44. Wandering Ways Part 5

Back at the courtyard, Bond and Pin tried to get their thoughts together. "Is this a serial killing?" Pin asked Bond, who seemed to have no expression on his face.

"It's too early to rule it as a serial killing." He responded.

"How can you be so sure?"

"The body which was discovered last time was naked. Moreover, it's skin had been ripped off. This time, the skin seems to be removed after killing them, which accounts for the relaxed expression on their faces." Bond dragged his finger across one of the dead bodies' belly and felt raised skin.

Pin noticed wrinkles forming on his forehead.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Bond chose not to reply and move on with his task. He took out the fine swiss knife out of his pocket, which he had hid for quite a while. Lifting up the shirts exposed the stitches near the waist, similar to that from the first dead body found near the swimming pool. The same amateur stitches and the similar haste. He glided the blade across the stitches, at once ripping them apart, exposing the flesh inside.

"It's a similar method of killing, but not the same." He muttered.

"I see." Pin replied.

Bond continued to open the stitches and navigating through the warm insides, as the blood clung to his hands. He felt a clot near the liver and decided to investigate it. Using his knife to detect the clot, he tried to find its source. However, the sharp blade of the knife punctured the vein and blood gushed out, splattering on his face. Pin seemed to unmoved all the time, except now. His face had gone white and blood rushed to his lower bottom.

"I guess it was a blocked artery I tore." Bond whispered. He looked around and saw Pin, who looked like ghost at that point. "Pin, you can go." He tried to reassure the colorless figure.

"No, I will stay here." Pin spoke with the last energy he could afford.

Bond didn't want to see his friend suffer in such a way and pushed him away, causing him to fall on the ground. A shiver rose up his feet and reached his entire body. It seemed like he could get a breakdown any moment.

"Pin, go to everyone upstairs!" Bond yelled.

'I don't know what to say.' Pin wondered.

Without uttering a word, he walked upstairs, leaving Bond alone with two dead people. Everyone had countless doubts in their minds and their hearts couldn't be at ease. They wanted to leave that place, the place where the sword of death lingered atop their heads and uncertain fears annexed their minds.

"I wanna go home."

"Can I talk to my family for one last time?"

"Is it possible for me to die next?"

Are the words that echoed throughout the chaotic hallway as Pin ascended towards the dormitory. He reached to the crowd and watched them glare at the hellish situation downstairs, deciding not to look at it. At that moment, he saw someone familiar walk towards them. It was Spence, and he finally returned. Pin's mind was fairly blank and his thinking power had plummeted. 'Spence will save me.' He reassured himself and walked towards Spence, as he seemed confused.

"Oh! It's Pin!" Spence exclaimed. "What's going on here?"

"It's all over. Everything is over." Pin muttered with a deadpan expression.

"What do you me--" Before Spence could complete his statement, he felt a heavy weight on his chest. It was Pin, who had lost all his energy and collapsed upon him. His face seemed to have gained a state of tranquility and peace. Spence held him delicately in his arms, and led his room, where he laid him and walked out. He looked down from the window and noticed Bond, as he dug through the dead bodies.

'Is that guy a psychopath?' He wondered.

He seemed to be the only one person who seemed to have not lost his sanity. Because of which, he was requested to head downstairs and stop Bond, who seemed no less than a madman. Spence walked down and headed to the commotion, where he noticed Bond. The smell of the dead bodies was nauseating but he decided to keep going, as he reached right next to Bond. He noticed a pair of lanyards near a pool of blood and picked it up.

'I can't take it anymore.' He said to himself as he noticed the world around him spin and his vision blacking out. He shook his head and tried his best to keep up, as he managed to read the names of the deceased on the Identity cards.

The blood had covered half of the surface but he decided to swipe it off with his hand, as he noticed the two names.

"Alejandro." And the other one was no surprise. "Sebastian."