Chapter 36

Renegade Immortal:

Wang Lin in a matter of weeks had spread his name because of his unique personality. He helped people out without any costs even when things didn't involve him.

It was such impossibility in this world where selfishness and betrayal was encouraged, a world where there was no such thing as friendship and loyalty.

While people didn't see the point, Wang Lin felt really satisfied with his actions. It made his heart and soul pure and strong that his studies into darkness and death didn't affect his personality.

These battles helped him grow faster and more creative as he had to use his mind to fight. Wang Lin didn't forget about the game and challenged people from Naruto's world in combat.

He was in combat with Kiba, one o the strongest in the genin category of old and won with the help of poison or else he would have died since the opponent was faster and stronger than him.

'Master's world is really dangerous, how do little kids have that much power?' Wang Lin mused as he meditated in his hideout in the underground maze that he created in the forest near one of the largest cities of the Kingdom

Wang Lin had seen many fighters and even Young Masters but didn't see anyone good as the fighters in the game.

They were strong and especially fast while just being 12, some were just too monstrous. Wang Lin had tried fighting Naruto's young form but stopped very early on the second battle.

The chuunin exam Naruto was too strong and durable plus especially fast with that killer summon.

"Master is so wonderful even young." Wang Lin muttered in admiration as he focused more on his cultivation to live up to his master

In these weeks with the intense battles, real and virtual, Wang Lin had reached the end of the first stage of cultivation and was on the final step to reach the higher stage.

The cultivation techniques made personally by Naruto to gather and scatter Ki had been completely made for him so that his progress was unhindered.

Wang Lin could have entered the next stage days ago but stopped because Naruto told him to strengthen his Dao of Darkness and Death before going to the next realm s that it would make his Ki better in all aspects.

Wang Lin had reached the saturation stage of his Ki and couldn't cultivate anymore, he was ready to step up the game and change his Ki to the elements but felt Naruto's touch.

Wang Lin felt happy and relaxed as his master placed a hand on his back; he was never worried with Lord Seventh around.

'Thank you Master' Wang Lin thought and focused as large energy helped along the path; it was filled with the taste of death and eternal darkness

Wang Lin knew if he had touched this energy, his existence would be lost from all planes. It was so potent and filled with danger but it enticed him to touch and understand as it was the path he wanted to walk on.

'Go on and touch it, I am there for you.'

Wang Lin smiled and slightly touched the energy with his soul, it was a state that Naruto had allowed him to experience and he felt free.

The single taste of the energy had brought him so much understanding that Wang Lin couldn't help but want to hug and cry for this honor.

It was the fruits of knowledge and effort by his master that he was given without a cost. It was one of the best gifts and Wang Lin would never forget this favor.

By the end of the process which lasted a few hours as Naruto didn't wish to change him completely, Wang Lin found himself floating above the ground.

It was a few meters but useful nonetheless and his stats were out of this world. Wang Lin couldn't believe how strong he had become as he literally one shotted chunin Exam Naruto before he could react.

"I feel so good." Wang Lin muttered as he went to the next stage and fought the sound four, through these battles he had learned many things and was intent on recreating techniques he liked and found useful.

On the world above his reputation was increasing, Heng Yue sect had a positive outlook about him and some other sects as well while the some clans had an antagonistic approach as they saw him as a thorn and disgrace.

As such his pictures had been posted in some places so that people would hunt him down but Wang Lin didn't worry about it as he could transform his appearance and his true appearance wasn't known.

The world was changing and no one knew where it would end up as one end of the world things were turning for the good somehow while the other end seemed to rushing towards a dead end.



Gon felt that the world changed a lot since the energy wave, it was very apparent with the strange vegetation and mutations among the monsters.

He had felt it interact with him and increase potential as well so that Gin felt that he could take on Chuunin Exam Gaara with speed equal as he had still yet to reach that realm of velocity.

"There is so much to explore but I feel distracted." Gon said as he sat outside the palace of the King

"What's on your mind?" Killua asked

"A new world has opened to us and we can visit it but we still haven't explored ours yet."

"Is that something to worry about? Can we return after going there?"


"Then let's go and play." Killua smiled as he dragged Gon up

Gon hit his head as he realized that there was no problem and he accessed his authority as a chosen to see the path.

Only strong beings could use this path for now, to go up or down. The upper realm meant you needed to meet a lot of higher requirements while going lower was easier.

The two young boys walked through the portal and arrived on top of a building as a city spread out in front of their eyes.



Killua watched as his friend met with a new kid and remembered him from the chat group.

"Hello and welcome to my world, I hope I won't be a bad host." Izuku said with a smile as he wore his school uniform, looking fit and tall from all that training and food.

"Of course, we are so going to have fun." Killua muttered with a large grin as he looked at the city beneath him, he was raring to fight new people.


Naruto was happy that Kurama was playing around and found it funny how he reacted and did things but now it was time to get serious as he arrived at his first destination.

It was universe that seemed to be very vast and dangerous than his own; it was weird and lacked humans.

Naruto could see that it seemed to be made out of data as he entered into a small dimension where there was small patch of land and a modest house.

"Welcome to my humble home"

Naruto saw an alternative version of him walk towards him with a gentle smile and kind aura that it brought a grin to his face and he chuckled as the alternative version lacked his playfulness.

"Thank you and sorry for coming in without permission." Naruto hugged him

"No problem, I didn't see you as threat and allowed it."

"What should I call you?"

"Well we have the same name so if I am not going with Naruto then the Digital Emperor is my title, You?" D.E replied with a smile as he walked ahead

"Lord Seventh"

"Ah, you are still in our world and playing as the Hokage. That's really something as I have seen us all walk away once we reach such a stage." DE muttered with a surprise as he led Naruto to the living room while on the way small monsters were looking at them with curious eyes

"Well what can I say; I am just a nice guy."

"Hahaha, nice guy really? I doubt that so what you would like to have."

"I have no idea what you have so surprise me."

"I doubt that but let's just have some tea for now and we will have a meal later. Sora, can you bring tea and meet out guest." D.E called out

Naruto was surprised and stared at the woman that walked out; she was human as in completely human.

"Don't be so shocked, we never cared about power so what does it matter if they are normal or like us." DE said and held Sora's hand, sitting her down beside him

Sora was looking twenty years old but she had already lived for 50 years with Naruto as his wife, she had met him when they were young and on their first adventure.

"Well I am just surprised that you didn't give her any powers not that."

"I do have powers, come Renamon." Sora said with a smile as a bipedal fox came to Sora and they somehow fused into a new being

"Consider me impressed, that's some improvement." Naruto whistled as she went from normal to a planet busting monster

"We can talk about that later but what business has brought you here."

"Do I need to say it? We both know about him and I intend for him to die."

"The Otsutsuki King, ruler of our universe and monster of absolute power. You know, he is the one that sent me here to this world. I was dead in the battle with Momoshiki and he gave me another chance.

Do you think I will help you?"

"Yes, he is just playing with you."

"I was just saying and you are right, he was just playing with me and us. I still don't understand why he lets us grow; it makes me curious and dread the answer at the same time. Are you not afraid of what we will find?"

"No, I will roll with it and I will not allow anyone else to control my world."

"Then it's settled, I am in. Honey, arrange for a feast and call Hinata since she was wondering what an asshole version me would look like."

"Hey! I take offence to that."


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment