75. Horrifying Hazards Part 4

"Spence, what happened to you?" Bond asked as he noticed him.

"Nothing, just hug me."

"Just that? Oh come on." Bond wrapped his arms around the disturbed human, calming him down with the lovely gesture.

Spence grabbed Bond's waist as he squeezed it tightly. He could almost feel the slight touch of Bond's delicate ribs on his arms. Moving upwards, he slid his fingers to the next as he clasped it in his grip. Bond let out a loud chuckle.

"Don't be so restless, we have lots of time in the future."

Spence instantly drew his hand back.

"I wasn't aiming for anything like that," He said as his cheeks flushed red.

Bond tried his best to get up as he felt life rush to his spine and the injured head. He rubbed his hand across the surface and stopped when he located a bump.

"Ahh... It hurts!" He whimpered in pain.

Spence immediately took charge and sprang right up, hurting his back in the process.

"Oh... I am dead." Spence said as he sighed.

Bond stared at him for a minute or so before laughing out loud. Spence followed.

"It's been days since I laughed like this." Bond choked as his laughter turned into wheezing.

At that time, Spence's phone screen flashed again.

"Come to the courtyard right now. There's something urgent for you."

"What is it now?" Bond asked as he hovered over Spence's phone.

"Nothing, I'll just come back in no time." Spence said as he switched off his phone.

He got up the bed and struggled to move across the room, as Bond stared at him. The injury had caused his leg to be affected and he had developed a noticeable limp.

"Spence!" He yelled out. "Take care of yourself."

However, Spence seemed to have not noticed what Bond said. He was having his own issues to deal with. Walking out of the room itself seemed like a herculean task now that he had an injured leg. All this only signaled to something worse waiting for him.

'I'll kill Haruko this time.' He said to himself as he descended down the stairs. It took him fifteen minutes just to get down.

"Oh Spence, you are here!" Haruko rushed towards him with open arms.

"Tell me what you need. I want to get done with this soon."

"Why are you being so harsh?" Haruko pouted his pink lips.

"It's because you had been quite kind to put murderer charges on me."

Haruko bent into his ears and whispered,"It's not like anyone remembers it right?"

"How do you know?"

Haruko simply shrugged. "Also, I want you to meet someone."

He grabbed Spence by the arm and dragged him across the courtyard, gesturing him to look upwards.

What he saw next was appalling.

It was a person standing in the balcony, the same person who had been surviving on fluids and pipes just a day ago. He had the same flowy black hair that had outgrown a little and the same brown eyes that manifested life in its full glory.

"I can't believe it!" He said as he looked back at Haruko.

"We thought it'd be a little too harsh on you. So here's your reward."

"You aren't kidding me... Right?" His voice began to choke.

"Climb the stairs beside the window." He said, pointing to a ladder.

Spence immediately got onto climbing the stairs and eventually reaching the top. He could hear Sam cheer for him. A voice that he was dying to hear to. Even so, it didn't feel strange to see him again, although it had been months.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it!" He said as he rushed forward to hug Sam. "I missed you." He said as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Sam could feel the weight grow upon his shoulders as he felt Spence losing his grip. Spence slipped down as he collapsed on the floor, breaking down into tears.

"Are you fine?" Sam asked as he placed a caring hand on Spence's shoulder.

"Yeah... I'm just..." He buried his head into the floor.

"Get up at once you son of a female dog!" Sam exclaimed.

For some reason, he could feel the difference in the atmosphere. Spence was still on the ground, but this time he was laughing beneath, trying to hold back his overwhelmed emotions and excitement.

"Oh God, I don't know what to do." He said as he lifted his head and wiped the tears.

"I still can't believe it!" He said as a second set of tears streamed down his cheeks. "Why am I crying?" He asked to himself as he landed a slap on his cheeks.

"It's fine." Sam said as he sat down to face him.

Spence couldn't believe his eyes. It was nothing less than a miracle. Even so, there was something very different about him. He didn't seem like his old self at all.

'Maybe it's just my thoughts.' He muttered to himself.