59. Recollecting Remorse Part 1

Author POV:

"And that's how it happened." Pin slumped on Bond's shoulder and broke down into tears. "I don't want to be here anymore."

"We'll leave this place soon." Bond embraced him in his arms and caressed his trembling body. He shot a glance at Spence and felt anger rise in his eyes.

"I will kill that idiot!" He suddenly shot up.

"It's not Haruko's fault. He didn't do anything. In fact, he kept on apologizing to me." Pin tried to balance the situation on the tip of a small needle.

It was needless to say, but Spence seemed like he was ready to rip through the school officials and setting everyone free. However, such a thing was even more fictional than a fairy tale. It was simply impossible at that point.

"I feel scared here." Pin muttered as he dug his head into Bond's firm chest.

Indeed, it would be a scary thing to survive through a school where every test was a death battle. They weren't sure whether a training center existed or it simply would be a graveyard where countless bodies were disposed off.

"I am going to teach them a lesson!" Spence sprang up and rolled up his sleeves. He charged towards the door and tried to open it, but there was no avail.

"What's wrong?" Bond asked as he saw Spence struggle with the door.

"It's locked."

"Try opening it, it may need some force." Bond laid Pin's head on the bed and walked towards him.

"No dude. It's not opening." Spence had literally used up all his energy to try opening the door.

"Are we locked then?" Bond began to show concern on his face.


"What about the secret room? Do we have access to it?" Bond questioned.

"As far as I know, it opens up in the adjacent room's bathroom. So we will end up in Victor and Mike's room."

"The Russian and American pair right?" Bond seemed genuinely worried now.

"Yeah. But since they accomplished their task, that room must be sealed."

They looked around in their bathroom and tried to search for another way. However, there was none. It seemed like they could see the exit but couldn't walk towards it. The feeling of helplessness was gradually consuming them from within and they had begun losing hope. Spence slumped down on the floor and held his face in his hands. Bond followed suit.

Suddenly Bond sprang up and exclaimed, "We can ask Bin and Feng Mian to help us right?"

"How would they know about this?"

"Neither of us knew. But, there were some clues that revealed the big picture. If we give them enough clues, they could find us."

"How do we do so?"

"Let's start with our side. We have this wardrobe here that can lead us to the exit." He said as he walked towards the wardrobe, which was mainly empty.

There was the same paper which revealed a wooden door, similar to the one they saw in Pin's room. Spence took out the key and unlocked the door, revealing the inner side of the second door. The door was made of metal and seemed quite strong.

"This wasn't there in the last one!" Spence looked surprised.

"That's because it was opened."

"Maybe true."

"Oh by the way, where did you get the key from?" Bond questioned him.

"Can we not get distracted?" Spence looked at the door and yelled, "Is anyone there?"

However, there was no reply.

Meanwhile in the other room, Binh and Feng Mian had lost their sleep and were trying their best to fend off their boredom.

"I am Binh, it's been quite long since we have been together but I still don't know your name." He said, glancing at him.

"I am Feng Mian. It's a pleasure to meet you too." Feng Mian seemed to gradually come out of his shell as a bright smile flashed across his face. "I think we should sleep now." He said as he fell back on the empty bed. Binh turned off the lamps and he too, nuzzled inside the comforter and tried to sleep. An unusual noise stopped him from doing so.

"Did you hear the noise just now?" He sprang up and turned on the lamps.

"What noise?" Feng Mian turned to face him.

"Shh... Listen carefully." He said as he placed a finger on his lips, signaling silence.

Feng Mian stopped talking and focused his ears on the sound. It was similar to a knock on the door, except that it wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"It's from the bathroom." He said as he covered himself with the duvet.

"Sam used to live here and he got kidnapped. This place could be haunted too."

"What nonsense. It must be a leaking pipe or something." Feng Mian chuckled nervously.

However, the noise seemed to grow louder.

"I don't want to be here!" Binh picked up his duvet cover and rushed out of the room. He knocked on Spence's door but there was no response. After a short while, Feng Mian also came out of the room.

"Maybe they are fast asleep." He said as he bit his finger nail.

"What do we do now?"

"I think it's better to find the source otherwise we won't be able to sleep anyway." Feng Mian said as he went back to the room.

"I'll follow you." Binh said.

They both mustered up their courage and swallowed a lump in their throats as they opened the bathroom door. The noise seemed to amplify but the worst thing was that they could feel presence of someone in the room. Binh hid behind Feng Mian's back and shouted, "I hear something from that place." He pointed towards the shower chamber.

They moved closer to the shower chamber and the noise began to grow. At one point, Binh could swear he heard someone cry from the walls.