96. Blossoming Ballads Part 6

"Would you like to have some food?" Bond shot a question right away.

"Um... Yeah, sure." Spence whispered in a soft, high voice, unsure of himself. The effect of the kiss earlier hadn't died down. His heart was still pounding against his chest walls and he couldn't even look at Bond in the eyes, let alone talk to him.

Bond collected the small glass pieces bare handed and disposed them off in the dustbin next to the side table. Dusting off any remaining pieces off his shirt and trousers, he got up and headed to the door.

"I'll see you in the canteen." He said as he walked out of the room and shut the door softly behind himself. Spence followed suit. They walked out of the dorm and headed to the canteen of the main school.

Stepping into the semi-familiar room, memories came rushing to his conscious about their first day in the Bright Leaders Academy. Perhaps, the best one so far. He clearly remembered the day. The day their lives took a turn for the worst.

"Spence! Come here!" Bond exclaimed from across the room, which startled Spence.

"I am coming there, wait." Spence muttered in a monotonous tone of voice, as he walked towards him.

The tables, like always were filled with food that could feed thousands of people. It was an array of various dishes from around the globe. Each country had a table dedicated for themselves and delicious food lay there, waiting to be devoured. Bond picked a bowl of Tom Yum Soup, a sour and spicy Thai soup, with Pad-thai, a spicy noodle dish with seafood and eggs. Spence picked up a plate of chicken vindaloo and rice, which was a vinegar infused spicy curry, his favorite dish.

"Let's sit there." Bond pointed to a place. Spence simply nodded.

They both sat down across each other on a rectangular table in the corner of the room, which had an uncanny warmth and coziness. Spence looked around and noticed something, that caused tears to brim in his eyes.

Bond immediately rushed to his side, and asked, "what... happened, Spence?" His voice choked in an attempt to slurp down the noodles hastily.

"It's that place."

"Which place Spence?" Bond's worry seemed to grow.

"That place," Spence said, pointing his finger at a table in the middle of the room. "It's the place where we had our last meal. Me and Sam!" He shrieked before slumping down his head on the table. Bond could hear his screams become louder, as he tried his best to hold them back.

Bond rubbed Spence's trembling back lovingly and bent close to his neck. "Sam was just a friend who tried his best to keep you away from all this. He doesn't hate you." He whispered softly, in a deep voice.

"Who said I am crying because of Sam? It was also the first day we met each other."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, but I feel something wrong will happen. I get this hunch everytime something was going to happen. First my mom. The person who fostered me. Sam's mother. Everytime I feel attached to someone, they lose themselves. I only get to see soulless living creatures. This time, the feeling is for you. I hope it's just a delusional thought. Because if it is true in any way, I will have no strength to fight back. I will rather break from within."

Bond couldn't see Spence suffer anymore and he embraced him in a warm back hug, resting his head on Spence's lean shoulders.

"I can even fight fate for you. You are the only person who has given me the strength to do that." Bond muttered close to his ears, as he proceeded to place a small peck on his now pink cheeks.

At that time, someone entered the canteen.

Bond pulled himself out of the hug and turned back, only to see a person standing behind him. He had a small, petite figure but his body was well built. The dark brown eyes gave authoritarian touch to his otherwise small personality. His hair was gelled and pulled back, making him seem like a strict instructor.

"Long time no see, Bond." He said, flashing a bright smile. Bond smiled back, as Spence got up to greet up.

"I am Michael and I am the head of teaching faculty here. We had been suspicious of the activity happening in the special dorms and I wanted to know more about it. If there is any thing wrong happening there, I can help you."

Spence looked at Bond, waiting for an approval. He couldn't comprehend anything at that point and needed assistance. Bond willingly nodded.

"Sir, the academy is trash. We were left hungry for days, with no food or water. People died. Some were brutally murdered, others may have committed suicide. Our phones were taken away and no communication was allowed. We are subjected to torture on a daily basis and no one is concerned about the students. This system needs to go."

"Are you sure that happens here? We are known as the best in terms of student welfare. Even so, I'll make sure to know more about this." His face was scrunched into a judgemental frown.

At that time, Spence grabbed the man's hand and looked into his eyes with tears in his'. "Believe us. We are not lying." He muttered.

"This is not a place to talk. Meet me at the place at sharp midnight."