Proven Worthy.

As the King along with the Goblin Demon Leader were discussing what happened and when it happened, yet another Guard burst through the Dining Room Door and alarmed. "Sire, Demons! Over 200!"

Hearing, understanding and fed for battle. Kutuk grabbed his bag of gold, piled up at exactly 500 Coins now. Throwing the bag over his shoulder, he ran across the table knocking a couple of goblets over and reached the Door.

Looking at the two men behind him who have been left in shock, he forced an encouragement. "It's time for battle! Come!"

Spending a handful of seconds trying to comprehend what just happened, Eric and the King dashed after Kutuk following him out of the Castle.

Running across the Throne Room, not quite the time to fly off to battle yet since they are inside the two men were gifted with a moment to think.

Looking at the Goblin Demon far outrunning the King and Eric with his little Goblin feet, all Eric could think of. "Why do these Goblin Demons have pink skin?"