76. Horrifying Hazards Part 5

Spence could feel something digging the back of his head but couldn't understand what it was. In front of his eyes stood his best friend who had gone missing since two months. Most importantly, he returned alive. Spence should have been happy because of this but something stopped him from doing so. He turned his head ever so slightly, noticing the familiar figure stare back at him.

"What is he doing here?" He asked as he turned his head away.

"Who is it, Spence?" Sam questioned.

"It's Bond." He said, pointing at the window. "He must have remembered everything."

Bond glared at Spence with a fixated gaze, the gaze that could rip apart people's hearts. Especially those who were guilty about something. The piercing blue eyes had something electric about him that his brown eyes didn't. His face was intimidating enough but as the light shone on it, he looked nothing less than an angelic demon.

"I can deal with him if you want." Sam charged towards the exit but Spence caught his feet. "Dude, what's wrong with you?"

Spence raised his messed up face and said, "It's nothing, leave it." There was despair in his voice.

"I'll meet you sometime later." Sam released his feet from Spence's clasp, eventually walking to a room and locking the door.

"Your meeting time is over, come down quick!" Haruko suddenly spoke up.

"What? So quick?" Spence asked in bewilderment.

"Come down or I'll move the stairs." Haruko said as he proceeded towards the ladder.

"Alright, alright I'll come down." Spence rushed down the ladder, almost falling down.

At that time, he saw Bond walk towards the courtyard stairs. He proceeded ever so slightly, like a tiger who was examining its prey out in the wild. Keeping his gaze fixated upon the courtyard, he crept down the stairs, one step at a time. With each step he took, Spence's heartbeat grew faster. At a point, he could feel his heart rise up his throat.

As soon as he saw Spence, he rushed towards him. Spence could feel the punch would land any moment. However, Bond ran past him and went to hug Pin, who was standing near a pillar.

"Thank God." He muttered as he heaved a sigh of relief. For some reason, his cheeks were blushing pink.

'What the heck is wrong with me?' He asked to himself as he ripped off a bunch of his hair.

"Oh hey Spence, I wonder what you are doing here?" Bond politely asked. He noticed his unusually messy face.

"I was here to meet..." He looked at Haruko, who signaled him something. "... Someone... Yes I was here to meet someone."

"Who?" Bond raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Just someone." Spence said as he turned and walked to the stairs.

Bond grabbed Pin's hand and tried to take him along but Pin pushed his hand away, walking towards Haruko and leaning on him. Bond's eyes widened in surprise.

"What is wrong with you Pin?" Bond asked him.

"Who are you?" Pin asked as he looked at him in disgust.

"You don't remember me?" Bond asked as he glanced at Haruko.

Haruko simply shrugged.

"I will go crazy if I stay here for long!" Bond exclaimed but took deep breaths to calm down. "Take a small rest and come back to the room," He said, patting Pin's head.

Bond climbed upstairs with a quick stride and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the dorm corridor. He walked to Spence's room and unlocked it with his key, only to see something unexpected.

It was Spence, half naked. The only thing hiding his pride was the small woolen towel around his waist. Bond walked towards him with his gaze now becoming sultry.

"Bond, what are you doing?" Spence's voice tone dropped as he felt Bond's hand grab his waist.

"You are beautiful, do you know that?" He took the stray strands of hair and pushed it behind his ears.

Spence moved closer to Bond's ears and whispered softly, "I have heard you say that a million times at least."

"Where?" Bond asked as his cheeks flushed pink.

Spence moved even closer and held the sweaty face delicately in his hands. The towel was brushing against Bond's skin as he tried to maintain safe distance. The puzzled look in his eyes made him look vulnerable to Spence's action. He could succumb any moment. The beautiful blue eyes, his fair chiseled face, the voluminous blond hair, everything added up to his appeal, making him seem like a sweet cinnamon roll with sugar icing, ready to be devoured any moment.

"You have said it in your sleep,multiple times." Spence chuckled softly. The hot breath touched Bond's skin, causing an electric charge to run through his body.

"It's not wrong to say that alcohol and sleep both surface out truths hidden in the deeper abyss of the heart." Bond said with an authoritarian tone of voice, now gaining confidence.

"Just a heads up, but you aren't leaving anytime soon." Spence pushed Bond, causing him to fall back on the bed.