Dragon Heart


The last end crystal was destroyed completely by George. This island is now an end crystal-free, so the ender dragon couldn't have any method to regenerate it's health, and it definitely would help George a ton on killing it.

"Okay! The first step is done... I think that's all of them!" While he said it, he saw the ender dragon decided to fly again in the sky. "Next step! Beating the crap out of the ender dragon! After that... I could have a relatively safe enderpearl farm!"

He looked at the ender dragon who just flying in the air. It flew unpredictably to make every player miss their shot and it will not get any damage from any ranged weapon.

George could use his skills that he bought and he could have a higher percentage of hitting the ender dragon if he wants to, but he decided to just store the spirit stone powered sniper rifle and used his sword.

He knew that the ender dragon from time to time had to stay at it's nest in the middle of the map and doing something that is quite nonsensical. People don't know what the hell is the ender dragon was doing, but it was a very good thing.

Because when it does that, you could attack it with melee weapon when he does that weird thing. Even though all arrows will be deflected, it was kinda fair.


The ender dragon that circling the obsidian pillars suddenly spotted George and dived onto George's position. When George saw that, he just flew away with his angel ring and escaped from the attack of the ender dragon.

If he just used his feet, he would have been injured by it.

Seeing George was save, the ender dragon spewed it's fireball to him. "Hmph! That's really easy to dodge! That speed is very similar to a ghast's attack..." He just moved a little and the fireball was really evaded by George without any efforts.


The ender dragon suddenly spinning again while he released it's purple breath. It looked kinda beautiful, to be honest... it looks like a dragon doing some rhythmic gymnastics with some kind of rope, but instead of ropes, it used it's own purple breath.

"Ah! It retreated a bit and now wanted to go to it's nest!" George immediately realized that it actually wanted to go back to it's nest and he took this chance to attack the ender dragon with a sword.

But when he came closer to the nest, he realized that the ender dragon used it's brain. By using it's own acidic breath, it provides a barrier that people will reluctantly pass through.

For other people, they might think that it was very unfair... But for George? Pfft~ He just laughed it off and used the angel ring to fly closer to the ender dragon.

With a sword on his right hand, he slashed through the ender dragon's body, but it wasn't as easy as he thought it was. The body of the ender dragon is hard as a rock, so it was hard just to slice it's body.

Even though it's body was hard, he just continued attacking the ender dragon until it just takes off from it's nest in rage.

From what he knows, an ender dragon has 200 health points. And if the ender dragon was on it's nest and a cumulative damage taken while perched exceeds 50 health points, the dragon will take off and escape from it's nest.

"Well... That only means that I just dealt a quarter of it's full health!" George wanted to laugh in excitement but was interrupted by the ender dragon. It's suddenly used it's head to attack him. It wanted to headbutt him.

As it was very close, even if George wants to evade the headbutt, he will still get caught by it.

So George used both of his arms to form an X to cover his torso.


Because of the headbutt, George flew to the air. And it was at this time, the usefulness of a potion of slow falling could be seen. If not for it, people would die because of falling from that heights.

"Hmm?! It's attack wasn't really that bad! It's not hurting at all! Maybe it's because I have a cultivator's body?!" George thought to himself while he slowly falling down to the island.

The dragon that just headbutted him to the air wanted to fly and dived onto him again. When George realized that, he once again used the angel ring and moved from that place.


When George almost landed, the dragon once again released it's breath to George's position. George rolled his eyes when he saw that. "Well... Maybe I should use this situation to fill up my bottles with it's breath! They are a fancy item to make any lingering potions!"

He thought that the dragon wouldn't come back to it's nest for a while, so George could just collect it's breath whenever he can.

He continued doing it until the ender dragon stayed on it's nest for a few times and gets beaten up by him every time it does so.

"Wait... It's doing the circling thingy again with it's breath! That means... It will definitely go back to it's nest while it spewed it's disgusting purple breath four times!" He saw the ender dragon doing the weird spinning again and landed on it's nest for the fourth times.

"What the heck?! When will this guy dead?! It has been a while! It has been in it's nest literally four times!! Wh-" Before he could finish scolding the ender dragon, he landed the last hit on the ender dragon, so the corpse of the ender dragon levitated in the air while it started to be swallowed by a purple light.

The body seems to be slowly decomposed while it was surrounded by the purple light. And the weirdest thing about it was the corpse of an ender dragon that was decomposed, it turned into a cloud of purplish dust that fell down from the sky. And there's also a heart that's spinning in the air.

The dragon heart that's currently spinning in the air slowly falling down to the ground with a ton of experience orbs.

"What the heck?"