77. Horrifying Hazards Part 6

Bond took Spence's hand and glared into his eyes, with passionate pure love rising from the depths of his eyes.

"Not the wrist, Bond." Spence said as he felt uneasy.

However, Bond clenched them even tighter. "Your eyes have trapped me already, as the chains of your heart are not letting me free. Yet you flinch at me grabbing your wrist?"

Spence blushed but his expression of uneasiness didn't change. He had no choice but push Bond's hand away, before it could force the volcano of his mind to erupt. He looked into his eyes as guilt overtook him, eventually leading to him hanging his head low.

"I am sorry." He muttered softly.

Bond lifted his head with the delicate tip of his finger and looked into his eyes, which were now drooping low. "Tell me what made you so uncomfortable, who is it that makes you uneasy?"

"It's no one." Spence said as he turned his head away. However, Bond pulled him back, with his heavy heart pounding against his chest.

"Tell me." Bond's command echoed across the room.

Spence couldn't help but succumb to the order.

He sat on the edge of the bed, as his nervous feet dangled freely. Looking up to the ceiling, he could feel the sense of emptiness he felt that day. The day his childhood shattered right before his own eyes.

Spence's POV:

It was a ghastly night in the Indian state of Goa. I used to live with my mother, who had become a widow a year after marriage. She used to work as a janitor in different schools to make sure I would never sleep hungry at night. Due to which, I had joined school late. I was in second grade when I was supposed to be in fourth.

It seemed just like any other day, when she was cooking food in the kitchen.

"Mamma, what are you cooking?"

"Just some rice pancakes." She said as she proceeded to wipe her head with the drape. The crevices of the premature wrinkles glowed in the warm light.

I looked at her and smiled softly, to assure her I am fine.

At that time, there was a loud knock on the door. I rushed to the flimsy door and opened it, as three people stood outside.

"Who is it, Spence?" My mother asked from the kitchen.

"It's three people, mamma." I shouted back.

Suddenly, I felt the strength of footsteps increase as I saw her run towards the door. She fell on her knees and grabbed the knees of the person who seemed like the boss. He pulled my mother's hair and lifted her head, which forced me to react.

"Stop it right now!" I yelled as I pushed them using the remaining amount of my strength.

Which essentially wasn't a good idea.

They all ganged up on me as they pushed my mother aside, as if she was a dead stray dog. I wanted to hit them but my body was no match for theirs. They seemed like older teens and I hadn't even begun my teenage.

"Pick him up right now!" One them yelled, spraying his red spit on me.

The other two lackeys obliged to his order and one of them picked me up on his shoulder, as the other one stuffed my mouth with a piece of cloth. I couldn't speak for sure, but I felt choked too.

"Leave my son!" My mom ran towards them but they pushed her on the staircase, causing her to hit herself on the head and pass out.

Tears filled my eyes but I couldn't cry.

"Put him in the car!" They said excitedly as if they had achieved a prized possession.

They drove above a hill which led up to a small cottage in the middle of nowhere. It's pillars rested on the creaking rocks that could fall any moment. The car stopped in front of the veranda and the group got out, dragging me along. I was too petrified to say anything.

They walked to the cottage and stood outside, as I saw the door open by itself. I was shocked at first, but then I noticed the butler on the left of the door.

"Wash him up." The boss commanded his lackeys, as he pointed at me.

The lackeys picked me off the ground and took me to the bathroom. They strip me threw me into a bathtub, which was filled with cold water. It sent electric sparks down my spine, as I felt the lackeys' hands drag along my body with the soap, eventually reaching my nether regions.

"St... Op... It." My screams were muffled.

They pushed me down and tied my hands with the thin towels, as I scrambled around to save myself. The tub toppled over and I dragged myself on my side, eventually crawling to the end of the room.

However, fate had never planned to be by my side. It was the boss, and I was right on his feet.