13. Sanguine Saws Part-4

The scenario after that was something one could only find in their nightmares.

It was automatic, circular saws of all sizes, kept at an almost equal distance. They were coming down from the ceiling and returned back at specific time intervals. Bayani and Alon gasped in horror.

"What the hell is this?!" Alon yelled.

"According to the task, the students are supposed to pass through the arena in any possible way except jumping over the mechanisms and breaking the mechanism. A total of ten minutes is given for the task and at the five-minute mark, the corresponding time intervals will be reduced. See you at the end of the room and good luck!"

"I'm telling you. These people are insane." Alon muttered.

"Now get up and get going. We have only ten minutes to complete this task." Bayani pulled him by his arm.

Alon and Bayani looked at the scenario once again and nothing had changed. Those saws were very rusty and brittle. Even a single blow by mistake could break the saw, resulting in their doom.

Bayani began to proceed towards the first one. It was the smallest of all and had rust only around the edges. For some clear reason, the room smelt like rusted iron, and it had deep red stains everywhere.

"Bayani, you idiot!" Alon pulled him back by his waist. Bayani dropped his eyepatch and Alon saw his wound after a very long time. It was still scabbed around the edges and the stitch marks looked fresh. Bayani was looking at the saws all this time. He had noticed something.

"Alon, if you look at them , you will notice that no two saws come down at the same time," Bayani noted.

"So, if there are ten saws and ten minutes are allocated, that means we have one minute each for going through each saw." Alon's eyes remained fixated on the saws.

They looked at the digital clock and it showed the ten-minute timer counting down. Ten red lights were flashing around it, making it look more terrifying.

Bayani and Alon held each other's hand and proceeded to the first saw. Their eyes were glued to the movement of the saws and their hands were getting sweaty. They had countless second thoughts in mind but all they knew was they had to get out of that place.

The first saw they crossed was easy as it was the smallest of all, about forty centimetres wide. Four others were eighty centimetres wide and the rest were one hundred and twenty metres wide. They waited next to the first eighty centimetres one and waited for it to retreat. They slid under it and got out of it one after the other, stopping right next to the second one.

One of the red lights turned green and flashed off.

"This is working!" Bayani exclaimed.

"Yeah, we can definitely make it," Alon said as he prepared to slide under another saw. He slid right under it and Bayani followed him.

They crossed all eighty-metre ones and four lights turned green and flashed off.

Their nightmare awaited them and now only two saws were remaining, the dreaded one hundred and twenty-metre ones. Alon noticed the abnormality. There was almost no space between the saw and the ground when it reached its lowest level. The only way to pass through the saws was by rolling under it.

Bayani tried to slide under it but is timing was quite wrong. The saw pierced through his skin, wounding him. He let out a shriek.

"Bayani! What's wrong?" Alon pulled him where he was standing and gave him his shoulder's support. Bayani could not walk as the injury was quite deep. Blood was flowing but they had no time for first aid as the clock was ticking away.

Alon hugged Bayani and they lied down on the floor. Bayani's heart rate was increasing and his heart was pounding against his chest, creating an unusual feeling inside Alon. His breathing now became abnormal and he began to pant, right at Bayani's neck. Omit, the situation had begun to become very awkward.

'Now is not the time to think about this.'

Alon forgot about everything and looked at the clock. There were only four seconds until the time intervals change. Bayani had now become unconscious and his body was completely slugged upon Alon. Alon was feeling strangled now.

"Bayani, can you stop clinging to me?" Alon began to lift him but he was too heavy.

Alon now wanted to cross the saw at any cost. He held Bayani and rolled upon him under it, reaching next to the last circular saw.

The exercise was intense and they both began to sweat. There was a layer formed between them that made the fabric of their bodysuits cling to each other. Alon had begun to feel nauseous now. Everything around him began to get blurry and his eyes had started becoming heavy. Everything around him was turning black. All he knew now was he had to cross the last saw for his friend's sake.

With that thought in mind, he remembered the time Bayani saved him, yelled out God's name and rolled under the saw with his eyes shut. He opened his eye and checked himself and Bayani for any cuts. There were none. Besides that, he saw that they were on the square marked 'end' and the door had opened. He got up and sat upright.

"Seems like we did it Bayani." He said as he picked up Bayani and proceeded to the exit.