Western Medicine

The people who was just strolling around was curious about what's happening. When they heard that a delicate looking youth making a bet with an old men about elixirs, they became excited and was looking forward to it. Some of them even placed their bet on George or the old man.

But, of course.. the majority of them placed it on the old men. Like one of the most famous African proverbs said.. Old people's speech is not to be dishonored, after all, they saw the sun first. So.. they believed that the old men is the right one.

Jun Jingyi and Lin An's friends also made a bet too. But, of course a lot of them didn't believe George.. So they put their bet on the old man. And the thing that they use for a bet is totally worth a lot.

"Sis.. sister Jiang.. y.. you dared to put your favorite Coral Jade Necklace for the bet?" Lin An asked one of her friend in amazement.

She smiled when he saw her amazement "It's okay! I know that i will win this thing back, or maybe win more items! Oh! by the way, i trust your intuition and bet on the owner!"

Lin An laughed when she heard that "I see.. Sister Jiang is really the best! I promise, if i lose.. i'll give you one of my favorite things too!"

Even though some of them placed their bets on George, it wasn't too much.

George wasn't angry at them. After all, if he saw something like this, he'd probably do the same thing and maybe laughed at it like it was some kind of joke.

George thought that people won't buy the potion, as they didn't see if it is real or not.. But, in actuality, it was working wonderfully, and it's not a phony or a fake thing that he put inside of a bottle.

George chuckled when he remembered how he was mad like a berserker when saw an old men judging his potions. "Maybe it's actually a good thing! I'll sacrifice one of my potion of regeneration and made an advertisements out of this! It's totally worth it, i think.. And there's some people that's going to be struck rich this time!" He looked at all the thing that all of them used for a bet and was astonished by that. Only a few of those people placed their bet on George.

George then smiled at the old man and said. "So... mr. great four star alchemist from somewhere i don't know, What would you liked to bet on?"

"Audacious! Young people these days don't have any ethics at all!" Old people that watched this argument nodded their head.

George frowned when he heard that. "Uhh.. what? Am i talking to him rudely? But, i don't think that i'm rude to him.. Ugh.. if i don't make a comeback, i'll be looked down! Uhh.." He thought.

George then thought of something for his comeback! He said sarcastically "Of course we don't have any ethics.. after all.. the people from your generations didn't teach us how to do that!" George smiled with a tinge of taunt.

All people gasped when he said that. No one dared to talk back to an eldery person. This guy is definetly a nut case!

Su Ling was also shocked by his comment. "Uhh.. master.. is it really good to say that? Don't you said things about respecting elders yesterday?"

When George thought of that, he coughed awkwardly "Cough! Umm.. Sorry, i got carried away!"

All of them was already speechless about that he said before. And when they heard that yesterday he said things about respecting elders, they spurted some blood from their mouth. "This guy is shameless! And what do you mean by you got carried away?!" All of them thought while twitching.

George coughed again. "Ahem! So.. what do you want to bet on? Elder four star alchemist?" He changed it from mister to elder, so it kinda seems more appropriate.

But, the old guy thought that George was still taunting him and just mocked him by placing special emphasis on "four star alchemist". His face darkened when he heard that. "My name is not four star alchemist! My name is Zhang Fu! Fine.. i know what i want to bet! If you win, i will call you grandfather. And if i win, you have to do the same thing too!" He didn't want to take him seriously and made a huge bet just because of this little problem. If people knows that a four star alchemist bullied a young men because of some blabbering, it would be a stain in his life.

George didn't think much and casually said "Sure!" He only thought that the old man is weird.. "Why would he want me to call him grandpa? Don't tell me that he didn't have any grandchild, so he wanted this handsome guy to be his grandson? Sigh.. but, unfortunately.. it seems that i'm the one who suddenly will have a grandson today."

George grabbed the potion of regeneration from the shop and called the volunteer to drink the potion.

"What is that elixir? Why does it have a strange color?" Elder Zhang asked.

George smiled at the opportunity to advertise the potions that he sells. "It's actually not an elixir! It's a potion.. It's very different than the regular elixir that we all known. I studied them on the western part of this world. The effects of them is very versatile. There's one to heal your body, regenerate your body, increases or decreases speed, increasing defense and attack and many more!"

The old man looked at George in shock "Western medicine?" Not just Zhang Fu, but all of them narrowed their eyes in shock. No wonder, he was so confidence and was really mad when they judged it based on their own standard.

Seeing their shocked expression, George laughed inside of his heart. "Hehe.. But, it's a lie tho.. It's just a minecraft things.." said George inwardly.