62. Recollecting Remorse Part 4

Feng Mian's POV:

"What happened?" My father rushed to me, grabbing me in his delicate embrace.

"Papa... Look at the baby. He looks scary." I was frightened.

He bent down to the crib and his expressions said it all. His eyes had widened and a drop of sweat was dripping down his temple. The baby he was staring at didn't seem like an ordinary one. It didn't have black hair like either of us. It was rather white, from head to toe. Except his eyes. They were scarlet red.

"What were you doing around you characterless woman?" He looked at my mom and yelled at her. She was mortified after hearing that.

"It's our child, darling." She said in her ever so soft voice. "He suffers from albinism."

However, the whole idea of 'different' baby didn't seem to please him. His mind was stuck on the fact that my mother was a characterless woman and the child wasn't his'. It was simply too surreal to believe.

"Papa wait! Why did you choose him then?" I wailed loudly as I tried to run behind my father.

"Go ask your real father, maybe you too aren't my son." He turned his back and left.

Those words were incomprehensible by a six year old kid like me. But one thing I knew was the fact that my father had left me, and he would never return. I was blessed by his warm, loving embrace a minute ago but all that remained was the cold biting chill that ran across my body. I had lost my father that day.

"What happened child?" A nurse walked towards me. She was a beautiful woman who seemed very kind. "Let me take you to your mother."

She took me to mother and I felt on her feet, crying out heart. I wasn't sure about what abandonment was but I was sure that being left behind came with a feeling that could wrench one's heart.

"Mama, Papa left us. He told he will never come back."

My mother just started at me with her loving eyes. "Papa will come back dear. He has gone to get toys for your brother."

"But papa said he won't come back, ever."

I noticed a small tear drop in the corner of her eye.

I climbed upon her waist and she whimpered a little. Seeing that, I got up and wiped her tear, which was followed by countless of them falling out.

"He'll come back." She grabbed me im her embrace and pressed me tightly to her chest.

"He will come back."

It had been a week since father had left us and mother was recovering gradually, little at a time. However, since that day, she hadn't looked at the baby. It was always me, who would pick him up and caress him to sleep as his cries filled the air.

"I'll name you as Feng Yun." I whispered into its little pink ears that peaked out of the cap.

Suddenly, someone barged into the room. "Ma'am, please leave this hospital room as we need to accommodate patients." It was the same kind nurse.

"But doctor, I have been asked to rest for another week."

"Your husband hasn't paid the remaining bill, so you have to leave."

That day, I had learnt what kindness seems like is actually people's one subconscious moulding itself according to the situation for its own good. There was no use fighting a corporate hound. They simply don't have a heart that feels. My mom picked up our belongings and packed it hurriedly as I picked up Feng Yun and dressed him in small baby clothes that father had bought for him.

"Mama, wait for us!" I rushed to catch up behind my wailing mother.

We reached home at around eight o'clock. My mom was already done with the society. Countless ladies had walked on our doorstep just to mock us. Why can't people mind their own messed up lives?

"Seems like your husband left you." The lady who herself called strangers to her house at night said so.

"Whom were you messing around with? That person must be ugly."

The crowd erupted with laughter.

"Oh my god, this kid looks like a witch." One of them pointed to Feng Yun's eyes.

"He's unlucky for us!" Another lady yelled.

My mom seemed exhausted on the outside but I could feel her inner self shattering into a million pieces. With each word they spoke, the atmosphere became even more bitter. At last, my mom had no choice but to gulp down the venomous words. The ladies walked away when they realized it wasn't affecting my mother anymore.

"Mama, I want Papa to come back." I said as I broke down into tears.

She carried me and Feng Yun to the living room, which seemed empty now that it had lost father's presence. The smell of his certificates was missing from the room and the sight of those glittery trophies was gone too. Mother headed straight to the kitchen and cooked us some porridge, after which she slumped on the table to take a rest at last.

At that time, the doorbell rang.