Judging my Potions?

Jun Jingyi then looked at George and smiled at him. "Mr. Owner.. would you recommend some of those potions for me?"

George nodded. "What kind of potions do you need? I have a lot of them. There's a healing type, there's also buffing and debuffing type, and i even have a few for infiltration mission! And Oh! There's also a potion for helping guards to see in night time."

They looked at George in confusion. "How could an elixir help you with an infiltration mission and helping guards guarding things in the night time? Could you stop joking around.." All of them baffled by George's words.

George smiled proudly and said "Of course there is! It was called potion of invisibility.. If you drink one, your body will turn invisible, and everyone couldn't see you. It also conceals your aura and smell. So it's very good for spying someone. But," he smiled awkwardly "Uhh.. but, there's a downside to this potion.. You need to not wear anything to make it effective.. And all of my potions is not permanent.. the majority of them had effective time!"

All of them narrowed their eyes when they heard about the potion of invisibility. But, when they heard about the downside, they thought that it was slightly fair.. As it was kinda over powered. "Why is it not permanent? Is it because it could bend the law of heavens if it was permanent?" Asked Lin An.

George was speechless when he heard that. "Uhh.."

But, before George said that it was like that from the original game, not because of law of heaven.. Young Master Jun sneered at her. "Of course it is! All of these potions were heaven defying! So if it was permanent like what you were saying.. it might angered the heaven!"

George smiled awkwardly when he heard that. "Seriously.. it's not because of the law of heaven.." He thought.

George coughed "And about the potions that will help guards.. it was called a potion of night vision. Like the name said, it makes you could see things in the dark! So.. you could see normally like it was day time, even though it was actually in midnight!"

All of them gasped when they heard that. "How much is the potion of invisibility and that night vision one?"

"Uhh.. the potion of invisibility is fifty spirit stones, and for the night vision one.. is ten spirit stones."

When they heard about the price, they was kinda doubting the potion. "What if it's a fake?" All of them thought, but Jun Jingyi and Lin An knows that they are very real... In the end, Jun Jingyi bought one potion of invisibility, while Lin An bought the night vision one.

When Jun Jingyi heard about the effect of that potion of invisibility, he immediately made a plan to use the potion for some scheme. He looked at Lin An and smiled viciously.

"Then.. is there any kind of potions that's more heaven defying?"

When George heard that, he laughed "Of course there is!" He showed the potion of slowness and swiftness to them. "This potion of slowness, if you throwed it someone.. their speed, ability to react, and even their brain activity were slowed down. So, it was a game changing potion to have while you were dueling! And for the potion of swiftness.. it's actually the reverse of that potion of slowness, the two of them is a really good thing to have!"

They nodded their heads. "It's true.. that thing is really good to have while fighting!"

Jun Jingyi and Lin An both bought one each. The price for a potion of slowness and a potion of swiftness is one hundred spirit stones each. But, all of their friends doesn't seem to want to buy those potions.. They are still afraid if it was a fake.. Until they have seen it themself, they will not believe any of this sh*t!

The next one he was going to introduce is the potion that the two of them know, the potion of instant health. He also introduced the potion of regeneration, potion of harming, potion of wither, and the minecraftian poison. George called it as minecraftian poison, as it was weird to call it a potion of poison.

"What?! It could regrow your limbs?!" All of them was dumbfounded by that.

The way they talked made people from outside interested in potions.

"WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT? Growing back limbs? Only a few kinds of five star pills could do that!" A man sneered at George's explanations. He was just walking around the street and heard George's explanations while we passed by the shop.

"I'm sorry.. what?" George looked at him in confusion.

"How dare you sells fake things to those kids?! You made all alchemist's name bad! I myself is a four star alchemist and i never heard about an elixir without any medicinal qi, that could do something like that!"

A lot of people heard the commotion and looked at George's shop curiously. There's all kind of people that's surrounded the store. When George saw what's happening, his face darkened.

He frowned when he heard him judging his potions. "Hmph! Then let's make a bet.. Is there someone who had their limbs torn off? Or something like that?"

"I have!" One of the audience had his hand sliced off when he stole things years ago. He was a really poor man, so he didn't care if it works or not. He just wanted to gamble. If it works, he'll be very happy and if it doesn't.. well.. it's okay too!

The nouveau rich kids were looking at the situation in excitement. They liked this kind of thing. "I bet that this thing works!" Both Jun Jingyi and Lin An said at the same time. They looked at each other weirdly, but they leave each other this time.

They also gave a lot of spirit stones to George. George was amused by them. "Okay.. since these young masters and mistresses was doing that, you can place your bets! If one side wins, the one who bets at that side, get all of the items.. How about that?" He smiled confidently.

"Hmph! There's no way that my potions is not working!" George thought.