
Chapter Six - The Early Morning Auction


Nagisa covered his mouth quickly with both hands to stop his initial reaction.

"Why are you completely naked?!"

He spoke through his hands and took deep breaths to calm his racing heart.

"Calm down! Calm down! Nothing happened, there has to be a logical explanation here!

Nagisa pounded his own chest then gripped it tightly with his right arm. Yui opened up her eyes slightly, waking up slowly.

"Ah… Nagisa! Good m-morning…"

She yawned without paying much attention what was at play here.

"G---ood, m---orning!"

Nagisa stuttered.

"Hey, Yui, promise not to be upset when I ask this... but why are you not wearing the pajamas the nice lady got you?"

He asked Yui with a worrying smile. Yui was slightly rubbing her right eye with her left arm and had already let go of Nagisa and stood upright in bed. Her long and white silky smooth hair fell just right about to cover the nipplary area. Yui's other arm covered the middle area for balance, as her legs were crossing outwards behind her tiny posture.

"It was too war--m... so I took them o--ff... Us werebeasts... usu--ally do not like clothing during the ni--ght, it gets too warm for us."

Yui explained yawning in continuation throughout the sentence in an utmost adorable fashion. Nagisa nodded twice and thought it made sense somewhat.

He remembered reading it somewhere. About werebeasts being warmer throughout nights with some relation to the moon. It was in one of the many fairy tales his mother read to him, and he thought of it as folktale prior to knowing werebeasts actually existed in this new world.

"So… let me get this one thing clear… you were not alright at first sleeping with me and shied away… but all of the suddenly you are comfortable enough to strip?"

Nagisa shook his head while addressing the issue first hand, there was little to none logical explanation for Yui's actions yesterday compared to today.

"Mother always told me it is better to sleep alone than with strangers… but I felt like I could trust you… and what is the problem with me stripping?"

Yui innocently replied and faced Nagisa with a straightforward look.

"Ahh… Yui you are just too innocently cute… something just makes me want to hug the hell out of you… but my common sense and morals are telling me I am committing some kind of crime if I did…"

Nagisa covered his face with one hand replying to her, to hide his embarrassment. Yui really appeared to be clueless about these kind of things. It was probably for the best he concluded.


Yui tilted her head slightly sideways.

"If you want to hug me but you are too shy about it. I will just hug you instead!"

Yui put on an endearing smile which Nagisa noticed barely through the small gaps coming through his fingers covering his face. She then leaped into him immediately without a second pause of completing her sentence and putting on that angelic smile of hers. Nagisa fell flat on his back and a much naked Yui was on top, hugging him.

"Ahh… Yui! Noo… get off me!"

Nagisa tried to wiggle his way out without touching her bare skin.

"Hee--hee… you are blushing Nagisa! I thought you wanted a hug and now you are embarrassed of getting one?"

Yui laughed and made fun of him, then tightened her grip. Her chest pressed even harder at Nagisa's now.

"Yui… please stop it… I can not soon contain myself!"

He pleaded.

"Stop struggling and just accept the hug!"

Yui continued to struggle and hold onto him.


Nagisa let out an awkward shriek. After a while he hugged her back and they remained at a standstill for a minute or so. Nagisa's heart was beating out of his chest and he could feel Yui's calm paced heartbeat at the same time.

"How are you so calm?"

Nagisa asked her.

"It is just a hug?"

Yui smiled and there eyes crossed. Nagisa felt suddenly really silly all of the sudden, he had already forgotten all about her not being normal at all.

"You are right!"

He smiled and his heartbeat went down and tightened his grip for a real hug exchange between the two of them.

"Alright time for a shower and then prepare for school…"

Nagisa said and then turned around and saw Yui tailing him.

"Stop, stop, stop! What do you think you are doing?"

He posed the question and tried his best to look at her face as she was still not wearing anything.


Yui tilted her head slightly sideways again. Nagisa sighed loudly. Yui is going to kill him on the first day of school. He did not even dare to ask, since he already assumed this is what she did with her mother, since that had always been the answer hitherto.

"Alright! Let's do this!"

He yelled out enthusiastically which just Yui tilt her head even further to ponder his sudden enthusiasm. He grabbed two towels and wrapped them around her and himself. Yui struggled at first to let him wrap it around her, but settled down after a while.

Both sat next to each other on a small stool each and Nagisa began to wash his body meanwhile Yui sat dead silent and stared at him.

"Come on, wash your body before you head into the bath."

Nagisa told her. Yui still looked at the washcloth and some water he had prepared in a bucket up front, then back at Nagisa dumbfounded. Nagisa sighed loudly as he had a feeling what this might come to.

"Can you at least wash your private parts privately while turning the other way?"

He showed the two different areas, and how to do it on the upper one on himself. Yui still looked like she wanted to ask as to why she needed to do all this. However Nagisa explained it so thoroughly and showed it to her, that she took his word for it and accepted the given task.

They both quietly washed thoroughly and then Nagisa turned and helped Yui wash everything else. Yui laughed as she was slightly ticklish, but was overall in a very happy mood and was humming.

"Did your mother also take care of this matter?"

Nagisa raised the question, despite the rhetorical answer. Yui nodded and gave off a small "Mm!" sound. She appeared even happier when he was washing her long hair, it was really silky smooth and made Nagisa want to run his fingers more carelessly through it to caress it. He shook his head to reset his state of mind, no more distractions and washed it properly. Yui seemed even happier once he had begun washing her hair.

"Do you like having your hair washed?"

He asked.

"Mm! My mother always used to do it. Then we would jump into the large magically purified pond!"

Yui replied. Nagisa nodded that it all made more sense, her being unaccustomed to the human customs. In addition that she was definitely super dotted on by her mother!

Nagisa finished up by leaving her back last and scrubbed it gently. After he had finished and turned he felt both a small hand and a washcloth against his back.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Nagisa asked with a smile.

"I will help you wash your back like you did mine! It is hard to reach right?"

Yui responded cheerfully. Nagisa nodded slightly embarrassed, again overwhelmed how incredibly cute she could be at times.

"Ah… Nagisa are you blushing? You are so cute!"

She laughed at him, and he felt even more so embarrassed than before.


He answered in a bashful voice. Yui laughed, then put on mischievous look.

"Na---gi---sa! This is revenge for earlier!"

Yui announced and started tickling his sides. She noticed he had slowly shied away when she was scrubbing his back, and had similar reactions as her on the lower end.

"A--hh, stop it. Yui! N--noo…"

Both laughed for different reasons, and sometimes the same while playfully enjoying the rare occasion in all good fun. They got into the bath together a moment later, back to back as it was merely designed to fit one person, not two.

"Hee---hee… still feeling embarrassed?"

Yui asked, however Nagisa disregarded it.

"A little…"

He answered late after reconsideration.

"This is nice though, is not it?"

He posed a different question and Yui he could feel Yui's slight nod and her giving another "Mm!" sound off in agreeance.

"So why can we not face each other?"

Yui raised the icebreaker, which cracked a small laugh worrying laugh from Nagisa.

"Ha--ha… it is a secret, I will tell you in due time!"

He cracked up a semi-embarrassed laugh and she took his word for it in good faith. After they had finished washing up and taking the bath, Nagisa helped Yui cloth up. It was not up to his surprise in this endeavour when he encountered it, regarding all previous moments leading up to this one.

Nagisa had to explain Yui to not leave the dormitory or go outside until he got back, since both of them were new to this area. In addition to the regard of heeding the nice lady's warning about not letting a werebeast wander around alone here for reasonable purposes.

Yui was reluctant at first and it took a few minutes until she settled down. However Nagisa finally managed to take his leave accordingly in order to leave for the early auction before classes would commence.

He left the school grounds and hurried over to the center quarter where all the expensive tradings and auctions were being held. Nagisa managed to reach the front desk in time, there was a sign that auctions stop taking offers to sell at 6:30 AM, and are held to 7:30 AM.

"May I help you? We are about to start."

A guy asked Nagisa who looked at the different signs of various information.

"Yes, may I register this sword for auction, I would like to sell it if possible."

The guy behind the desk swiftly grabbed the sword and inspected it whether it was worth the time of the auction or not. After he had noticed the "Sn" signature of Sanagi, a sort of trademark engraved on it, he became very enthusiastic.

"Are you Sanagi by any chance?"

His interested peaked high.

"Ha-ha… n-noo?… I am sort of an acquaintance of his! He told me to sell it off for him on his own behalf."

Nagisa answered immediately, saving his other hidden identity schemingly.

"I see. I see. Well this is going to make an interesting auction now!"

The guy nodded continuously.

"Come right this way!"

The man redirected Nagisa inside to take a seat. Nagisa was replaying the information he read earlier from the signs. It was a 5% cut on the auction if your item got sold, seemed like a fair percentage.

Nagisa took his head amongst many others once inside. They had round tables and a set of numbered plates to shoutout and show their bids. There was a stage, and even a sidebar if you wanted to order something. The lights dimmed and an announcer stepped forth to commence the auction. Nagisa showed disinterest and cared for none of the various items, and almost managed to fall into a slumber. It was then, the announcer became really enthusiastic and mentioned the most estimated valuable item was at hands for today's auction, a "Sanagi's original forged sword!". The crowd grew wild.

"Wait… are my swords that popular?"

Nagisa woke up after hearing that and yawned out quietly.

"This swords does not only raise your magical attack level by one, but also your magical defense level by one for those who did not know before!"

Everyone got even more excited. Nagisa felt a bit embarrassed yet excited for the bid, he knew they were popular in demand, but he assumed there were other swords alike his around. Apparently they were considered an extremely rare item around here.


Someone bid immediately.







The bid went past really quick. It quieted down at 30,000. People whispered it was out of their budget range or that it was pushing it. The person who had bid it appeared to be of high status and smirked quietly at his table corner.


Everyone turned around to look for the 50,000 bidder and then gasped.


People reacted upon someone calling his name. The bid had settled down, no one else dared to bid past it.

"Sold to R--aiki!"

The announcer held is breath. Raiki immediately went up on stage and grabbed his item and threw the gold pouch on the table the sword was previously being displayed on. He unsheathed it and looked at it.

"Ah… now this is a nice sword. It will serve me well!"

He spoke out loud and then looked at the crowd.

"Out of my way!"

He left hurriedly while everyone gazed away. Nagisa concluded he was some important figure from most likely a noble family, or perhaps the royal one, but left it alone. He went back stage to collect his earnings. Nagisa did not wish to attract attention either and left in a similar hurriedly fashion as the person named "Reiki" did earlier. Nagisa wished to not be seen as the person collecting the earnings from the sword and raise more questions around him in order to remain anonymous.

Too much lost in thought that one of his finest sword had reaped in 50,000 gold, he left the premises past the gated door he was once taken into the auction upon entry.

"Excuse me, Sanagi?"

A much familiar voice spoke out to Nagisa which made him mishear the person entirely upon which name it had called him upon.


Nagisa turned around, then turned bleak after finding a smiling Chisa behind him.

"Mm--mm… interesting…"

Chisa smiled cunningly.

"Damn… it…"

Nagisa cursed and facepalmed himself while biting his underlip in frustration.