45. Unraveling Uncertainties Part 1

"Are they planning to kill us all?" Spence whispered as his mind wandered among terrifying thoughts.

"No. They surely killed them for a valid reason." Bond gave a sharp reply.

"You mean like a motive which they can't serve anymore?" Spence looked around the place and noticed discarded guts, which house flies had colonized. "That wasn't perhaps necessary." He blurted out.

"First thing, yes. They had a motive. Secondly, the lanyards were wrapped around with the intestines which had to be removed."

"Are you fine?"

"I guess I am still better than others up there." He said as he pointed to the chaotic window upstairs.

"If you're done, let's head to the dorms." Spence patted the blood stained shoulder.

"I hope their deaths are not as wasteful as the first one. I pray that they get justice soon."

Spence noticed a tear in the corner of the icy blue eyes.

"Let's go then."

Bond got up and they both headed upstairs, where they would be reconciled with their classmates. Spence expected their colleagues to appreciate them or acknowledge their bravery, but none of it happened. Instead, they encountered an angry crowd, waiting to kill them.

"What's wrong?" He questioned his classmates but they turned their backs on him and walked away.

"Often when people encounter something that they cannot describe in appropriate words, they choose to remain silent instead." Bond caressed Spence's hair.

"Alright, alright Shakespeare." Spence retorted. "I agree with you."

As they entered the room, they saw a moving trolley near the door. They walked inside to check who it was. It was a butler, presenting Michelin star food upon their tables in a fancy manner. Pin had regained consciousness and stared in amazement as the food was being arranged. World class dishes such as foie gras, duck confit, panna cotta, roast beef and many more tempted the hungry to flock around it. The butler completed his job with utmost precision and headed out of room.

"This looks delicious!" Bond exclaimed as he picked up the knife. However, Spence blocked his hand, not allowing him to dive in.

"What?" Bond seemed annoyed.

"Don't you think it's a bit too suspicious?" Spence sent second thoughts impulsing in them.

"You mean, they plan to kill us too?"

"It could be. We don't know."

"Let's eat the fruit then." Pin suggested as he got up to wash an apple.

Bond picked up the basket and rinsed the various fruits which seemed to be untouched. They all enjoyed the safe meal of fruits as the sun descended below the horizon.

"Who do you think killed both of them?" Spence suddenly questioned.

"Killed who?" Bond seemed to be confused.

"The two people, Alejandro and Sebastian?"

"They died?" Bond seemed to be clueless.

Pin suddenly interrupted, "Bond, go take a hot shower."

"I will, but who died?"

"No one died, you go take a shower." He commanded.

Bond walked into the bathroom and Pin stared till he saw the door shut and get locked. At the same time, he turned over to Spence and blurted, "Bond has psychological disorders."

That one statement was enough to shake Spence right from the foundation and he felt his hopes crack and shatter into a million pieces right before his eyes. With the last bit of hope remaining, he asked, "May I know what happened to him?"

"Yes, but it's a long story."

"Please go ahead." Spence had a tear drop down his left eye. For the first time, his soulless eyes showed an emotion, but it was pain rather than happiness.

"Bond and I had a pretty normal life until that man came in our lives. He was responsible for the present condition of Bond."

"Which man?" Spence was getting curious.

"Nanathon, or simply known as Thon for short."

"What did he do?"

Pin took his bag and fished out his diary, as Spence noticed his hands tremble. Something deep down told him that it is better if he stays oblivious to that dimension of the world. He felt uneasy the more Pin was closer to the diary. At last, he had found it in the side pocket of the backpack.

"What's there here?" Spence looked at the diary.

Pin hunted through the pages and found out what he needed. It was an almost torn scribbled paper which had a photo in the center. The white color showed from beneath, as he kept staring at the photo. It was a family photo, where the people garnered nothing but innocent smiles on their faces. There was a middle aged lady, whose face poured with infinite kindness. She held a baby in her arm and held the shoulder of another boy. The boy's brown eyes seemed to glisten with childhood innocence, as he portrayed a smile through his broken milk teeth. The middle aged man seemed to be detached but had equal care and fatherly concern in his eyes.

"What's this?" Spence couldn't seem to control his emotions. It had become as frail as a thin sheet of glass. All the emotions and the photo sparked some memories in the deepest corners of his mind, which he didn't want to recall. He had become an emotional mess.

"This is Bond's family." Pin replied. "Let's head to the other room if you want to hear his story."