Where they came from?

Delicate with his tone, with no aim whatsoever to start a fight, fragile with his wordplay as if talking to a newborn. King Michael asked the first question after they've settled down in the Castle Dining room. "Sir Kutuk, you claim yourself and your Army as Goblin Demons. How exactly did you get here? You know this is a big title to claim, right?"

Confused, as if the sea salted fish hypnotized the Leader, he clumsily answered. "How we got near your place? We Walked."

Seeing the misunderstanding, and getting a little doubt that these Goblins have actual Demon origin, King Michael modified his question. "I figured that out, but my point is there isn't really a Demonic Branch that started on this planet. Did you get here through a Portal?"

Punching the table, making the fried fish fly 7 feet and drop in his mouth, swallowing it completely without even chewing, Kutuk got satisfied enough to answer. "Oh... yes. My ancestors did, in fact my Father did but he passed 30 years ago."