The End

Soon, a pitch-black portal screen appeared in the middle of the portal frame.

It has a very different feeling than the other two portals that he made. This one looked very dark and gloomy, looking like it could swallow anything and they couldn't come back to reality... It's like disappearing to the voidness of the world.

He then jumped through the portal and it immediately teleported him to the end. There's no dizzying feeling with this portal, but it instantly teleported him to another dimension.

"Well... That's good, I guess?!" He then looked around and found himself on a flying platform made of obsidian blocks. It was very far from the main island and the ender dragon didn't seem to realize that he was in the end.

There's no other thing besides this main island in the end, no other islands could be seen. Even with the help of the minimap, no other flying islands could be seen.

"This is definitely the worst spawn point that I ever got in the end dimension!" He frowned deeply. Although it was bad, it was kinda cool too... because the most fortunate thing about this spawning point is that the ender dragon would have a harder time to realize that he was in here... It would be very bad if he immediately gets blasted off after he came to the end. "If I'm at Minecraft, it's going to be bad if I don't bring any building blocks! Actually... I could just use the command to change my mode from survival to the creative mode and flew to the main island lol."

But since it wasn't possible to do that in here, he just grabbed the angel ring and he wore it to make a wings that are invisible to the eyes of humans. After that, he leisurely flew to one of the obsidian pillars on the end. "Okay! Let's start with taking these end crystals out!"

There are exactly fifteen pillars made of obsidian blocks in this island, and of course... There's a flying crystal on each peak of these pillars. And a few of them had cages to make them harder to be destroyed.

If you wanted to kill the ender dragon, the first thing you need to do is to destroy these end crystals on each pillar, because... Their primary purpose is to recharge the health of the ender dragon, who will charge from the nearest crystal within a cuboid extending 32 blocks from the dragon in all directions.

And the numbers between how much of these pillars spawned is totally random. The number isn't fixed, it depends entirely on the size of the End, as it is based on the numbers of chunks your map of the End has. The bigger the island, the more pillars you'll have.

Each chunk has a 20% chance of generating an obsidian pillar, so if you had a bigger island, the bigger your chance to get more of these obsidian pillars.

But George had an average one. There are a few people who got really unlucky and got twenty-four of these pillars.

Before George landed on one of the pillars, he used his sniper rifle and destroyed the end crystal before he went there. It was going to be dangerous to destroy the end crystals with your bare hands, as the explosions were as strong as a charged creeper's.


The ender dragon suddenly looked behind and roared when it heard the explosion of one of the end crystal.

It turned it's body to look at George who was just sitting around the pillar to aim at the other end crystals.


George frowned when he saw what's happening. "Crap! He wants to spew it's dragon's breath!" He immediately drunk his potion of slow falling while he jumped off from the pillar.

And like he was predicted, the whole surface of the pillar was covered by the breath of the ender dragon. A purple mist came out from it's mouth and covered the pillar completely, engulfing it's black color of the obsidian.

"Hmm?! This potion of slow falling is great!" It was similar to using a parachute, so he slowly falls down from the top. But of course, it wouldn't be wise to just enjoy the experience, he needs to move fast enough so the ender dragon couldn't attack him.

With the angel ring, he flew with the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed from far away. He thought that his last idea doesn't work, so he just flew while he destroyed the target at the same time with the quick scope method.

It worked better than camping in the same place. Because he blew off the end crystal quickly, the ender dragon was very confused by it and just moved weirdly in the same place. It looked like it wanted to go to "Pillar A", but it doubts itself and went to "Pillar B", but he looked at the "Pillar C" and it became confused by all of it and just spinning in the same place. It made George speechless by that.

"Whatever! I should continue destroying the end crystals!"




Nearly all end crystals were destroyed at a very fast pace. There's only a few of them left, that have an iron cage protecting it from any attacks.

But it was pointless against an attack that used beam. If it was a light-based attack, it could penetrate the bars and destroyed it easily from the gaps of these bars.

Meanwhile, the dragon who just stupidly spinning in one place came down to the middle of the island.

Maybe because it didn't care anymore about the end crystals and felt tired of flying, so it decided to take a break.

It lands on top of the inactivated portal. If people saw this, it looked similar to a nest... Because of the shape of it that resembles a bowl, it made people think of that.

It just stayed in there without doing anything, so George used this chance to destroy all end crystals.