
Chapter Five - Meeting Up With Yui


Nagisa punched the wall on his way to the dorms in the hallway which let out an echoing sound.

"How can this be?! I had hidden the Arcane enchantment so well, then also sliced it amongst its magical bounds diagonally perfectly to sever it!"

Still pissed, Nagisa shook his head back and forth. It took a few minutes before he had the dormitory within sight. There, a much familiar face stood waiting for him.


Yui lit up her cheeks and waved, then ran towards him. She leaped and embraced him with a sweet and gentle hugging gesture.

"There... there… told you I would be back, did I not?"

Nagisa gently put on a smile and patted her head slowly.

"Did I make you worry?"

Yui tightened her grip but shook her head reluctantly. Her actions were contradictory. It made Nagisa slightly laugh and put a smile on.

The girl who took care of Yui emerged behind her.

"Nagisa, congratulations on your entry, I take it that you can manage from here?"

She hinted and shortly glanced at Yui.

"Friendly tip, keep her around dormitory grounds, not close to the school grounds... students might attempt things..."

She spoke once more and left with a neutral smile on her end.

"Let's head inside, shall we?"

Yui nodded. Once inside, Nagisa immediately saw the more pressing issue when he had unlocked the front door to his new home. There was only one bed.

He let out a slight worrying laughter which alerted Yui to give off a frightened glance.

"Guess we are sharing a bed tonight?"

He sighed and made a stuttering cracked laughter, meanwhile Yui shyly looked away just thinking about it. Nagisa was informed during his lunch hour that classes would commence early morning the following day, therefore he could relax in his new home and settle in. If need be, there was also small cafeteria in the dormitory lounge for food or smaller snacks in case one got hungry.

Nagisa unpacked his things and looked at Yui. It was only this time around he noticed how incredibly cute she was. Now that she was completely cleaned up, her snow-white hair was almost glistening with its clear and pure beauty. Her small frame and timid behavior was endearing with her new outfit. And to top it all of, her clear blue sapphire-like eyes appeared to be sparkling as if they were carved out of a gem or part of an ancient ocean.

Nagisa looked away in slight embarrassment until Yui tucked away at the bottom of his shirt, then brought a bag with clothes in it and a receipt with a note attached to it.


He grabbed the bag and looked at its contents before the note. His new school uniform was inside and a wide new range of clothes for Yui. The note read; 'Here is the receipt and add another 1000 gold for my services and time!'. The gold in total was 5000.

"Ha-ha... So I am down to about 4000, minus the meal with Yui earlier!?"

Nagisa scratched his head scrambling his thoughts and expressing concern.

"Well... It can not be helped! I will go and auction one of my three swords in the morning..."

He sighed. Nagisa headed towards the door after browsing the fridge. There was a variety of ingredients inside.

"I will cook once I am back, stay here, okay?"

Yui once again nodded. Nagisa looked around the dormitory, scouting its grounds. There was the lounge with the cafeteria, a few training rooms and the rest were accommodations.

"No blacksmith here, huh?"

He spoke out loud.

"There is one, but it is around the back, you can sign up to use it for own repairs."

A girl appeared behind him in the corridor.

"Thank you, and what about forging? I am Nagisa by the way."

Nagisa asked and introduced himself.

"Chisa. You can... but why? Are you not here to become a MK? You did well on most... of the exams."

Chisa replied in return and questioned with a perplexed look his responses. First upon Nagisa's initial reaction of hearing MK, and then the final exam remark.

"Magical Knight? Sure! However I forge my own swords, that is why I am looking for some place to do some light blacksmithing."

Nagisa laughed slightly and kept reminding himself of the final exam failure, which made him agonize internally quite a bit.

"A pity you do not have them on you. I could have appraised their worth for you."

Chisa shook her head sideways and raised her arms.

"Some other time then?"

She politely smiled.

"Sure, thanks for the offer!"

Nagisa replied.

"I am going to prepare for tomorrow, see you in class, bye!"

Chisa took her leave. Nagisa pondered to himself. Chisa was definitely someone from a noble background, her posture and confidence to appraise swords' quality led him to believe this. More of a reason to avoid her, he wanted to remain anonymous in terms of his blacksmithing alias, 'Sanagi'.

Nagisa headed towards the back and found the enclosed room with all the blacksmithing tools available to him inside. It was definitely something to behold, the toolset, and anvil was of top notch quality.

"Guess I will start forging a sword here to be ready in roughly 3 months time. Starting tomorrow after I purchase all the materials."

Nagisa fisted his right palm together with his left to hype himself up. It was time to increase the one once a year sword into three months per item or he would be poor. He left the anvil with a smile and rented it out 4 hours each day for the next month around evenings each day on the signup sheet. It magically coded it and granted him full access with a mark of approval on the sheet as valid.

"I am home!"

Nagisa announced and Yui welcomed him with a subtle nod.

"Wel-come... ho...me."

She welcomed Nagisa home slowly as he approached the kitchen.

"You can relax around me, you are no longer a slave, remember? Dinner will be ready in a bit! Some steaks are fine right?"

Yui immediately put on a heartfelt smile after hearing Nagisa, mentioning some meat for tonight's menu.


She cheerfully spoke for the first time in a clear non timid voiced tone. Her tail was wagging while watching Nagisa by closely following him by his side, as he prepared the meal and cooked. Nagisa laughed and they enjoyed the dinner together, at the table stationed next to the balcony window.

Yui hurriedly ate the steak and gulped it down. In the midst of her enthusiastic devouring, she had managed to both bite and burn her tongue once each. One from being careless and the other one through the heat accumulating in her mouth while it was still extremely warm. Nagisa managed his best to withhold from laughing by covering his mouth with the tablecloth and do it silently. Once they had finished tonight's course, Nagisa looked at Yui a bit more intently, but in a gentle way to make sure approach her in a neutral way.

"So... what are your plans? Are you going back home now that you are free?"

Nagisa addressed an issue which was a recurring thought prior to the examination.

"My home is gone... the outer wall fell four years ago... and us lower level warbeasts got seperated and hunted down by demons outside, then I got separated once more... and later... captured..."

Yui explained and started tearing up.

"It is okay to cry... You are safe now. This will be your new home for as long as you want it to be, until I can bring you back, okay?"

Nagisa went over to her seat swiftly as he considered her and hugged Yui tightly, as she sobbed her sorrows away loudly. Once she settled down, Nagisa hesitated for a second, then looked at her intently.

"These walls… how did they fall, if I may ask?"

Still hesitant on stepping on a sensitive topic Nagisa awaited an answer. Yui broke away and stole Nagisa's seat, and then rose her face to look back at Nagisa, with a for once more serious look. She dried her eyes with a fancy pink-colored and kitten animated handkerchief she pulled out from her new outfit.

"... Is that another thing she bought for you?"

Yui nodded. Nagisa could tell by the fabric and design it seemed costly.

"Ah… it is cute!"

He complimented her choice in picking it and tried to put on a smile while picturing how his wallet had become much thinner.

"I know! Right…"

She gave off an immediate agreeance, then reverted back to a slight timid response. Nagisa could not help himself put try his hardest not to laugh, and find it cute. However he let out accidently a small laughter, which soon grew to a larger one of that.

"Stop laughing!"

Yui protested and started to barrage him with light punches across the small table.

"What is so funny?"

She kept at hitting him.

"Ah… I am so sorry! I just find both you and your actions really cute!"

Nagisa accidently let out the truth, without thinking about his reply. Yui stopped punching him, then her cheeks became flushed red.


She shrieked. Nagisa just realized and became slightly embarrassed himself of his remark, and faced down. Never in his life had he call someone cute, even if it was a girl younger than himself. Nagisa began bashing his mind in an obvious agonized expression.


Yui thanked him, noticing his irrational behavior which made him look back up and find her genuinely smiling. They both shyly looked away when their eyes met, both looking out the balcony window.

"The stars are sure something else tonight!"

Nagisa arose from his seat and opened up the balcony door to head outside. Yui followed shortly behind him.


Yui nodded as a late response.

"They sure are!"

She smiled. Nagisa was infatuated by her smile once more, he shook his head to snap out of it.

"You see this star, and that one?"

Nagisa started pointing out the constellations he had learned of this world, it appeared to soothe Yui even further learning about them. Her eyes glistened with amazement of the figures the stars could combine into. Nagisa patted Yui's head.

"You know… my mother used to tell me all about these, it helped me go to sleep at night… well that and her hauntingly beautiful lullaby!"

He explained to Yui who turned around to face him.

"Used to?"



Both quieted down a bit for a few seconds.

"Yeah… used to."

Nagisa smiled again to make Yui look less worried about her slip up, which was noticeable by her tail had stopped wagging and leaning downwards.

"The walls…"

Yui began to open up and turned back to look at the stars.

"There are two ways of breaking them, the first being from the outside, the protection magic wavering from the goblet. It makes it easier for them to penetrate sometimes and be teleported inside to wreak havoc. The second are the randomized portals that appear. My mother always told me to never wander too far in case if something happened and I was out of reach."

She explained the best she could with a brave front put up as she was unpleasantly remembering things she would have rather forgotten by now.

"That is enough, thanks Yui."

Nagisa pat her head again.

"Did I explain any good?"

Nagisa nodded.

"You did perfectly, I appreciate it. To award you for tomorrow, what would you like to eat?"

He smiled back gently at Yui to reinsure she did well. Her face lit up as soon as the compliment, but moreover the food was mentioned.

"More steak!"

Yui excitingly spoke out immediately upon hearing the reward. Nagisa grinned at the obvious reply. Both of them lingered a while longer gazing at the stars before heading in to sleep.

"Eh… So what do we do now?"

Nagisa scratched his head, remembering the issue with the shared bed and looked at Yui. She began to blush and gaze away a few times, then rapidly stared intently at Nagisa.

"I will do my best!"

"... Never say that out a loud to anyone, actually never say that again regarding this matter."

"Why? I thought I would try my best to sleep beside you, am I not allowed in bed?"

Yui started forming slight tears of mispeaking.

"Ahh… no… of course you are allowed! I thought you meant…"

Nagisa tried hurriedly to soothe her.


Yui touched her left think and upheld a thinking pose looking slightly upwards.

"AHH… Nothing, nothing! Let us go to sleep, shall we?"

Yui nodded and dropped the matter with a smile. Nagisa turned off the lights shaking his head, it was to early for Yui to know what he thought that she had meant initially.

"Ha-ha… what is the worst that could happen?"

Nagisa silently told himself while sleeping on the right side, as Yui had already occupied the left side of the bed.

A strong ray of sunlight beamed through the windowed curtains to signal the morning had come. Nagisa yawned then felt a strange and soft feeling pressing towards his back, something he had never felt before in his earlier life. On the front two arms were wrapped around him in a gentle hug.

"It is okay Nagisa! It is okay!"

He deeply breathed in and out.

"We are both wearing pajamas, and she most likely grew fond of me which made her assume her usual sleeping posture as she would with her mother presumingly…"

Nagisa laughed and removed the covers then faced towards Yui to see if he could wake her up or what kind of entanglement he was in.


Nagisa screamed once fully turned around.