46. Unraveling Uncertainties Part 2

Both Pin and Spence headed to the other room, so as to not trigger Bond.

"Okay so, this is going to be disturbing." Pin had an unusual fear on his face. He seemed to be blocking out on certain occasions. They both sat down on the bed and looked into each other's eyes, as if they were asking for each other to not go on.

"Here it goes." Pin sighed heavily.


Pin's POV:

It was a beautiful summer day in the beautiful city of Pattaya. I lived in a tiny temporary cottage, right beside the beach nearby. It was always a peaceful sight there at anytime of the day. Seagulls flocked by, countless banana boats covered the surface of the sea and we heard the melancholic songs the fishermen sang as they headed out to the sea. It was routine for me to see those things. Every morning, I would head out to the beach and play with Bond, who was my neighbor and friend then.

"Ai Bond!" I yelled out to him in my childish voice as I ran towards him.

For some reason, Bond's face had its smile missing that day. "What's wrong?" I asked him because I was worried about him.

"It's my parents. They want me to go to that uncle's house." Bond looked at me with his tear filled eyes. "But I don't like him. He's scary." It was unusual for a child to say so.

"Maybe they just want you both to get along?" I was a little too innocent for a seven year old.

"So is it fine if I go there?" He asked me as his face glowed with hope.

"Yes." I simply muttered. "If you want, then I can come along."

"It would be really nice of you!" Bond exclaimed as he embraced me in his warm arms.

Things were going well and I decided to go with Bond's family to that uncle's house. It was a little too understated as the 'house' was actually a manor. We drove the tuk tuk into the estate as many guards opened the iron gate for us.

"Daddy, this is awesome!" Bond smiled.

We stopped at the gate and paid the tuk tuk driver. Two of the guards came up to us and opened the door and invited us to the main entrance of the manor. The door opened and a fresh breeze greeted us. However, I felt that Bond's face was sweating. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and took him along to the manor, where we encountered the uncle. He gestured his guards to take us away as he smiled at us. Bond was right about him. He was scary.

"Children, you can head upstairs and play with other kids." Bond's mom said with in fake voice tone.

The guards carried us away and the last thing I saw was Bond's parents heading to the living room and sitting down with for a chat with uncle.

We both were taken to the first floor, where we were asked to enter a room at the corner. The guards opened the door and kids welcomed us but the room itself was nowhere close to welcoming. The whole room was covered with blinds and the kids seemed unhappy overall. The wool carpets were dusty and there were no good toys, only wooden ones. We sat down on the floor and I decided to talk with the kids.

"Hello everyone, I am Pin and this is my friend Bond." I tried to make the mood lively.

"Our parents left us."

"They said they don't want us."

"Maybe your parents will also leave you here."

Were the things I heard instead.

I couldn't believe at what they said and wanted to see whether it's true or not. Bond decided not to do anything. I walked out of the room and headed near the stairs, where I heard the adults speak.

"You promised a million baht to us sir." It was perhaps Bond's mom. "You can't go less than that.

"Alright, I'll give 1 million for the bigger one but for the shorter one, I'll only give 90 grand."

"No, this can't be it. You have no idea under what circumstances we brought them over. We can cancel the deal and head back."

"Alright, I'll give 2 millions, happy?" I heard uncle's voice.

Right after that, I heard Bond's mom cry out loud. She fell onto the knees of uncle and said something like, "please don't hurt him." After which, Bond's father picked her up and they both started kissing. Uncle watched them with pleasure.

I didn't like seeing those kind of things and headed back to the room, where all the conversation began to replay in my head. My thoughts had become wary and I had lost the control over my mind. It was all clouded with uncertainties. My vision became blurry and everything became black.


After this, the only thing I remembered was after we reached the place, where our lives ruined.