian arrived with Naruto on his side, they could sense the immense power from Naruto.

He could take them all out alone, his power was above that of the guardian and it seems he wasn't the nice type.

"Yun Che, I advise you to surrender." Guardian said as he looked at the two titans with their army behind them

"No, no, Yun Che try to fight. You can definitely do it." Naruto encourage the man to fight

Yun Che looked from Guardian to Naruto and felt he was looking at a monster, 'This bastard also has another version that beat me another world and mentioned the Emperor. He must be him.'

"I surrender but can you allow us the knowledge to move further. We have been stuck, the resources have been used up and the low level items are worthless to us."

"Man, you guys are boring. So let's see you can take part in my fight and I will help your world by making it mine." Naruto shook his head in disappointment

Yun Che looked towards Guardian; they were friends somewhat so he trusted the man.

"It's a good choice, you can trust him."

"Are you really going to just trust our enemies?" Chu Feng whispered from behind

"It's my choice and you will follow." Yun Che commanded causing Chu Feng's face to distort is shame and anger

"Now now, this man needs some time in the dark pit and he will learn that his life has been a mistake." Naruto muttered, his voice was so smooth and kind but everyone felt a chill

Chu Feng wanted to escape but before he could move, he was dragged into the eternal darkness that released ghastly wails.

Yun Che looked at the scene with an indifferent gaze.

'Fool, hopefully you will learn from this experience.' Yun Che thought, he had lived a long life and changed through the millennia plus the century spent with the Guardian

"Thank you for solving my problem Lord Seventh, I will come once you call for me. If you want you can see my universe, it's a lot different than yours."

"Nah, it's cool. We will chill together once the problem is solved." Naruto said and bid them adieu


Moving on to the next location, Naruto found himself on an island floating in space with a large castle in the center. It was definitely made by someone and designed to look fabulous.

"Well this is one of living the life." Naruto muttered as he flew towards the palace and found himself looking at a strange scene

It was Kaguya looking very regal with the alternative Naruto looking to be her consort; he was actually weaker than Kaguya.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Naruto 2" Kaguya said with a smile as she pointed towards the chair as a meal was ready for them

"Thanks, I am surprised to see you stronger than me in this world. Kinda weird." Naruto said as he sat down

"It's weird for me that you are actually stronger than my Queen. I don't like that." Servant Naruto spoke as he looked at Lord Seventh

He was completely different from Naruto by a long shot with those horns and white hair, his style was similar to the sage now.

"Calm down my love, it's not an issue that he is stronger than I. He has come with the solution to our problem." Kaguya said as she held his hand

"Please keep your lovey dovey talk somewhere else and it's great that you are aware of the issue. Then I will be calling you once everyone is ready." Naruto said as he got up

"Why don't you eat before leaving?"

"I am in a hurry so next time." Naruto replied as he left, he felt that she was looking at him with a possessive gaze like she wanted to own him


Next Universe, Naruto found himself in a castle above the clouds. It had good scenery and Naruto as greeted with the sight of his alternative sitting with his wives.

'The harem is strong in this one.' Naruto thought as he found Nemesis, Hestia, Ella, Gaia, Hinata, Stheno and Euryale sitting with him enjoying their picnic

"Hey there, sorry to disturb your date but we need to talk."

Olympus Naruto looked at the intruder of his domain and sighed as the time had come to make the final move.

Ever since he had overtaken Chaos this had become the issue and he knew it would come to him. Sometimes he wished that he stayed at his previous level so that the universe was not his issue and Chaos could handle it.

"I don't mind, I know and I will fight by your side."

"Man, you are so lazy. At least get up from her lap."

"Make me"

"Tsk, lazy ass. I will be seeing you later, enjoy your harem and I will enjoy your screams." Naruto said as he vanished

"He was certainly different from you." Gaia commented

"How so? Seemed normal."

"Very strong and his personality looked twisted." Nemesis added

"Agreed, he does have the familial values but his way seemed to be really dangerous." Hestia

"I will be careful with him." Naruto added as he ate the grape given by Ella

'I love this life so let us end this once and for all.'


"Man these guys chilling while I am running around like a mail man." Naruto muttered as he flew towards the next locations and managed to talk to them

The other two being the Desolate Emperor and the Immortal King were very nice people so Naruto was very happy with that as there was only one asshole among seven of his alternative versions.

"Guys, it's time for me to take on the final boss. Wish me luck." Naruto sent to the group, the pictures of his army of clones as he stood in front

"Good luck Master, you can do it." Wang Lin

"If you die, can I have your things?" Issei

"Can you connect this network to something else before you go?" Ichigo

"Would you pass me the Teleporter before leaving?" Don

"Just don't destroy the damn world while fighting." Batman

"I love you to guys see you tomorrow." Naruto chuckled and placed the phone the desk, it was time to leave


The team gathered and if not careful the world would collapse from their mere presence. There was Madara and Hashirama from another universe, Kaguya from another universe, Yun Che plus the seven Naruto's and the Beyonder.

Thirteen against one was very unfair but when you are powerful it is already a fact that you will have to fight great numbers.

The team touched upon on the plane of existence and walked into the foes domain.

"Seventh, don't you feel something is wrong here?" DE said as he walked beside him

"I also feel there is something weird about this, why did he allow us entry? I am really starting to question my existence now." Olympus Naruto muttered and everyone seemed to agree with him except Beyonder who was not in the know

"Just calm down and lets handle it as it comes, you guys are making me worry." Naruto muttered as he was starting to sweat, he was feeling his heart constrict as he moved forward

It was the first time in his life that he found a fear of the unknown, he wanted to go back.

'I can do this.' Naruto repeated as he arrived at the gate and opened it, the team walked inside to see their foe sitting on the throne

"I knew it, we are clones aren't we." Desolate Emperor said to test the foes reaction but he was just looking at them with amusement

"I doubt that so let us hear him out before you go through your existential crisis." Dark Naruto said in a calm tone as he looked towards the King who was smiling at them

"Welcome to my home, I hope it was a nice journey. As for the right answer, you all are aware aren't you?"

Everyone walked to a separate side as their eyes looked at each of the members.

Yun Che looked at the foe and realized he was the emperor, 'Why are they looking at him as an enemy?'

He was very much confused at the moment as the Emperor was supposed to be their leader according to his knowledge.

"You can all stop, it is him. I really hate your kind, Seventh." Dark Naruto muttered as his aura was leaking but it didn't damage a thing in this domain

Naruto looked at him and then to his enemy, "Hahaha, I am a clone."

'He is mind fucked, hopefully he won't kill us.' Olympus Naruto thought as he looked at his new friend that was looking very crazy now

"What do you guys think?"

"Seventh relax, think a bit more." DE and Guardian stood beside him

"Nah, I was trying to play the broken hero but I guess it would be better not mess with your minds or else he is raring to fight already." Naruto chuckled and looked at all of them causing them to look at him suspiciously as he did play with all their lives

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't do it yet. It's a future version of me."

"Right answer, I am his future version since I am not restricted by time it was possible to play like this and I have to say that I quite enjoyed it." Otsutsuki King said with a smile

"I am leaving, such a waste of time. I should have known that this guy was you from the beginning." Dark Naruto muttered in distaste as he walked away, his little princess was waiting for him

"I am confused?" Kaguya asked as it didn't make sense to her, her life had been a lie

"Sweet little child, it's not that hard to understand. I am the reason that your clan became this strong and the reason there was such a difference of power between the king and the rest. I have traveled to the time when you were not even born and started changing everything. I erased all signs of any kind before me and made it so that I was the progenitor."

"You allowed for destruction of life in such vast numbers." Servant Naruto roared in anger and he wasn't the only one as Guardian, Desolate Emperor and the rest were also angered by this information

"They were just mere pawns in the end. Why do you cry for them? Were they anything to you?"

"You monster!" Hashirama roared but Naruto stopped him

"Let me go, you scum." Hashirama was seeing him as the same person as well the others

"Guys, I am not him. He came from a time where there was no such a thing as an overpowered Otsutsuki King and most likely never interacted with other universes before taking this one over. We are completely different; ask Kurama if you can't trust me."

"I trust you and even if that is your future, we will change it." DE and Guardian said

"You are not so bad but I don't agree with what you done as collateral for your games." Desolate Emperor said as the King was the one who gave him the new chance

Hashirama and Madara were also sure of it but didn't speak about it.

"Thanks guys so when will you allow me to take over and move on." Naruto look towards him and asked, he was making too many enemies because of this asshole

"Hehehe, really amusing you lot. I will separate the worlds so I will just be another alternative you from now on. Do visit me, when you have time as I am the only one who can understand you." The King said with a regal tone as the world changed in front of them and the King was gone leaving behind the castle

"This was so anti climatic. I was expecting a battle of epic proportions."

"Same here, lets fight tomorrow since everyone is feeling awkward at the moment." Madara said as he walked out of the hall

"Let's party then since our worlds are saved from his dirty hands." Naruto said as he tried to cheer everyone up

"Your dirty hands, you mean."

"Hey, I always keep them clean."

"Hahaha" The team walked outside to celebrate the freedom from the tyrant that played with lives.



In the silent but large halls of a palace, the steps of a man with horns could be heard as he walked with a purpose.

The man arrived at a giant gate and opened it as he was given permission to enter the Emperor's court; it was enormous area with the Emperor sitting at the front while on the sides you could see his companions.

"My Lord, your command has been fulfilled. The Multiverse is in peace." Momoshiki muttered as he stood facing the giants

"Good, you can leave now and maintain the status quo." The man that had conquered the universes, Lord Seventh declared

Momoshiki saluted and left, leaving the court in silence.

"Man, it got boring real quick." Goku voiced his opinion

"Isn't it because you grew too strong and we killed the strong ones." Don added as he sat on his throne

"Chill, I got an idea." Naruto muttered and everyone quiet down with curiosity blazing

"A tournament of our own counterparts, with different games that we design."

"That's bloody awesome, when can we start." Issei said as he jumped in his throne

"Will you meet them or will you hide behind the darkness?" Naruto questioned

"I believe I will choose the cowardly path." Neo One for All

"Yeah, now I can play the mysterious enemy with cool style." Ichigo

"Hehe, it's going to be so damn hilarious playing with their minds." Jean exclaimed in excitement as her throne brined with white flames

"You guys have completely lost your minds, wanting to see your younger selves gore each other." Didi muttered as she held Naruto's hand

"But you love us this way; we had be so boring if we didn't play around." Naruto kissed her hand and said with a smile

"Why don't we bring in more worlds in to this?" Gohan

"Man, what a sadist you have become. But I love it." Gon said with a wide grin

"I was thinking why Bruce wasn't invited. So I am all up for this Multiverse mayhem but it won't cause any problems would it." Tony said as he lay on his throne with chill

"No issues, we got it all handled."

"What are we calling it? Where will it take place?" Rias asked as she held her long hair and looked at her wild husband

"Tournament of power" Goku

"Tournament of Might" Toriko

"Tournament of Survival" Gohan

"Btoom" Ainz added as he sat on his throne wearing a robe in his human form, he really loved his new companions and made him feel at home after seeing that his old companions were just normal people in the end

"That's asking for a copyright, lol" Percy muttered with a chuckle as he refrained from adding his opinion in this as all he could think were names that were already used too many time

"King's Game" Pikachu said with a smile as he sat in his small form with tiny wings and a crystal on his head, his eyes looked deep and mysterious

"Survival Game" Luffy added with a relaxed expression

"Test of Worth" Grand Scholar added as he smiled at the childishness of his companions and looked at his master for clues

"This will take a long time so don't hurry with it, we need a good name." Naruto said as he changed the seating so that they were sitting on a round table, it was much better than being titans

Everyone from the chat group was invited except Batman since he was still salty about becoming an immortal universal being.


Naruto World:

The world was in relative peace, the nations were working together and all threats had been pacified. Naruto had become the seventh Hokage and led the world for a decade; he was hitting 36 but still hadn't hit the limits of his powers.

He was in the prime of his life as an Uzumaki and a vessel, his powers never really seemed be of use anymore though since the last battle with Toneri and the occasional spar with Toneri and Sasuke.

'I hope life stays this way, quiet and peaceful.' Naruto thought as he sat with Hinata and watched the kids spar in the stadium

He had grown old and peaceful, the fires of youth had burned out and he didn't hunger for adventure or battles anymore.

But life seems to have grudge against him as Naruto saw a being made of pure darkness and its glowing red and its mouth was just jagged white teeth.

It had captured the kids without him even realizing, 'I have certainly let down my guard.'

"Greetings, Human. I am the servant of my Lord and you can call me, Nya." The creature introduced himself while the darkness moved around the place like a living thing as it ensnared the kids like they were nothing but bugs caught in the spider web

"Let the children go" Naruto commanded as he entered the six paths mode at full power and sent the black balls to cancel the darkness

"Tsk tsk, so impatient." Nya said as the tsb did nothing and were cancelled while Naruto was suppressed by the dark tendrils

"I have come to share great news; your world has a chance to fight for its survival in the Multiverse court. Choose a team of five and I will guide you through this game of survival."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that your world depends on you winning a survival game. You have always been pawns in this game of immortals so chop chop and find your team asap as we you will need to get ready. This game is not about just power but will test your everything." Nya said as he appeared near Naruto and talked into his ear, making him shiver

"I will be back soon so don't dally or you will all die along with your universe." Nya said as it stared into Naruto's eyes and he fell to the floor, twitching in despair at what he had seen

"Hehehe" Nya disappeared like a wraith leaving behind that creepy laughter

Hinata quickly ran over to Naruto as the kids were safe and the others were checking them.

"Call Sasuke and Toneri" Hinata commanded Shikamaru

Shikamaru was serious and angry at what had just happened, it was terrible and insane. They had earned this peace through so much work and hardship, and it is danger because some asshole wants to see a game.

'Who do we choose? Naruto, Toneri and Sasuke are the obvious choices.' Shikamaru thought as his eyes went towards the moon

'Situation has forced our hand and I am sure they can handle her now.' Shikamaru thought as he decided it was time for Kaguya to come back


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

The Seven Naruto's and Hashirama and Madara from:

Nature Lord


Guardian of the Universe

Immortal King

Wrath of Nature


RE: Desolate era

Daddy's Little Princess

Servant of the Immortal Queen

With this i end this story. I know its really bad and rushed but it was bound to happen unless i want to write millions of words to actually write all the changes in the different worlds.

I wish someone could adopt the different crossovers while using this idea, it had be really awesome seeing a work with many different writer working together.

I have already started working on the sequel and going with the name Insanity Game.

Team survival game. Games that will test different qualities and finally the battles.




Hero academia:

Young Justice




Eden Zero

Percy Jackson

Black clover

One piece:


Hunter x hunter:

Teen titans:


Hitman reborn:



Solo Leveling:

One Punch Man:


Slime Tensei:


Darwin's game: