12. Sanguine Saws Part-3

Alon was now at a loss of words. He could not understand how could a person who has lost his reputation could even smile. Laughing was a completely different matter. Bayani was definitely stronger on the inside than he seemed. Alon always liked him as a person, but today he began to admire him.

He raised up on his toe and reached Bayani's face. He pecked him on his injured eye, something which he himself never expected to do.

"Has the injury turned you into a homo?" Someone jeered from behind.

Alon turned around to see the person who mocked them. It was one of their old friends, someone who had always been with them for at least five years. Only heaven knew what had made him turn against them.

"Go die in hell, you idiot!" Alon charged towards him and punched him on the nose, causing him to fall down.

"You will pay for this." He got up and rushed to the classroom.

Alon decided not to go back as the situation created was very awkward. He headed back to the hostel with Bayani without informing anyone. It was the first time he was bunking school.


Two weeks had passed since the incident and Bayani's condition was now better. He had got his bandages removed and only a mesh eyepatch remained on his eye.

It was dawn time and he had got up to get ready. Alon had woke up. He got off the bed and rubbed his eyes as they had become sticky around the corners.

"Bayani, I have something to give." He staggered towards Bayani in a sleepy state, stopping right at the entrance of the bathroom.

"What is it, Alon?" Bayani was wondering what his friend wanted to give.

"Um... Take this and come to class today." He retrieved something from his pocket. It was black eyepatch which had white sakura embroidered on it. He stood on his toes and tied it around Bayani's head. "This will help you mask your insecurities."

"Thank you very much."

These were the last words the depressed Bayani had said. Right after that, he stopped thinking about the injury so that Alon would not feel guilty anymore. He tried his best to become the old Bayani.


It was his last morning in the Bright Leaders Academy. Bayani followed his usual routine of getting dressed up early and tied the treasured eyepatch around his head. He woke up Alon and waited for him to dress up, while he ate his breakfast.

"Let's go, Alon." He said in his usual warm tone of voice.

"Yeah, let's go." Alon exited the room after Bayani.

They both headed to the SEC, where Haruko greeted them with a warm smile.

"Welcome to the SEC, Alon and Bayani!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you, Haruko." They both synchronised.

"Since you both have already seen how Arham and Mahmoud had prepared for the task, I will not explain it today. Head to the changing rooms and get ready ." Haruko instructed in a stern manner. For some reason, his face showed uneasiness.

The boys headed to the changing rooms and picked up their bodysuits. Alon chose a teal one while Bayani chose a turquoise one. They exited the room through the back exit as the main entrance was locked. They stopped right in front of a metal chamber, similar to the one in Arham and Mahmoud's task.

"Alon, did I ever tell you I am claustrophobic?" Bayani's feet began to tremble.

"It's alright, Bayani. Everything will be fine." Alon consoled him.

They both entered the chamber through the tiny doors and stepped into a dark room. Only lamps placed at large distances were the source of light in the room. Due to that, the hue was a dark, murky orange that restricted clear vision. Overall, it was an empty room and the exit was in front of them.

"Alon, let's head to the exit." Bayani began to head towards it but Alon pulled him back.

"Did you not see how difficult the previous task was? It cannot be that simple." He justified.

They both stood on the square marked pavilion and waited for the instructions. At that moment, they heard a radio static and the instructions began in the usual stoic voice.

"Welcome to the Special Enhancement Training, Alon and Bayani." At that moment, the door closed and the locks clicked. , there was no reaction on the boys' side.

"I know this is being recorded. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of that crowd." Alon mumbled under his breath. Bayani was too confused to give any reaction.

"The students are requested to stay on the pavilion till a two-minute bell rings, indicating the commencement of the task." The robotic voice said.

At that moment, they heard a sharp noise from the ceiling followed by a loud screeching.

Their faces showed that something was very wrong with the situation.