58. Surfacing Secrets Part 7

"Pin!" Bond exclaimed as he rushed towards him.

Pin collapsed on the floor, this time even more lifeless than before.

"Oh my god, it's Pin!" Spence exclaimed as he ran towards him, grabbed his frail body in his arms. Bond stopped right above them. Pin's face looked extremely tired and his lips looked swollen. There were scars on his forehead and arms. Spence noticed ruby and violet colored marks around his neck. Deep down, they were hoping for something not to happen but the signs affirmed it.

"I want to die." Pin muttered in his low voice. He pushed Spence and got up, heading towards the window.

"Sit down right here!" Bond pulled him by the arm and forced him to sit down. "Now tell us what happened?"

"Can we go to the room?" Pin whispered with what remained in his vocal cords. They both supported him by the shoulder and took him to the room, where Binh and Feng Mian were wide awake. All the commotion was loud enough to wake them up.

"I am sorry Binh and Feng Mian, but can you go outside?" Pin looked at them with tears in his eyes.

Binh and Feng Mian were to flabbergasted to speak. It was the first time they were seeing the beacon of hope get duller by the second. Even so, they immediately got out of the room and closed it with a soft thud.

"Okay now tell us what happened?" Bond requested him.

Spence noticed a teardrop in his eye, ready to drip. He immediately placed his hand underneath the chin, as the drop landed on it. "These tears are extremely precious to us. Shed them when you feel the happiest, not in moments like these." He said in a low voice as he kept on staring at the sad brown eyes. "I think we should be asking Pin right now." Bond said as he picked up Spence's hand and placed them on a nearby pillow. "I don't know how to say this... But I didn't like it at all."

Pin's POV:

I was really tired due to the slight fever and decided to take a nap. I am really embarrassed to say this, but something began to happen in my nether regions at that time. There was a certain unnatural sensation and I wasn't aware of what was going on. I got inside my blanket and tried to fall asleep but the feeling only grew stronger.

'Maybe it is because of the task?' I tried to assure myself.

As I had finally began feeling sleepy and my eyelids were descending down, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and jolted upright. It was John, the person who helped me in completing my task.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as my body began to shiver.

"I'm here to take you." He began to come closer towards me.

I looked around the and noticed the sheer chaos. The wardrobe was wide opened and the clothes were all over the floor. Realization suddenly struck upon me. I had made sure to lock the door from inside when I entered. There was no way this person could enter from there. However, before I could question about anything, he had picked me up on his shoulder and took me to the SEC. I tried my best to fight back but it was all in vain. He took me to a room where everything was rose gold. The curtains, upholstery, canopy and even the carpets. That's when I saw Haruko come out of the bathroom, after taking a shower.

"What is he doing here?" Haruko questioned as his eyes widened in wonder.

"I was his task subject but he made me feel good on some other wordly levels." He said as he threw me on the floor, with my conditioning now detoriating.

"He isn't supposed to be dragged in here." Haruko was putting on a sweatshirt as the sweat made it cling to his lean body. The steam of the hot shower had condensed as droplets on his face as he stared at me with his amethyst eyes. He looked scary, but he seemed like an angel nonetheless.

"John baby, please let him go." He kept on staring at me as he went to crash his lips against the latter's.

"You have become quite slutty, darling." He smirked. I was getting furious. "I want flower boys like him." He looked at me and slid his fingers across his lips.

"John, you are taking things too far." Haruko began to raise his voice. John was a chauvinistic person. He immediately landed a slap on that kind person's face, pushing him on the ground and sitting upon his narrow waist. I had began to shiver again as the same pangs ran down my nether regions. It was getting hot in there and I didn't know what to do.

"Please...Ah... Brother, don't do... This." My words were interrupted by certain noises that would be deemed as inappropriate.

He dug into Haruko's delicate neck and began to suck it loudly. It was almost audible outside the room. I saw Haruko's eyes full of tears as he looked at me."What have you done to him?" Haruko grabbed John's collar and pulled him upwards, glaring at him in anger. "I just gave the starter babe, it's you who gave him the stimulant." He said as he unbuttoned his pants and dragged them along Haruko's thigh, along with his towel.

"P'... I want it, give me some too." My tongue, my feet, my eyes... Everything was against me. I had become a horny barstard. I walked towards them and bent down to look at John rub his semi hard member against Haruko's thigh, as it tightened.

"You want it too?" He asked me. For a minute, I had returned back to my senses and said, "No, I don't wan--" Before I could finish saying my sentence, I was underneath him, with his upper body touching my torso. He violently pulled my t-shirt up and began suckling on my nipples, as if he owned them. Due to the medicine, they had become sensitive to touch which led to certain noises escape my mouth.

"I am sorry Pin." Haruko said as he looked at me with guilt. "I wasn't aware he tampered with the medicine."

Before I could see his face again, John had buried his face deep between our necks, sucking and kissing them alternately. I was totally disgusted by every drop of saliva that tainted my body. "Ok time for main job now." He said as he pulled down my shorts, revealing my hard member. "I see that you like it." He said as he cupped his hands around it and began moving it up and down, causing me to whimper in pain. "Stop it right now!" I yelled loudly.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry." Haruko muttered as John bent down to take his member in his sultry mouth, squeezing his organs simultaneously. I was petrified at that sight.

Looking at the ceiling, I could only wish for one thing, an untimely death. Suddenly, I felt something tickle near my posterior and I noticed I was John's fingers inside my crack, as he proceeded to put them inside my backside violently. I was shattered. The excruciating pain that came along with his member entering my backside was worse than what Nanathon had done to me. He raised my legs upwards and placed it on his back, as his member kept on pushing in and pulling out, tearing my skin everytime he did that. With his member inside me and Haruko's member inside his mouth, he satisfied all his lustful desires at once.

Not only that, he had made us both lie down on our stomachs and stood on us as he rubbed his feet and kicked us. He was completely psychotic. After he had satiated his lust, he threw me out and locked the door on my face as I heard Haruko wail inside the room.