97. Blossoming Ballads Part 7

After saying which, he simply left them. Alone.

"He just walked out on us, didn't he?" Spence asked with a spoonful of food in his mouth.

"Chew your food properly," Bond seemed concerned. "And yes, we will meet him at 12 as promised."

"Alright." Spence muttered, shoving the last bite in his mouth.


It was almost midnight, 11.45 pm to be exact. The moon was extravagantly bright that day and it's light filtered through the filtered blue glass of the building. The scenery was both mysterious and mesmerizing at the same time. Both the boys were prepared with required tools and some proofs that they had managed to find. Stepping out of the room, they both looked at each other and sighed heavily.

"I can't wait to get out of here, but I don't have a good feeling about this."

"It will be alright, trust me. I knew him even before I came here. He is my guardian's friend."

"We'll see what happens. I have kept something that could help us if anything goes wrong," Spence said, taking out something from his pocket. It looked like a USB at the first sight, but when he opened the cap off the top, Bond was nothing short of flabbergasted. It's blade shone in the moonlight as the rays brushed past the sharp edge.

"Tada!" He said, holding the weapon up against Bond's eye level.

Bond's deep brown eyes now showed a shallow fear, as he swallowed a lump down his throat. "Where did you find it from?" He asked.

"I found it in the corridor this evening. It looked suspicious so I picked it up. Didn't expect it to be this cool!" He exclaimed, as his black eyes examined the object.

"I think we should go now." Bond said, glancing at his watch.

"I want to try something with you." Spence suddenly spoke up.

"Right now? What is it?"

"I want to hold your arms while walking. Who knows? Whether either of us may walk out of here alive or not."

Bond was taken aback by his statement and his eyes grew wide. Even so, he gave out his firm arm, without muttering a single word. Spence grabbed the mass and leaned closer, with his lips tightly shut. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Perhaps, it was such a time. Bond's loving brown eyes and Spence's black ones seemed to be tightly interwoven by the force of admiration, as both couldn't take their eyes off the other till the time they reached near the backyard of the building.

"Spence, I think we should separate now." Bond said, gently pulling his arms towards himself.

"Okay." Spence sounded happy but dissatisfied.

Both of them walked near the venue where the man invited them to, right under the oak tree standing tall in the farthest corner of the place. Spence looked around the place and noticed something unusual.

"Why are there no cameras here?" He asked to Bond, who seemed to be as clueless.

"Maybe they don't need to guard the place? There's just an oak tree here and no one would bother to take care of it."

"You both are wrong." They heard a familiar voice coming from behind. They turned back to see who it was.

"Mr. Michael!" Bond exclaimed and walked towards him.

"That tree was planted on top of the grave of the founder of this school." He muttered. "It doesn't have any cameras around because no one comes here. Rather, they are coaxed not to, due to the ongoing rumors about paranormal sightings. Hence, this place is called the blind spot, where nothing is monitored."

"May we have the solution to the problem?" Bond straight up threw a question.

"I like your attitude. You are straight forward." He muttered in a low, eerie voice. A chill ran down Spence's spine.

"I want you to send a message to the person that I have mentioned here." He said, handing a small piece of paper. Bond took it from his hand. "The key is in this phone and make sure not to lose it."

"But sir, what message is to be sent?" Spence asked, taking the phone in his hand.

"Tell them everything about the Bright Leaders Academy. Everything down to the last detail. I want them to know what kind of institution they are funding and they should stop doing so from now on. Send them the proofs or any evidences you have collected, the phone has the details."

"Just that is to be done?" Bond asked, confused. "Would that be enough? This institution seems to be very powerful. I don't think we can defeat them so easily."

"I'm liking you more and more. You are quite observant, I must say. By sending the message in the given code, your email will be registered in the priority list and will be read soon. An investigation will begin and they will come for a site visit. I'll take care of it once they come here.

"Thanks a lot, sir. But may I ask, why are you helping us?"

Right at that moment, Spence felt a sharp blow on his head, as he could sense his eyelids dropping down unconsciously. Before he knew, his body was tripping and he collapsed on the floor, with his eyes now facing the sky. He turned around to look at Bond, but everything around him suddenly turned back.

The last thing he knew, was seeing the man's expressionless face staring at him.